Chapter 5

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I was driving around with Ponyboy. I had to stop by my dad's house to take my brother to the shop to pick up his car since my dad was at work and my brother's car broke down. I walked into the house while Ponyboy stayed in the car.

"Meyer," I called out. We both go by our middle names. His first name is Richard but he hates that as much as I hate Jackie.

"Hey, Mona," he came down the hall.

I smiled at seeing him. I've missed him since we don't see each other often anymore. "You ready? I have my friend in the car so you have to sit in back."

"Of course," he rolled his eyes and walked out the door. Meyer saw Ponyboy and turned to me. "You said it was a friend."

"He is a friend."

Meyer looked at me, then to the car, "you don't just have male friends, Mona. I know you."

I laughed and shook my head, "all my friends are guys."

Meyer eyed me and shook his head, then got in the back seat. "Hello, friend." He muttered.

"Hey," Ponyboy greeted Meyer. "I'm Ponyboy."

"Huh?" Meyer looked at me then Ponyboy. "You're what now?"

"Be nice!" I snapped at my older brother. "I don't have to drive you to the shop."

"Steve and Sodapop are probably the ones working on his car," Pony suggested.

"Oh yeah," I smiled at Meyer. "Ponyboy's brother and one of our friends works at the shop your car is at, so be nice." I threatened him.

Meyer sat back, "whatever."


"Soda, you done with that corvette?" Ponyboy greeted his brother as me and Meyer walked behind him.

Sodapop looked at me and Meyer, then Ponyboy, "this your girlfriend, Pony? Steve's told me all about her."

"No, she isn't my girlfriend." Ponyboy's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Anyway, this is her brother. Is his car done?"

"Steve's bringing it out right now," Sodapop pumped gas into a car. "What are you doing with her if y'all aren't together?"

"We're just hanging out," I spoke.

Sodapop looked at me then huffed and walked inside. I sighed, as did Pony and we watched Steve pull out of the garage with Meyer's dark blue stingray corvette. Ponyboy smiled in awe at the car.

"This is a real purty car you got here," Steve got out and tossed the keys to Meyer. "Almost as nice as your sister's."

"Yeah, well our parents seem to favor giving her nicer things." Meyer got into his car and drove off.

"What an ass. Anyway, me and Soda are off in like 15 minutes. We'll see y'all at your place, Pony." Steve huffed and walked away.

Me and Ponyboy got back into my car and I began driving to his place. "Your brother really doesn't like me."

"He just doesn't know you, Mona. If he got to know you I think he'd love you." Ponyboy smiled at me. "Steve isn't one to particularly enjoy the company of a Soc, but he likes you."

"Yeah," I sighed and drove the rest of the way in silence.


At his house, I stayed in the car with my head rested against the seat. Ponyboy looked at me for a moment and we both stayed quiet. Five minutes passed before he spoke.

"Are you okay?"

"What's with you all calling me a Soc? I complained.

Ponyboy was again quiet as he thought of something to say. I reached forward and turned the radio on. The song Ko Ko Mo by The Crew-Cuts came on. I smiled and turned it up.

Ponyboy looked at me, "I can stop calling you a Soc, Mona."

"Ko Ko Mo," I sang along with the song. "Don't you know, I love you so," I sang when that verse came, kind of ignoring Ponyboy. Despite my inability to hold a tune anyway.

"Mona?" Ponyboy chuckled. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, Ponyboy." I looked at him as the song ended. A song by The Crystals came on next. I got butterflies as Ponyboy looked at me. I never heard the song that was on before but I recognized the voice which is how I knew the artist.

Then he kissed me. the song sang. It felt like irony to me, but as me and Ponyboy looked at each other I felt it was a perfect song for the moment. Ponyboy took his eyes off me and looked at the radio and chuckled.

"Funny," I turned the volume down and just looked at Ponyboy. He turned to look at the door to make sure the coast was clear. I leaned forward and kissed him, causing him to lean in as well so we met in the middle.

Ponyboy and I kissed for a moment before I turned the car off and unbuckled, scooting over to get on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kept his hands to his side at first. As we made out, he put his hands on my legs. First, it was over my black skirt, but he nudged the skirt out of the way after a moment and he rested his hands on my bare thighs.

"Not dating, huh?" Steve knocked on the hood of the car. "Alright, Ponyboy!" He cheered his friend on.

Ponyboy looked around quickly to make sure Sodapop hadn't seen, but Sodapop got out of their car and walked straight inside without saying anything to Ponyboy. I got off his lap and Ponyboy rushed out of the car. As I got out I noticed Dally standing on the porch smoking a cigarette.

Steve stayed back nearly dying of laughter. "We never seen that out of Ponyboy before."

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the car. "If Sodapop and Dally didn't already hate me, that sure gave them both a reason to."

Steve put his arm around my shoulders as he calmed his laughter. "I'm telling you, Mona. They'll get over it. Soda just didn't see you to be Pony's next girl. But hey, I think mine, Soda and Dal's girls will all love you."

"Sylvia wouldn't want a damn thing to do with her," Dally said from the porch. "I don't know what made the kid choose you, but you just watch it."

"Leave me alone, Dally. I didn't do shit to you." I shrugged myself away from Steve's arm and walked inside. Little did I know all hell was breaking loose in there.

"I told you I didn't want you involved with her, Ponyboy. You told me you weren't going to and you lied." Sodapop wasn't even yelling. Ponyboy did tell me how close him and Soda are anyway.

"I told you, it just happened. She was upset because we all keep calling her a Soc, and she kissed me."

"It is my fault, Sodapop. Don't be mad at him."

Sodapop looked at me for a long moment and sighed. "We barely even know you."

"I know her pretty well," Two-bit butt in.

Sodapop looked at Two-bit, then Ponyboy. "I don't want to hate your girlfriend, Ponyboy. I just don't want it to be a Soc."

"My brother may be a Soc, my parents may live on the West Side, but I live on the East Side. Hell, I live with Dally."

"You drive a mustang," Dally mentioned from the door. "You ain't like us, Mona."

I turned to Dally, "what I drive, what my parents do with their money have nothing to do with how I act, okay? I'm not who you guys make me out to be."

"You're a Soc," Dally asserted. "I don't care how much Ponyboy likes you, you're still a Soc and he could still do better."

I looked at Ponyboy, then Dally, and didn't say anything. I felt myself wanting to cry, but I would never do that in front of them. I swallowed down any tears and walked out. I got into my car and started it, waited a moment to see if Ponyboy would follow me to see if I was okay, but he didn't. I drove home and got ready for work. I ended up starting my shift early.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now