Chapter 19: Sandy's Request

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Today, my ground classes start in the morning. I fondly get out of my car and head to the main building. Little dew drops are sitting on the grass and a bird is basking in the sun. I head to my locker and key in my combination.

I can hear a lot of footsteps, and I turn back sliding my books into my bag. Kevin is approaching me, and I can see a group of girls flanking him. He is a good-looking guy resembling Edward Cullen in Twilight. No wonder he has a drooling army following him.

"Hey, Kevin"

He lifts his head and smiles.

"Hey, buddy. What's up?"

"May I have a word with you?"

"Of course. But..." He checks the time in his watch.

"I get you. Classes are going to start. May be in the afternoon?"

"Yep. I'll be there in..." he drawls.

"In the cafeteria" I suggest.

"Okay, then. Let's hurry. Or else we will be sent back"

Professor Dickens was a research scholar in Aviation Safety Management systems.
He is an elderly man with a plump body and a slight hunch on his back. He wears oversized glasses and has a receding hairline. He speaks softly with a splendid intonation of a storyteller.

He begins as:

"Passengers board a vehicle anticipating fun ride from one place to another. If all is well, their ride turns out to be enjoyable. If not, they have to face issues. Mostly, the persons who operate the vehicle is not compliant. Not me, but the report says. If one travels by air, the probability of he/she facing a crash is 1 in 11 million."

He continues,

"Majority of plane crashes are due to pilot error. Any miscommunication with crew, making bad decisions, having fatigue and poor attitude are some of the reasons behind it. Crew Resource Management or CRM is a training for you to do away with such errors."

The lecture goes on for half-an-hour and the professor wind it up.

After a couple of classes, I step out of the classroom and walk towards the cafeteria.

Kevin was tapping his laptop keyboard and looking at its screen.

I join him by dragging a chair and sitting beside him. He is working on his assignment paper.

I can see an eye-catching diagram of how an airplane has to land during crosswinds.

"Hey, are you busy?"

"No, buddy. Just checking up my paper for any errors."

"What a sincere student!" I playfully mock at him.

"Don't kill me with a word like 'sincere', buddy. Professor Dickens will eat me alive when he spots an error."

"Okay, Kevin. I want to ask you about something." I say and continue.

"Well, you know I'm going to set up my a hangar very soon. How about you joining us in this endeavor?"

"Well, first of all, thank you for the offer. But, I think you are rushing into things. Slow down a little, buddy."

I blink.

He then adds, "You work way too much, man. Put hangar things off for sometime. Focus on what business you have at hand."

"You are right, Kevin. But, if we don't rush, things will get out of my hands. You know how hard is to get a nod from airport authorities. It'll take nearly two years. Then, comes another headache --- the prospect of getting a loan for such a project is always bleak. Also, we may have a direct competitor there."

"Whoops! Then you have to hurry up."

"So, are you an insider?"


I pat his back and smile at him."

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