Chapter 33: Amanda's Secret Call

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I press the elevator button, and make my way towards my room. I'm sick of Amanda's pranks. I don't know what she has in store for me today. And, I can't get the feeling out of my head that I just delved into. Can we be more than just friends? I ponder over it when I open the door.

"Boo!" Amanda jumps in from behind the door to scare me. But, I didn't budge. I stand still with my eyes on her.

"Aren't you tired of playing games with me?" I squint my eyes.

"Of course not, teddybear! And, you are hell of a liar."

"W-What! I'm a liar? What do you mean?"

"You are the one who is playing games with me. I saw you looking at Sandy with heart eyes. How could you act as if nothing happened?"

"Boo-Boo Monster! Stop bullshitting," I say curtly, but I smiling inside.

"I'm serious, Tassy! You are in love with him."

"No, of course, not. His is my friend." I melt inside with her mention of the word, 'love'.

LOVE.... I've never loved a person in my life, except my mom. As a kid, I vie for the attention of Mark, a drummer of boy's scout. He was tall and handsome. But, I had no greater feelings for a boy than I have for Sandy. The very mention of Sandy sends chills down my spine. I shudder at the thought of him. I fear he will hold a "special" place in my heart. Of course, he has it in me as a friend. But as a lover.. I .... Amanda butts in on my meandering thoughts.

"Well, a friend of a friend of mine! I already told him over my phone that you like him."

"Don't be kidding! You don't have his number."

"Well, I got it for you. From your phone."

"You troublesome child! How did you unlock my phone?" I reach up and tweak her ears.

Well, I sneak peeked the keys while you unlocked it last night."

"You are incorrigible," I go after her when she runs over to the bedroom. I catch her and ask,

"So, that's why he took me out for a dinner?"

"Yes, most probably."

"You, close-lipped sly," I gasp.

I take up my phone and call Sandy.

"Sandy, sorry for that. Amanda is a playful brat," I beg his pardon.

"What do you mean?" He is befuddled.

"I mean what she has blabbered about something to you last night is..." Sandy chimes in.

"She has to be crowned for making a revelation. Don't you like me, Tassy?"

"Well, I like you as my friend."

"I'm referring to the 'real' like me thing."

"Mmm... I have to sleep... Let me.." I try to cut off.

"Don't slip away, Tassy. I LOVE you."

I'm speechless.

"B-But, it's too early for us. We have to factor in many situations."

"So, you have made your decision to be 'we', instead of you?!"

"Stop being Amanda, Sandy. We have a future ahead....And..."

"And you are my future. Am I right?"

"Oh God!"

"Go ahead. Pray for us, Tassy." With that, he hangs up the phone.

"Did he mwah?" Amanda puckers.

"You silly witch," I throw a pillow over her.

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