Chapter 12: In Lecture Hall

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The sky is clear and some birds are chirping in the live oaks. I get in the streetcar at St Charles Avenue to go to my college.

I'm a Humanities sophomore in Thomas Liberal Arts College. I, like most of you, don't know where my destiny leads me to. I would like to apply for a curator internship next year. But in my hearts of hearts, I think I would make it big in something great.

Taking a flight of steps, I head to the second floor where my class is being held. When I enter the classroom, I see my English Professor Nick standing on the podium. He is a tall, blond man with glasses on his eyes. Students start to pour in and take their seats. After assuring everybody settles in, Professor Nick clears his throat and starts "Mercy is not strained; it droppth as the gentle rain from heaven"

He adds, "Does anyone recognize this quote?"

The class roars with the answer "From Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice'"

He walks along the length of the podium and says, "Absolutely right. Who won't know
such a thoughtful quote"

He asks "Does anyone think she can be a Portia one day?"

One guy from the front row says, "No, Sir. I can't because I'm a man", he shrugs.

Professor quips, "What if one day you wake up and know you are a woman?"

The guy replies, "But still I'm Jack."


"Do you think she is a witty lawyer in disguise?"

"Yes" everybody accepts.

"What if she isn't there for Antonio?"

"He would be losing a pound of flesh from his body," another guy in red plaid shirt replies.

"Of course, he would. I ask you to submit a paper on 'How would you stand your ground in case you were in a Portia sort of situation?'"

Good heavens! I never thought of that coming from him.

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