Chapter 55: Mardi Gras

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Masquerading is totally fun during Mardi Gras in the Crescent City. Last month, Phunny Phorty Phellows, a group of costumed men and women, rejoiced the arrival of the carnival with a countdown by riding up and down St. Charles Ave through its Streetcar.

Well, after one month, people has kicked off their parades with flambeaux, and everything seems to be painted purple, gold and green which is the official color signifying justice, faith and power.

I'm in the disguise of a wacky clown, while Katie is disguised as a cat-woman whose mask is classy. Sandy and Tassy, on the other hand, are in a beauty and the beast get-up.

We join the parades of Zulu and Rex, which are part of Krewes, the organization behind this celebration. The eye-catching bright floats rolling down the streets is spectacular. Some of which is massive and measure as long as 360 feet.

The zulu on floats throws the paraders and onlookers 60,000 hand-decorated coconuts, and Rex tosses colorful glass beads. Sometimes, we catch toys, homemade trinkets, or doubloons. It depends!

"I need to pee," I whisper to Sandy. Sandy is now acting as a lovely beast to his beautiful Tassy. He can't possibly hear my voice.

"Argh! What am I going to do?" I whine out of misery, and to answer nature's call, I escape into a shop and then to its restroom.

Perhaps, Katie is getting wary of my absence, and she has come into the shop to find me. A cat is curled up in a sofa and as soon as she enters, the cat purrs and jumps on to her.

On watching this, Sandy and Tassy burst into laughter, and Tassy tries to get the cat off Katie. Meanwhile, I have emptied my bladder, and come out. Seeing the drama out here, I immediately spring into action. I grab the cat with my one hand and pull it. The cat is reluctant to get off my girl and I try desperately.

Somehow, Tassy and I let Katie free of the cat that has vanished to a corner. We all go quiet for a second and explode into laughter. Katie goes berserk and escapes the scene.

When the celebration is over, Sandy is busy getting ready for the mardi gras of entrepreneurship, New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW).

I get to his home, and help him pack his things as he is going to stay in Ace Hotel for the event.

"How long are you going to stay there, buddy?" I ask him.

"Well, man, around six days," he answers.

"I hope you gonna meet big shots there," I'm excited.

"Of course I'm. Why don't you come with me," he asks me.

In fact, I'd like to go there. But, I have other plans to do. Katie would be frustrated if I don't stop by and take her to a party downtown. I don't want to stand her up. So, I purposefully put off my plan to go to the event next year.

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