Chapter 46: To the Beach

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"What in God's name are you doing here?" I ask Katie who is standing lazily.

She ought to be coming with us for a volleyball game on the Coconut beach. It's a man-made beach and is the largest sand sports complex in the US.

"Are you nuts? All the court rentals are closed." She says looking at a display, when I follow her gaze.

"What do we do now, Sandy?" I ask Sandy who is linking his arms with Tassy.

"May be we just go to Gulfport from where we reach Biloxi beach?," he guesses.

"But, Pass Christian Beach is nearer for us new orleanians. To top it all, I've a friend owning a beach house there."

"Ok, lets go there," he says slidding into his car.

When we head on to the Lake Pontchartrain causeway, Tassy groans and is scared to death. It's quite daunting for me too!

I conjure up an image of a sandy beach with white waves lashing against the shoreline. What a peaceful sight! If only Katie gives me a momentary kiss, it would be a perfect getaway!

In my daydreaming, I try to embrace her and plant a kiss on her lips, when reality strikes. She is actually drooling over my shirt as she drifts off during our ride.

Sandy gives a pitiful look which is quite visible from the rear-view mirror. Tassy is giving a delightful company to him while my girlfriend is snoring. God! Don't you see this? The drive took nearly one hour and 15 minutes to reach the beach.

"Here we are," Sandy brings his car to a halt where an idyllic beach is visible. I jolt Katie to wake her up and she gives me a glaring look for disturbing her sleep.

"C'mon, babe! Have a look at the beach," I ask her to see the view.

"Wow! It's wonderful!" she signs.

We get down from the car and are mesmerized by the scenic beauty.

"Sandy, my friend's beach house is just a mile away. Can we go there?" I ask him.

"Yep, right away!" he says delightfully.

My friend, Alex's beach house is a two-storey building painted with vibrant colors. When we ring the doorbell, an old man answers the call.

"I'm Benny, Alex's friend. Is he home?" I ask.

He looks down at me like I'm a leprechaun. Perhaps, what I'm wearing is disdainful to him. I'm in sportswear wearing a jersey and shorts.

He shifts his attention to Sandy who wears decent dress. He wears a T-shirt coupled with a blazer and denim jeans.

"He has gone just two blocks away, and he'll be right back soon, Sir," he replies dutifully.

Then, we are asked to sit down on the couch of the living room, and the old man asks,

"Do you need anything, Sir?" to Sandy and not me, Alex's friend. What a snob!

"Yes, a glass of water, please," he says.

"You, ma'am," he eyes the two ladies.

"Nothing," they say in unison.

"I..." when I start to talk, the man leaves the room.

Tassy and Katie look around the hall, and seem to like the interior deco. Everything is in place and the white marble floor is smudge-free.

The outside is concealed from inside by thick white walls and hanging drapes on windows. It's a futuristic home, and everything in it seems to be automated.

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