Chapter 34: Katie's Anger

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I can't believe Sandy has made it. Yikers! I have to make up with Katie for not taking her to the party. I'm pretty sure she won't lend me her ears to my lame excuses. My mom has made me to do all her household chores yesterday. She didn't care I had to go to a party that night.

I phone Katie. After two missed calls, she picks up.

"Hi, Katie,"

"You, obnoxious party-pooper! How dare you call me again?" She tries to cut the call.

"Katie, don't cut me. I was busy helping my friend Sandy in fixing up his rotten business plan," I have no guts to tell her the truth.

"Don't flatter yourself, you piece of shit! You were breaking your back mopping the floor for your mom yesterday. I called your home phone and your mom picked up the call. She has blurted everything out," She whines like a pig at the other end.

"Well.... h-hello," she hangs up.

When I'm fussing about the nagging issue at hand, Sandy appears out of nowhere. He sits beside me and pulls a long face with his one hand on his chin.

"What's up, woozy face! Did Katie dump you again?"

I turn my head and glare at him. His words 'Dump you again' still ringing in my ear. Katie and I have a on-again and off-again relationship. We tend to break-up and hook-up often. We reunite only due to fear that we would find a rebound later. We don't want to see each other hand-in-hand with a third person.

Sandy pats my knee to wake up from my thoughts of love rivalry.

"Buddy, you better stay away from Katie for sometime. She'll come back to you," he gives his my-daddy-sort-of-advice.

Hmm... Why won't you give me your piece of advice? In fact, traces of love potion in your blood is high now. Rather than a hangar project, you better start a love project, you freak! I feel like crying. Anyhow, I have to bottle up my feelings so that I won't tarnish my pride.

"Sandy! Your imagination is running wild. Katie hasn't dumped me. In fact, she kissed me with all her heart,"

"Oh! Ok, then. Here is the application form to get our loan. Fill in the details and call me up if you have any doubts."

"Well, Sandy! How did you get the form?"

"From online, dude."

"But, it has a section for employer information. How do we get the loan if we are studying?"

"I have to figure it out. Kevin gave me this card." I get the card. It shows some personnel name with his designation as a construction loan officer.

"When did you get this?"

"Kevin and I were chatting in cafeteria. I told him about my big dream. I have no idea how to get a loan. So, he gave me this. It seems Kevin knows him."

"Ok, Sandy! It's better not to waste a paperwork. First thing is first. We have to approach the officer immediately, and then we fill out the form."

"Ok. And, by the way, it's not a rotten business plan, you creep! We are in this together."

I can't face him. I make a face which disgusts him.

"Well, Ben. I better be get going."

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