Chapter 27: Tassy's Morning

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Tonight, I was scared to death looking at those culprits who appeared out of the blue. Hadn't it been for Sandy's help, they would have hustled all my money. There's a chance they would have abused me too. My head is aching slightly, and I need some sleep. Sandy has given me his mom's night dress, and I slip into it. He is always considerate about me, especially tonight. His care for me know no bounds. I hear a knock at the door.

When I open it, I see Sandy and he asks,

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" his tone is caring.

"No, Sandy. Thank you." I say and think of placing a kiss on his lips. But, no. I can't. I'm just a guest here.

He, then, nods at me and reluctantly moves away. He seems as though he likes to lull me to sleep.

I shut the door behind me, and go to bed. The next day, I get up late as it was a dramatic night yesterday. I glance over at the clock and it is already 10 past thirty. I'm shocked as hell as I realize it is not my apartment. I quickly take a shower and dress up and get down the stairs. There is something sizzling in the kitchen, and I immediately take in the sweet aroma of scrambled eggs and espresso.

My tummy grumbles and I search for Sandy around. He is helping his mom in cooking, and I reel in the beauty of mom-son bond. It causes me to think about my mom. My eyes sting with tears the moment I think of her. She is such a hardworker toiling day and night for my well-being.

When I enter the kitchen, both mom and son smile at me in unison.

"Hi, Sweetie," his mom greets me.

"Hi, aunty. May I help you with something?" I ask her, looking at the hot pan.

"No, Tassy. You just take a seat down the hall. I'll get you the breakfast."

"It's ok, aunty. I'm ready to go out to my apartment."

"Shush! You ain't going anywhere without tasting my food." she frowns.

Sandy looks toward me and asks, "Did you have a good night sleep?"

"Yes, Sandy," I reply.

"How is your mom, Tassy. Is she still working?" his mom asks curiously.

"Yes, aunty. But, not as a florist. She lost her business lately due to low demand. She has shifted her business to day-care."

"Oh! I see... How is you dad? Is he still drinking?"

" No, aunty... He is no more." I say impassively.

"I'm sorry, Tassy." She squeezes my hand in empathy.

Sandy's mom has stuffed my tummy with loads of food, and I think I would crash at any moment. It's been a long time having a proper meal in the morning. Most probably, I grab a sandwich and have a bite on-the-go. That too only a morsel.

When I'm all done, I get up and search for my bag that I brought down along with me. It's lying on the couch and I grab it.

"Are you ok to go?" Sandy asks me.

I drift towards his mom and hug and air kiss her. She does the same to me. Sandy and I are all set to go and we get in the car. The weather is as pleasant as my mood. I enjoy sightseeing like no other day and glance at Sandy at times.

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