Chapter 12: Don't get too close, I'm 'toxic'

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*Roman POV*

We're back in school on Monday, and I take all measures I can to ensure we stay away from Virgil. He caused Logan to get injured, he caused Patton a lot of unnecessary worry and stress, and he's a total freak. I want to avoid that in the future, and that means avoiding him.

Logan parks near the front of the school and we grab our bags and get out. Near the entrance, I see Virgil. I start speedwalking so we can avoid him. Right as we're about to pass him he says, 

"Hey, can I talk to Roman for a minute?"

Patton and Logan look at me and I shrug.

"Sure. You guys can go ahead without me." I say.

They both nod and walk into the building. My gaze turns back onto Virgil.

"What do you want?" I spit.

"Ok, wow. There's no need to be rude. I just wanted to say thanks for helping me on Saturday." He says.

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for Logan. And you need to stay away from him, you're toxic and he got hurt because of you." I almost yell.

I know this contradicts how I felt about him in the past, but as soon as he got Logan hurt any kind feeling I had for him are gone.

Virgil looks shocked and hurt. He quickly regains himself, and replies with,

"Remus is wrong about many things. I guess you aren't one of them."

"Oh go crawl back to your Hot Topic, Panic at the Everywhere." I retort.

I then walk into the building, to my locker, and see Patton and Logan there.

"What did he want?" Patton asks.

"Nothing. Just to thank me for Saturday." I say, smiling to mask my anger.

"Oh. Ok!" Patton says.

The bell rings and we all get to our classes.

*Virgil POV*

I officially hate everything about school. All day, the other kids who came here from Rockview have been picking on me. Small things, like calling me names, tripping me, and talking loudly behind my back. I feel like I'm back in middle school. 

"And there's an example of someone who tries too hard to be edgy." Someone says, pointing at me.

I ignore them and continue walking to my next class. I feel a small shove, and I fall over. A few people around me snicker. People usually wouldn't bully Seniors, but I am tiny. Like Sophomore size. And skinny, which is why I always have my sweatshirt on to make me look less like a child. I'll be 18 in a few months.

The bell rings, and I rush to my class. AP Psychology. I get there in time, take a seat, and get out my stuff. I feel something hit me in the back of the head. I turn around and see it was a small ball of paper. I don't see who threw it, but I pick it up and open it. On it, there's just one word.


I crumple it up again and throw it out. This is the third note I found with this. Maybe I am toxic. After all, if I hadn't befriended Logan, he wouldn't have gotten hurt. It seems everyone around me always ends up getting hurt. The class goes by, and I go to study hall. I just have to make it through this and the day will be over.

Finally, I make it to study hall. I sit at the front of the room, near the door. I can get out quickly this way. I'm doing my homework when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, expecting to see another Rockview kid trying to make fun of me. Instead, I see Logan. His bright blue eyes are filled with concern. I think his eyes are the only part of him that really show emotion.

"What?" I ask, a little annoyed.

"I just want to know how you are recovering," Logan says, in his usual formal way.

"I'm fine. Now go back to your friends, I'm sure they don't like you talking to me." I say.

He wants to know how I am? What for? To seem nice? I don't believe it for a second. I put in my earbuds and try to block out the rest of the world.


When I get home no one else is there. I look at the calendar and remember I have work in about a half-hour. I dump my stuff in my room and grab a quick snack. I work at the downtown library, reshelving and organizing books and whatnot. Most of what I do involves me not interacting with customers, so I'm allowed to listen to music. I grab my earbuds, change into a more 'professional' outfit, which is just non-emo clothes, and leave to get to work.

*Logan POV*

I'm scheduled to work today after school, so I drop off Roman and Patton and immediately start driving to the library. When I get there, I clock in and go behind the counter. I'm checking in some late returns when the other employee for the shift comes in. I don't take notice of them and continue checking in books. We usually have three of us on shift at a time. The manager, who is usually behind the counters with one other person, and someone reshelving books and sending out notifications for people who haven't returned their books yet.

I'm behind the counter today, checking in and out books, giving recommendations, and renewing cards. Its all business as usual. I'm on the computer, checking for late returns when someone walks up to the counter. 

"Hey, has someone checked out our last copy of-" He starts to say.

When he stops I look up. I see Virgil, wearing the libraries shirt, with a name tag on. I didn't know he worked here.

"What do you need assistance with?" I ask like he's just coworker and we've never met before.

Virgil just shakes his head and says, "Nevermind, I'll ask Julie."

He then walks away. Julie is the manager on duty currently, but I don't think she knows about the most recent check-outs. I get back to my work, playing that short interaction over and over in my head. Is he mad at me for something? I can't imagine what. His comment earlier today about my friends also made no sense. Unless they did something. I make a note to call Patton and Roman later to ask what this is all about. 

When my shift ends, I go to the side of the building and make the call.

"Hello?" Roman asks.

"Greetings, Roman," I say.

"Sup, Lo."

"I have a few questions for you. First, what did you say to Virgil this morning, because he's been acting weird all day. Second, why do you seem adamant on staying away from him? Did something happen between Saturday and today that I'm not aware of?" I say, my tone void of emotion.

"....Well, Specks, you see-" He starts.

"Save your excuses and tell me what happened," I say.

"I didn't tell him anything. I just wanted to stay away from him because I don't really like him, and he's still associated with my brother in my mind." He explains.

"Fine. But why has he been acting strange?" I ask.

"I don't know, maybe he's a little freaked from the whole accident? Wouldn't you have figured that out?" He questions.

I sigh. I probably would have.

"My mind is a mess when it comes to Virgil. I don't know how to feel about that." I say.

"Fair enough. Well, I gotta go eat dinner. Talk to you later, Lo." Roman says, hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and go out to my car. 

Uh oh. Well, let's see how this turns out. Just so you guys know, I'll probably continue to update this daily, and alternate days updating my other two stories, as I have the most ideas prepared for this. I hope you enjoyed reading. And I know I say this every time, but I really mean it, please feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback on my work in the comments. Have a sunny day you magnificent peep!

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