Chapter 36: Sandy's Surprise

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Amanda and I are shaking our booties to the music 'Can't stop the feeling'. We are a crazy fan of Justin Timberlake. We sometimes agree that his songs ooze a sense of jazzy pop culture to the world. We get into the groove of zumba once in every week. Last time, we set our floor on fire for 'mirrors' song. We sweat off doing all sorts of sexy moves and cry out in excitement.

Stopping the music, we flop down on the couch and wipe off our trailing sweat. We huff and puff for sometime. Then, gathering up my towel and night dress, I trudge towards the bathroom. I let the hot shower run over my body and soak myself in the warmth of it. Then, I smear a bath lotion and wash off the dirt on my body. I then wrap the towel around my body and head to the bedroom. Wearing my night dress, I step towards the kitchen.

It's Amanda's turn to take a shower and she goes into the bathroom. Meanwhile, I'm fixing something to eat for today. I'm out of all ideas to prepare a meal. Though Amanda has instructed me how to make baked beans, I don't have the stock in the cupboard. I let go of my fridge door in disappointment as there's no food either.

So, I decided to take a stroll down the street and get something to eat.

"Amanda! I'm going to Dency's to grab something for us," I shout lacing up my shoes.

"Ok, Tassy. Be safe." She yells back.

I take down a flight of steps and walk down the street. Suddenly, I hear a screeching sound of a tyre and turn around. Coming out of the car is Sandy and I'm wide eyed seeing him in such an unusual hour. He stretches out his hand for me to hold it. I do so and he says,

"Come on in, daisy."

Me! Daisy! I can't believe he has bewitched me into entering his car without a word. He smells like caramel that lingers in his car. I struggle to open my mouth.

"W-Well, Sandy. Why are you here at this time of the night?"

"Hmmm.... Wait and see." he is imperceivable.

He drives his car down a narrow lane that is familiar to me. That's where his house is! Well, why does he want me to be here now? I'm startled and out of words. When his car comes to a halt near his garage, he pushes the car door open and comes around to me.

"Will you?" he again passes me his hand for me to hold.

I'm dang out of my mind to ask for a valid reason what's the hell is going on here. When I enter the hallway, something bursts aloud and I close my eyes. Some shiny things fall on me. When I regain my senses, I know it's confetti. And it's everywhere.

There's a loud cry of "Surprise" and I see some people are gathered around the place. I recognize some faces and the remaining I don't. When my eyes lower, what I see is a mass of cake sitting on a table. I'm clueless. When I jog my mind what day it is, I know it's my birthday today. How remarkable! But, how freakish to forget one's own birthday. I think I'm engrossed in my work-study schedule to remember my own birthday.

I'm pushed to the fore where the cake is placed and Sandy asks me to blow the candles. I'm slapped with a shock and I hesitate to do so. Somehow, I blow the candles, and here it goes the birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you...." Everyone wishes me. I cut the cake and pass it to everyone.

Amanda jostles her way through the crowd and hugs me tightly.

"Happy birthday, Tassy." She says admirably and smear the frosting on my cheeks.

Happy tears well up in my eyes and Helen comes to my rescue and strokes my back gently.

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