Chapter 31: The Game

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Since I'm wiry and a little lardy, I'm the official wardrobe of my soccer team. I bounce the ball back and forth after warm up. Today, New Orleans Alpha is clashing with Montgomery Legends. The team from Alabama arrives on time to our campus. Our locker rooms are brimming with head couches and... players, of course. We wear our orange and blue jerseys. The head coaches give group pep talks to their teams. The cheer leaders are in a fuss and touching-up their make-ups.

"Amigos! All set?" our Spanish coach asks us.

"Yes! Sir," we raise our voices.

After the state song of Alabama, ours start as:
"You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine....."

For a minute, the song has pulled us to the core of our hearts, and lifted our spirits to win a trophy for our college.

Our team takes the kickoff after we win the toss. Sandy, a defender shuffles his feet here and there as if to ward off bad spirits. I'm a winger and I dribble the ball towards a striker. And, that is Kevin. Many girls are cheering up for him from the bleachers, and Kevin glances up at them and gives a smug look at the opponents. In an attempt to strike the ball into the net, he makes a bicycle kick. To his dismay, he falls flat on ground while lifting himself off the ground.

All the spectators and even the other team players are laughing, and he is embarrassed. The coach makes a dang expression. Sandy sweeps the ball to a striker who hits the ball off the crossbar. Then, time comes when we make our maiden goal.

It's a heady game. Before half-time, we score 2 goals and the other team just makes one. When the time is out, we are leading the game. We scoop up our Gatorade bottles and chug it down.

Then when the break is over, we scramble to our feet and march towards the ground. Neither team scores and finally, we win the game. It was an eventful day. We again circle around the coach, and shout aloud our team name. We vow ourselves that we will win the next match too.

After cool down stretches, we pack our bags and get going. I meet Sandy on the way, and do a high-five.
"Hey, man! It's hell of a game." Sandy says.

"Yes! We would have lost it if at all Stark didn't volley the ball into the net."

"Yes! Ben," I hope he is tired too.

"Did you look at the face of the nitwit?"

"You mean Kevin?" He questions.

"Yes, man! He kinda thought himself as a hero and ended up as a zero scorer."

Sandy chuckles.

"I can't believe he outdid himself as a jerk today."

"Well, Sandy! See you tomorrow."

"See ya." he says and walks off.

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