Chapter 2

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I woke up in my new place of stay and sighed deeply. Goodbye financial stability... Before calling my mom like I promised to do every morning, I got dressed in a long skirt and a long sleeve black and white madras button up that I tied in a knot in front instead of butting it all the way. I took my hair curlers out and tied half of it up into a ponytail. I grabbed my sneakers and tied my laces, then dialed my moms number.

"Hey Momma," I greeted as she picked up.

"Hey Pu'kin" she said into the phone. "Still doin' alright?"

"Just fine, Momma. You too lonely yet? I can come over after school, I don't have work until tonight-"

"Mona, just be a teenager. Go meet a nice Soc boy or something, have a great first day at school. Your momma is fine." She supportively sighed. "You need money yet?"

"No, Momma. Father gave some to me a couple days ago so I'm a'right."

"You sure?"

I laughed and sighed, "bye, Momma."

"Bye, Love," she chuckled as we ended the call.

I put on some eyeliner and lipstick then opened the door to leave. In my three weeks of living here, I just now seen who occupies the room kitty corner from me. A tall handsome guy who didn't even do as little as to smile at me when he saw me. I brushed off the rudeness and went about my day.


At school is where I notice the most separation of cliques. Didn't take me long before I was educated about the seriousness of Greasers and Socs. East side Greasers and West Side Socs. What would you consider me being I live on the East but my family is financially well? You see, I'm often called a Soc just by the clothes that I wear. I didn't think I had a "rich" style, but apparently I do.

"Hey, new girl," a guy in my class snapped. "You're in my seat."

"My apologies," I gathered my things and moved to the nearest empty seat. The Greasers around me giggled and snickered under their breath as a girl wearing jeans and a v-neck stood in front of me.

"Sorry..." I muttered and moved forward.

I decided to wait until the class bell rang to find an open seat. When the teacher walked in and I was still standing, the whole class laughed with their friends.

"Ms Brown, do you need something?"

I glanced around the class then landed my eyes on the teacher. "A seat, sir."

"Didn't know we are to be seated like second graders. Have a seat next to Ponyboy." He sassed.

I glanced around the room and everyone was staring at me. What the hell is a Ponyboy? I raised my hand as I stood in the same spot. "Can you repeat that?"

"Sit down... in the seat... next to Ponyboy..." he teacher recited slowly as if he were questioning my ability to comprehend.

"Sir, may I ask what a Ponyboy is?" I adjusted my backpack and tapped my fingers on my side nervously. The whole close broke into laughter and the teacher just stared at me.

"Ms Brown, I don't know what you make me and this class out to be, but being a smart ass won't get you anywhere in here."


"Sit!" He snapped at me.

"I don't know where you want me to sit-"

"Next to Ponyboy!" The class shouted at me.

I glanced around at everyone and a brunette raised his hand when my eyes glanced over him. I put my head down and darted over to the seat next to him, tucked hair behind my ear and sighed.

"I'm Ponyboy." The boy next to me whispered and stuck his hand out.

I looked at his hand for a moment then shook it, "it's your real name?"

"My dad was somethin' else," he smiled. "Don't worry, this teacher is a hard ass. It'll be this way all year."

"Great," I rolled my eyes and sunk further into my seat. "I'm Mona, by the way."

"New to town?" He began writing quickly as the teacher lectured.

I took a paper and pen out and began writing as well, "not really... I moved here about two months ago. It took a while for me to get settled."

"Where you livin'?"

"Buck's is what most call it. I work there too."

"I know a guy livin' there. So you're a Greaser?" He cocked an eyebrow as he glanced at me.

I shrugged, "my parents pay my bills still. They divorced and I didn't want to choose who to live with so they're letting me live on my own."

"Your parents are Socs, but you aren't then?"

I nodded my head but shrugged at the same time. "I don't know."

"Y'know if you dress like a Soc, Greasers ain't gonna want to be friends with you." He explained. "Socs are real mean."

"Why does there need to be sides?"

"That's just how it is, Mona."

"Ms. Brown!" The teacher snapped. "You will not join my class and disrupt the working environment!"

"I apologize." I spoke. "Won't happen again." I pleaded. Ponyboy glanced at me and chuckled, then we both stayed quiet until the end of class.


"Mona, do you want to hang after school? I got a pretty cool group of pals." He walked out of class next to me as I stared at my paper, trying to remember where to go next based on the tour I got a week ago.

I looked Ponyboy and smiled, "sure. I don't have many friends yet."

While I said that, a couple of boys flew past us as they ran down the hall but quickly backed up when they realized they ran past Ponyboy. They greeted Ponyboy then looked over to me.

"Who's your friend, Pone?" One asked.

Another looked me up and down, "since when did you talk to Socs?"

"She actually lives same place as Dally does," Ponyboy explained to the two boys. "She works there too."

"Why a pretty Grease like you dressin' as a Soc and such?" The brunette asked.

I glanced to Ponyboy for help so he answered for me. "Her parents live on the West side. She doesn't live with them but they pay her bills I guess."

"Good deal," one smirked. The one stuck his hand out, "My names Steve. This here Two-bit." He pointed to the dirty blonde.

"G'day." I smiled at them. "You guys said I live with your friend?"

"Dally," Ponyboy answered.

I thought for a moment then it clicked. It's the handsome man that I seen this morning. "He must be the mystery guy. I've seen him just once and it was this mornin'."

"Dal got out of jail yesterday that's why. He probably won't talk to you much since you be lookin' like a Soc and such." Two-bit told me.

I nodded my head and waved them as I walked away, "Ive got to get to class but I'll see you after school, Ponyboy." I smiled and turned down the hallway.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora