Chapter 28: The Consent

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"Here! Bunny! Bunny!" I chase down a rabbit with a carrot in my hand. All of a sudden, I hear a sound and my head spins. When birds have stopped circling my head, I realize I have barreled into the garage door. There's a dent the size of my head on the door. Some kids are craning their necks over the wall to watch the show. I wonder how Alice rolled down a rabbit hole.

I spot Sandy sprinting towards my back yard. He hardly has no manners at all to come here uninvited. What if he has seen the entire drama out here? Dang those kids! Making a scene out there. Anyways, let me act as if nothing has happened.

"Hi! Sandy," I grin.

"Hi, Ben! It seems a Benny is after a bunny and got himself hit?"

"It's a kinda stunt, buddy!" I clear my throat.

I, then, add, "What's up, Sandy? You are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, today? Did you smooo-ch, Tassy," I pucker my lips.

He smacks my mouth with something in hand. It's a letter.

"You are so naughty, bad boy!" He smiles as usual and narrates an incident like that in a flick. It seems he ran, chased, and beat a couple of badass. That too, for Tassy. I'm sitting with both hands on my face, and I can't bear the fact that he keeps on smiling shyly, when it comes to Tassy. What a jerk!

"So, this is the love letter from Romeo to Juliet? And, I'm the messenger scapegoat?"

"What?!" He recovers from his love reverie.

I point the letter in his hand.

"Ah! This is the intimation letter from the airport manager granting permission to call on him."

"What?!" I grab the letter from him. Opening the envelope, I read what is in it.

"When did you send a mail?"

"Day before yesterday."

I'm certainly taken aback. Because, not a person on earth would get a nod from those authorities within a short span of time. It takes eon years!

"Don't act like a monkey! It seems the airport is leasing plots of land for such initiatives. And, I have belled the cat at the right time."

"Speaking of cat, I have some serious business now," On hearing my mom and dad ranting about something, I'm all set to pass my time watching them fight.

Sandy has gone out through the fence gate. Taking steps towards the hall, I sit down on the couch.

"Brady! you are good-for-nothing! Won't you help me in my chores?"

"Lady! You are such a pain in the ass! I have shows to watch."
Vessels are clattering and my mom is grunting in the kitchen. She is doing the dishes.
She has call it a day today to do the chores.

Putting two and two together, you may conclude that the problem is with my dad. As a matter of fact, it's with both of them. Yesterday, my dad did all the chores. He is dog-tired, but he may show some politeness. My mom, on the other hand, should have hired a maid to do all the donkey work.

Why are you looking at me? I can't do such work. I have assignments to catch up on.

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