Chapter 23

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Mona's POV

I've never kissed anyone the way I kissed Dally. I mean, before Ponyboy and Dally I never actually made out with a guy before. Yeah, I've kissed and had sex, but I liked Ponyboy and I really... really like Dally. I've never kissed someone out of love, and this felt like it was it.

His hand gripped my torso and kept my body close to his. I didn't realize how I was playing with his hair at first, but my fingers toyed with the brunette strands of greased hair as our tongues explored each others mouths. The feeling was different. Y'know having a good connection with someone you never think to be friends with, much less falling in love with.

I needed air so I pulled my lips away slightly and panted slightly. Dally looked at my lips, then met my eyes. His lips then found way back to mine but slowly moved elsewhere. He kissed my jaw, down my neck, then my collarbone. I closed my eyes and laid my head on the pillow, still running my fingers through his hair. After a moment he took his shirt off once again and propped himself on top of me, moving our lips back to meet.

Dally's POV

I knew with the track we were on we were about to get busy. Once I took my shirt off, her hands moved out of my hair and down my arms and body. I unbuttoned her shirt as we kissed and she removed it the rest of the way. I moved my hips against hers slightly and she bit my lip gently so I pulled away and kissed her a neck more.

She started undoing my belt, and right as she pulled it off there was a knock at the door. She threw the belt at the door out of frustration and sighed. I groaned as I got off of her and opened the door since she was shirtless.

I opened the door and it was this guy. I looked him up and down, "the hell do you want?"

"Oh my god..." he turned around and shook his head. "Just send Mona out."

I cocked an eyebrow, "what do you want with Mona-" I stopped mid sentence as I realized who he was. First of all, he was a Soc. I shut the door quickly and turned around to Mona. "Doll, I think your brother is outside."

She sat up quickly, "what?!"

I tossed her shirt to her and she quickly put it on, tucking it back into her skirt as she walked to the door to open it. I sat on the bed and shook my head as I closed my eyes.

Mona's POV

"Meyer," I greeted as I opened the door.

He turned to me and stared at me for a long moment, "That's him?"

I sighed and leaned against the door, "I didn't mean for you to meet like that."

"Like what? As you two are having sex?"

I looked at the ground, "we weren't having sex." I muttered.

He laughed as he huffed, "yeah, that's why he was half naked."

"We were just kissing," I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at my brother, "why are you even here? How did you find me?"

"Ponyboy told me where to find you and the guy downstairs told me which room. Just didn't expect a shirtless guy coming to answer the door."

I nodded, "okay, but why?"

"I wanted to see where you live... I wanted to meet the guy without him seeing our house and feeling intimidated by dad." He put his hand on my shoulder, "I wanted to make em effort this time."

I smiled slightly, "thank you, Meyer..."

"But seriously, Mona, you get off the phone with me and start having sex with him?" He complained.

I rolled my eyes, "we weren't having sex."

"Mhm," he leaned against the hallway wall, "tell your boyfriend to get dressed so I can go in there."

"He isn't my boyfriend, Meyer..."

My brother eyed me and shook his head, "making out with guys you aren't with?"

"I've known him for months we just haven't crossed that line," I opened the door to see if Dallas had his shirt on, then opened the door more because he did. "Dally, this is Meyer. Meyer, this is Dally."

I watched the two look at each other for a moment but I knew Dally wasn't going to sit well with him being here because he doesn't like Socs in our side of town and he did interrupt our session.

"Hey, man," Dally muttered then sat on my bed.

Meyer looked at me then back at Dally, "hey."

Dally looked at me now so I walked over to him and sat next to him, "you guys are the same age. It shouldn't be so hard to find things in common."

Dally chuckled, "he's a Soc, Mona."

"Yeah, well so is she," Meyer argued.

Dally looked at him, "she lives here, she only talks to Greasers," he glared at my brother, "if you have a problem with me dating her, say so and get it over with."

"I have a problem with you leading her in the wrong direction," Meyer crossed his arms.

I put my hand on Dally's leg in hopes he wouldn't get upset, but he did anyway, "Mona can do whatever she wants."

"Yeah? Well she's 16 and should be living at home, but she's here amongst guys like you." Meyer leaned against the dresser, "I came here to meet you but ended up interrupting your sex with my little sister."

Dally stood up, "what me and Mona do is none of your business first of all, and second, we weren't having sex."

Meyer walked closer to Dally, but I know Dally so I stood up too, "yet." Meyer said to Dally.

"How come you never got on Ponyboy for fucking your sister so often? He's had sex with her more times than I have!" Dally yelled.

"Actually, it's only been one time for both of you..." I muttered to correct Dally.

"I don't want her having sex at all!" Meyer yelled.

Dally got closer to him, they were face to face, "your sister's sex life doesn't have anything to do with you."

"When she ends up pregnant it'll be our parents she begs help from," Meyer stood his ground.

"Dally, please," I grabbed his hand and tried tugging him away, "this isn't how it's supposed to go."

He pulled his hand away, "shut it, Mona."

"Don't talk to her like that," Meyer glanced at me then back to Dally. "Like she said, you're not her boyfriend."

"I don't fucking care!" Dally yelled once more. "You don't think I have my ex lined up waiting to come over any moment?!"

I looked at Dally and my eyes softened. I felt tears well into my eyes so I wiped it away with the back of my hand. He realized what he said and stepped away from Meyer.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now