Chapter 22: The Perfect Date

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After taking a shower, I towel dry my wet hair. I pull up my faded jeans up and fasten it with a belt. I wear my sweatshirt and spritz cologne on it. I, then, do my hair and glance at myself in the mirror. Everything is perfect.

I reach downstairs and find my car key. I walk down a few yards and click my key fob to unlock and start my car. I hop in and rev up my engine.

While driving towards Tassy's place, so many sweet memories we shared together since we were little kids pop in my mind.

Whenever I speak to her, I can see her beautiful eyes sparkle and her cheeks turn red. It tells something more about the way she looks at me now. I think she likes me.

Driving up the streets, I pull over a lane where my GPS tracker shows the exact location that Tassy has texted me.

I honk my car and there she is coming out of her apartment. She marches down the steps and waves me a "Hi"

I unlock my coupé car door, and she jumps on the passenger seat. She is wearing a pair of earrings dangling down her ears and looks incredible.

She smiles at me and my heart pounds rapidly. I drive over a bridge and past a couple of streets in a jiffy. My car enters the drive-in theatre, and I steer over to a place where we can watch the movie without any obstacles.

'The Perfect Date' is running on the big screen. I rather think it's really a nice movie to watch at this moment. Our buddies have parked their cars close to us. Tassy has started to watch the movie and suddenly hiccups. I hand her a bottle of water.

"Thank you" she says.

"It's ok" I say

"It seems you are watching the movie for the first time."

" are right" She looks at me with those sparkling eyes and turns her head.

I grab a pack of Doritos and tear open. I take a handful and give the packet to her.
She takes a chip and munches it with her eyes on the movie.

I want to call Ben to let him know that I'm with these guys. I can't find my phone. Tassy asks,

"What's up?"

"I can't find my phone."

"Wait I'll give you a call" She pull out her phone and calls me.

It lies on the dashboard near her. Her eyes go wide on seeing her childhood photo popping on my phone screen.

"How do you get this picture?" She is obviously astonished.

"Well, I took it myself when you were playing with your friends." I take my phone from the dashboard and see it myself.

"Well, it's nice. Can I?" She asks for my phone.

I go to my gallery and shows her pictures of her.

"There's a lot of it." She scrolls down and down and it is never-ending.

I can see a gleam in her eyes and I'm happy about it.

She shakes her head and glances at me.

She then hands back my phone with a little smile on her face.

A smile speaks a thousand words. Hers too...

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