Chapter 23: Seeking Assistance

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It's Monday morning.

I feel sticky today because the air is grossly humid. I am waiting for Sandy alongside a pathway. He is a tad excited about his time with his to-be girlfriend, Tassy. I wonder when they'll do kissy-wissy thing. No wonder the world ends when they do such a thing in reality.

Here comes Sandy with his red car. Why is he treating his car like his own girlfriend? With about 490 hp car, he should know how to bull it. It should bring a waft of smoke and dust whenever he is behind the wheel. What a wimp!

His car creaks to a stop and I got into it.

"Hey, Buddy. How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date, you knucklehead."

"Some guys told me you had a reaaall smoooching date" he sing-songs doing air quotes.

"C'mon, Ben. We went there just to watch a movie and we didn't do anything." He stifles a smile.

"Hey, Sandy...." I tickle his tummy and he laughs out loud.

"Ben... Stop it. You prick."

"I think you made her your girlfriend."

"No....not so soon, Ben.... I think she likes me....It's kinda like flying in the air when she smiles at me... The only thing is she doesn't have the nerve to show it."

"You should have your guts to say it, buddy"

"She saw her photo saved in my phone and smiled at me." he says shyly.

"Yay, Sandy..... it's oogly googly " I start to tickle his tummy again.

"Just cut it out, Ben....You are going crazy."

"Ok, then... Where are we going?"

"We are going to Spintech Design & Construction Firm uptown."

"Why are you so obsessed with aircraft and hangars, man?. But, I like the fact you put off this meeting for a day because of your girlfriend."

"Oh! I see." He says impassively.

"Oh god! I'm with a crackpot," I whine.

He drives towards a vast building with opera-style architecture. The façade is glassy and slanting that the clouds seem to pass through it. I wonder how I missed to see such a building in my city.

Sandy cut the engine inside a portico and a valet takes up the car to parking space.When we enter the building, a doorman wearing a suit opens up the door. He says, "Welcome to Spintech."

We smile at him and reach the lounge area. We ask for Mr. Hoffman, who is the VP of the company. It seems Sandy's dad knows him well. He tells me when we are waiting for him.A man wearing a white shirt and a black tuxedo with a black bowtie appears. It seems he is quite ready for partying.

"Welcome to Spintech," he smiles like a grinch. The man has to be in his mid-forties and has traces of grey hair. He shakes his hand with us.

He then adds, "I guess you are Morgan's son," looking at me raising his eyebrows. Oh crap!

"Well, that's me." Sandy says.

"Well, you look exactly like him." Then, why didn't you see it in the first place?

"Yes. I would like to talk to you about some business...."

"Oh! Come to my cabin, please." He stretches his hand to get us to his work space.

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