Chapter 18: Tassy's Musing

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I don't know what to think about the business idea Sandy and Benny have in their minds. But, what I know is they have the thirst in their eyes to climb up the ladder and reach greater heights. So, I like to team up with these guys.

I sit down to write down my assignment that Professor Nick has asked for.

I don't have the slightest idea where to begin. I'm not a creative sort, but I have a calculating mind. Sandy has told me that he is going to build up an aircraft hangar. It's not a piece of cake to construct such a massive structure. He has to face hurdles on his way towards success.

Not to mention, if he were to work as a pilot after college, I think he won't get enough time to focus on his business at hand. But, if he comes up against all odds, still he has the burden of paying back the land lease as well as construction costs.

I think of a hypothetical situation when he's Antonio and I'm Portia. What if his business hits a bottleneck that puts his plans on ice in the first place? And what if I get a new job at the same time? Will I stick together as a team? Who would stand their ground in such a testing time? Only true friends.

I knew Sandy likes me a lot from his childhood. He used to peek at me from behind something. He would think he was out of sight, but I can sense him from any distance. I adore him a lot which I won't show it to anyone. It's weird! I think I would stand by him through thick and thin.

Amanda enters the room.

"Are you going to pull an all-nighter today?" She asks.

"Of course not."

"Did you see the time?"

I glance up at the wallclock. It's twelve past thirty. Oh gosh! I have been in my own world.

"Who were you dreaming about? Is that guy who has offered you a job?"

"Yes. You are absolutely a good mind-reader" I frown.

"Well, do you like him?"

"It's not that I like him or not. He is really trying hard to prove himself as a future businessman"

"Whoa! Hold your horses, lady. You are thinking way too much about him."

"You are such an evil pixie. Don't overthink. We are just friends." I reach up and grab her by the ear and twist it.

"Ouch! Easy, baby!" she winces.

"When am I shrunk back to a baby from a lady?" I quip.

"Just now." She grins wryly.

"You silly, witch." I scoff.

As soon as I ease my grip on her, she runs away.

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