Chapter 2: New School, Different Me

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We drop off Virgil at CherryWood, and then start our drive to Rockview. 

"Hey Re, you got the eggs?" I ask, getting into the car.

"Eggs? I thought you said legs! I got a bunch of bloody legs in the trunk." He says

He sees my look of shock and quickly adds, "Fake legs. Where would I even find real legs?" 

"Fair enough," I say.

As it's our first day back, we wouldn't usually pull a prank, but since the principal got rid of Virgil we need to enact revenge. We were going to egg his office, but I guess we're making it into a horror movie scene. He deserves it anyway. 

Our school starts at 7:30, so we have a small amount of time to pull this off. We pull up to the school, put the bags of fake legs in our backpacks, and enter the building. Rockview colors are black, grey, and gold. The school hallways use that color pattern. Remus and I are at the same lockers we were at since Junior year. They're in one of the dark grey hallways. Virgil always liked it because it gave off an edgy vibe. 

We put our stuff in our lockers and take out the bags. Not many people are here yet, and all the teachers are setting up their classrooms. We've been here long enough to know our principal is always here right on time. Never later or earlier than 7:30. We enter his office easily, as the secretary isn't there. I open one of the bags to see exactly what Remus said he brought. Fake legs. Remus opens one of his two bags to reveal fake cherry blood, like the crappy stuff they give out on Halloween. I snicker,

"This is ought to teach him a lesson," I say.

We then spread the fake blood and legs all over the room. We do it in record time too. We rush out of there and are around the hallway corner by the time the secretary comes back. 

We head back to our lockers to get our stuff for the day. Remus and I have different classes in the morning, but the same ones after lunch. I grab my stuff for math and make my way to homeroom when the bell rings.


First day of senior year. I'm on my way to Roman Royalaton's house to pick up him and Patton Davis. Roman told me that Patton came over to his house earlier this morning, so I didn't have to pick him up at his house.

They are already in the driveway when I pull up. I unlock the door and they get in. 

"Sup Pocket Protector! You ready for our last year?" Roman asks, getting into the front passenger seat.

"I am adequately prepared, Roman," I reply.

"I see you're rocking the tie again!" Roman comments.

I smirk. Last year he dared me to wear a tie for a month, and I decided I liked it and kept it.

Patton enters the back seat and sets his and Roman's backpacks down. 

"Hiya, kiddo! Do you have my schedule? I lost it again." 

I roll eyes but smile. This is the 5th year in a row Patton lost his schedule.

"Yes, Patton. I made a copy of yours."

"Yay! Thank you, Lo!" Patton says.

We pull up at CherryWood Highschool and park in student parking. We exit my car and walk into the building. Roman inhales deeply. 

"Aaah, part of me is gonna miss this place next year." He says.

I agree. I quite enjoy being at this school. From what I heard, its much better than Rockview, our rival. We don't have any notorious gangs always causing trouble. Roman leads us to the theater so he can talk to the head of our theater department, Ms. Smith. We are all involved in the theater. Roman almost always stars, Patton designs the sets, I work the lighting and sound on show nights. Even though the arts are highly encouraged at our school, I choose to be on the science team instead of another arts team. At our school, the arts are defined as theater, forensics, band, choir, and of course, literal art. Patton is in the band and Roman is in the choir. They are also dating. They encourage me to go out and find someone, but I am not one to involve myself in complicated emotions and frivolous dates.

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