Chapter 29: The Deal

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Throughout my drive towards the airport, Benny can't keep away from my bobbleheads. He keeps on poking Einstein on dashboard. That's a precious gift from Tassy. She has given that to me during our work schedule yesterday to adorn my dashboard with such decor.

It takes nearly a 12-mile haul to the airport. When we reach the place, we enjoy the pristine beauty of the shoreline of Lake Pontchartrain. The French-style façade of the airport terminal building was once a shooting destination for films like Green Lantern and Live and Let Die.

Also, Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly cross the Atlantic Ocean, has landed here and kept her aircraft in one of its hangars. The longest continuous bridge passing over water, Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, is just a 30-min drive from here.

I ask for the airport manager in the lobby. I have been asked to wait for a minute, and later we were escorted to an office room. There is a person sitting on his swivel chair. He lifts his head, and says,

"Yes, how may I help you?

"Sir, I'm Sander Morgan. I've sent you an e-mail regarding leasing land tracts for us....And," as I continue, he chimes in.

He shows us his hand to shake it.

"I'm Albert. I like your proposal. The building you are going to put up has all amenities. In fact, it is state-of-the-art. I've seen your drawings."

"Well, Sir. I'm glad you like it."

"But, we have to write in a letter to FAA for approval. If things go as planned, you can have your parcel of land."

"Thank you, Sir"

"Thank, Mr. Hoffman. He is a friend of mine."

I'm blinking.

"Mr. Hoffman owe it to your father in some money matters. He wants to thank him in return. So, he called me up yesterday and asked for my approval."

"Well, I'm lost for words. Please let me contact Mr. Hoffman."

"Of course,"

"It's Sandy."

Suddenly, Benny's phone rings with the tone 'make way for noddy' and I stomp his feet. He grits his teeth.

The airport manager again shakes his hand with me, and I leave from there with great satisfaction that I have the deal in my pocket.

When I get down to my car, I immediately ring up Mr. Hoffman.

"Hello," he says.

"Sir, I'm Sandy, the son of Morgan.... "

"Yes, Sandy. Did you get the deal approved? Mr. Albert is a friend of mine...." Before he can say anything, I break in.

"Well, Sir. I'm speechless. What you have done to me is something beyond words. It's been my dream to do such a visionary project like this. And, I owe you a ...."

He interrupts and say,

"It's ok, Sandy. In fact, I owe it to your father. Those were the days when I was cash-strapped to start a business of my own. Your father lent me his money to kickstart my business. So, I want his son to stand out in his own venture."

As soon as I get home, I hug my dad and he is caught off guard. Then, I tell everything about Mr. Albert and Hoffman who has backed me up in my attempt to get the land.

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