Chapter 54: A Damsel in Distress

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Days whooshed by until it's new year. Sandy and his friends had a bash by bursting crackers. After holidays, classes start as regular.

I'm in my own world when I trudge towards my classroom. Sandy brings out the latent romance in me, whenever I'm preoccupied with my daily routine.

His mom goes along with our relationship status as lovers and his dad is always easy-going. With Benny, the atmosphere becomes brighter with laughter.

I had broke out of my cage of unwarranted fears that someday relationships would take a downward spiral, and could never become better.

This is because I've seen so many misunderstandings in relationships. Not to mention, the bust-up of my parents' marriage.

Nevertheless, I believe Sandy would take a leap and break the relationship stereotypes.

"Hi, Beth," I greet my college friend, sitting cross-legged on a stool.

"Hi, Tassy," she says with a sad smile on her face.

"You don't seem to be well, today?"

"Yeah, dating issues take a toll on my sleep," she curls up her lip.

"If I ain't be wrong, you are dating Carey, right?"

"Yes, you're right. He plainly tells me that he ain't interested in me anymore. Then, why did he date me in the first place," she whimpers.

"Mmm... that sounds bad," I cringe.

"I might be clingy or something, but I'm dead serious I was honest with him," she dabs her eyes with her hanky.

"Do you have any idea what caused him to break-up with you?" I ask.

"Well, one of my friends tries to hit on me, and that would've made him mad. I think he's doubting me," she is full of tears.

"Perhaps, he's jealous of him...." I murmur and come up with an idea.

I talk to her for a minute and tread towards the class. Carey is standing against a desk, and I try to interact with him.

"Hi, Carey. How nice to see ya!" I gladly greet him.

"Mmm....Tassy? Right?" Yes, you punk!

"Yeah, absolutely right!" I grin.

"How things are going? You are an inquisitive person for poetry, right?"

Not as inquisitive as now, you half-wit.

"You are right....Just now we were discussing about Robert Frost," I tell him.

"With Dana, right?" He is curious.

"No, with Beth and Roger," Roger is the darn guy who tries to hit on Beth. I look at Carey for any reaction. He turns red.

"Well, I'm surprised you know them. Nice talking to you, Tassy. I gotta go for now," he tells this and scurries outside. I follow him slowly without him noticing.

He runs towards Beth right away and talks with her pleasantly. She sees me from the corner of her eyes and smiles.

Sandy is better than any other guy in this world. In fact, I would like to call him. I drag out my phone and do so.

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