So who did it?

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     Taehyung is sitting quietly on the floor near his masters feet reading a book he was given, and listening to every single word spoken by the men around him. 

 Jackson is sitting on the couch, having a meeting with his main mafia team, occasionally reaching down to pet the fluffy head of his white tiger hybrid who is chained to special hooks in the floor to keep him from trying to run.  The hybrid has made a habit of trying to escape leading Jackson to putting a shock collar and chains on him.  Taehyung is his prized possession.  White Tiger hybrids are rare and valuable.  He is even more rare than those 2 hybrids his enemy Jeon Jungkook has in his employ, a black panther and a jaguar, both skilled assassins.  Jackson despises the use of hybrids as  members.  They are pets , slaves so to speak.  They are bought to be decorative treasures to show off , and use as the masters see fit.  He does not believe in giving them full rights , unlike his enemy.  

   He reaches down to pet Taehyung some more, loving the soft fur, but not happy at the low growl and the way the hybrid moves his head away.   So he cuffs him on the head  "Stop growling at me.  Remember your place cat."  With that he pulls the hybrid up on the couch next to him , making his tiger lean on him to read his book.  "Be a good boy and stay put and I will let you sit with us at the table for dinner"  He then turns his attention to the 6 men with him.  "Now, do we know who attacked the gun house overnight and burned it to the ground?"
BamBam speaks up "There is no footage anywhere near, which is understandable since we personally removed the camera's in the area to hide our movements in the warehouse. "  

Jinyoung  "Based on the tire tracks outside, some large van was used to unload our guns into and take away before burning the building.   There is no sign of the bodies of our men at the site, but they may be in the ashes. "
Youngjae : " I thought initially it was Jeons but it's too unprofessional.  They don't use vans, they would not leave tire tracks.  I also don't see them setting a building on fire.   It's too cliche' and uncertain.  Explosions are more their forte , making sure everything is absolute rubble, while fire isn't as reliable as it could be put out before everything is destroyed. "

Jaebum " I agree.  It has to be either one of the minor mafia's or a gang just trying to get outfitted with better quality weapons.  We already sent out runners to spread the word of a reward for info on new weapons for sale and information on the fire."
Jackson " Good.  I want to take on Jeon but we all know we don't have the power just yet.  We need more minor mafia's to join us before we try.  His 2 hybrid assassins alone are too much for us."
Yugyeom "Yeah, we learned that the hard way.   We lost 15 men in a 5 minute period and the only reason we know it was them is them  calling us to let us know not to tread of their territory again.  Those 2 are deadly enough without counting all the rest of his main team and the seemingly hundreds of men at his disposal."  
Jackson "One day his trust in hybrids might be his undoing.  I wouldn't trust Taehyung enough to train and give weapons to.  Besides the trust, he's far too valuable.  Jeons 2 are also rare breeds."
Mark  speaks up "Taehyung couldn't hold a gun anyway.  He's too gentle and since he's a housecat he isn't strong enough  to be of use to us in missions."
What Jackson doesn't realize is that is a direct dig at him about his mistreatment of the white tiger hybrid.  

None of them realize Taehyung is also listening closely and remembering everything he has heard.  He memorized the Jeon name and is interested in the fact he trusts and trains hybrids and lets them be normal.
Jackson "Let's go have dinner.   Since you were a good kitty you can sit at the table and have a full dinner today.  Behave and I will let you have a long bathe alone and build a nest in your room tonight. I can tell from your smell you are going into heat soon. "
At the table Mark brings up the subject again "Taehyung appears to be entering his heat.  We should see about getting another large cat hybrid to see him through it. "
Jinyoung "I can call WinWin again.  They seem to have done good these past heats."
Jackson  "Set it up.  Can't have the damn cat going crazy like the time we tried to just ignore it and let him ride it out"
Jinyoung sends the message.  He gives Mark a small nod.

Jackson is too busy having a discussion with Jaebum to notice the interaction.  Taehyung notices but he never interacts with anyone so ignores it.  He's not allowed to interact with them, except Jackson unless one of them approaches him.

He is lonely, mentally traumatized, severely underweight and suffering depression.  

He needs help. 

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