Chapter 44: The Dinner

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I'm flummoxed by the sudden turn of events and rub my eyes. All the flour in the container have emptied on me, and I would most probably look like a spooky ghost.

Everybody is laughing at me and I smile wryly. They even laugh louder at my zany expression.

Mom comes to my rescue wiping off the flour with a napkin. It's glued to my skin and reluctant to get off me. So, I go upstairs to take a shower and change into normal jeans and T-shirt.

Meanwhile, things are put together for a delectable Thanksgiving meal. Ben keeps on taunting me with freaky expressions that resonate my eccentric outcome of flirting with Tassy.

"Outta my way, you freak! I have to get down," I frown.

"Boo! Boo!" he keeps on mocking me putting a towel on his head.

It's ten to seven. When I go downstairs, my mom, Tassy and Amanda are setting the table for our Thanksgiving evening. Dad is still chatting with Brad while his wife is teamed up with my mom. My eyes are glistening with ideas of yet another talk with Tassy. But then, it dawns on me that this is Thanksgiving day and I would rather not make it a Halloween. I stride towards the kitchen and then to hallway and sit beside my dad.

"Do you know Mr. Gary is planning for an exit plan in his logistics business?" Brad hints.

"Nope! I'm not aware of that! Why is he doing that?" My dad is curious.

"Mmm.... You may come across Jack traders that is one of their clients. They have sued Gary for incompatibility and asked for compensation," he gasps.

"Well, It's kinda word of mouth for the past week," my dad remembers.

"Yeah... You're right.... In fact, the furniture giant has ceased business with him and took on another service enterprise," he huffs.

"Yep! I've heard it's actually because of Gary's sloppy job," my dad informs.

The two gossipers have engaged themselves in business talks, and I've started to think of my own business. I'm an average joe who has planned to make it big in the business world.

There's no instance in history that may sound contradictory. In fact, many business tycoons who have exalted to greater heights had little socio-economic status. So, I'm confident and decisive in my endeavor.

As I'm engrossed in my own ideas about the future, my mom requests us to come to the dining table. We all get up and march towards the dining hall.

Ben, who is getting peevish with his peckish appetite, runs down the stairs and rushes to the kitchen first. We all laugh at his inglorious sprint towards the dining room.

When all are assembled in the dining hall and taken our seats, we begin to thank Almighty for what we have and our family and friends for their immense love and support. We also thank God for His blessings everyday of our lives.

Then, we take up our forks and knives to chop the juicy turkey and savor it with great delight. We eat sweet potato casserole topped with creamy roasted marshmallows. It is yummy! The dinner ended with our forks slicing in the pumpkin pie and devoring it.

Then, Brad gives a speech thanking us for the wonderful feast. We have a toast clinking our glasses for the merriment of our friends and family.

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