Dondersdag 17:48

38 0 0

Jens kicked his shoes off, dropping his backpack off his shoulder to the floor, and stepped into the living room, leaning over the back of the sofa and pressing a kiss to the top of Lotte's head, and then another kiss to his mother's head.

"Hi, Mama." He made his way around the sofa, plopping himself down between them, and wrapped his arm around Lotte. She grabbed his hand, gripping his fingers, and didn't look away from the television.

"Hi, darling." Jens's mom leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. "You have a good day?"

"Mhmm." Jens put his head on hers and then lifted it, turning to look at her. "Hey, uhm, by the way." She looked at him from under her eyelashes, not moving her head.


"Tomorrow I'm spending the night with Lucas."


"No," Jens said, unsure of how to tell her what the plan was. "I'm taking him somewhere."


She had a slight smile on her face, but there was still an air of uneasiness from last Saturday. The two of them hadn't spoken much through the week, hadn't spoken much since Jens's father called.

Jens hadn't asked about if he'd called again, throughout the week or after Jens left. Just thinking about his father made his throat tighten, his breathing restrict, his knee bounce up and down. He didn't ask right now, not in front of Lotte, who didn't even know her father.

Jens sighed, straightening his back and stretching his legs out in front of himself, stopping them from moving anxiously.

"When will I see you again?" his mother asked, turning her head slightly to look at him.

"Saturday afternoon maybe?" He tightened his arm around Lotte and she scooted closer to him, leaning into his chest. Their mom smiled softly at them. "I'll text you if plans change, yeah?"

"That works."

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