Chapter 4

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"You look different," Ponyboy leaned over to me and whispered. I stayed quiet and didn't answer him in fact, I didn't speak to him at all that class.


During lunch I walked around, looking for a place to sit. Ponyboy walked to me when he saw me. "Hey, Mona."

"Now you want to talk?"

"What?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yesterday, when Dally was talking to me like that, no one wanted to say anything," I complained.

Ponyboy rolled his eyes, "it was say something and possibly die or keep quiet. I think you can see why we didn't say anything."

"You guys can't be scared of that guy," I laughed thinking he was joking.

"Dally keeps a ring on his right hand for a reason, Mona. Dally isn't afraid of throwing a punch."

"I'm not like what he said," I followed him to their table. "We moved to Tulsa to start a better life. Tried leaving our old life back in our hometown."

"Dal sees a Soc and gets mad very quick. Don't take it personal."

"Hey, Mona," Two-bit and Steve greeted at the same time.

"Hey guys," I set my tray of food down. "How was work, Steve?"

Steve shrugged his shoulders, "well, I told my best bud how Ponyboy brought home a Soc. He wasn't too happy about that." He chuckled.

"Steve works with my older brother down at the DX station," Ponyboy told me. "He isn't against Socs but he gave me a mouthful when he got home about bringing one home."

"We're all against Socs, Pone." Two-bit shoved food into his mouth. "No offense Mona Lisa."

I rolled my eyes at the nickname I'm constantly teased with, even though it isn't the Mona Lisa I'm named after. "Anyway, what's so wrong with me being there?"

"He assumes Ponyboy has other intentions," Steve smirked and nudged Ponyboy. "We can be friends, but no Greaser stoops down so low that they'd date a Soc."

"Shut it, Randle. I told Sodapop I don't like Mona that way." Ponyboy defended himself.

"Your brother's name is Sodapop?"

Ponyboy nodded his head and ate his food. Once he swallowed, he spoke again. "My dad was really something."

"Don't even tell me the other one is like Anteater or something," I joked.

"The oldest, his name is Darry." Two-bit laughed. "'Nd my name is actually Keith but don't call me that." He informed me.

"Any other men I haven't met in your circle?" I asked.

"Nope. This is all of us. You can come over tonight and meet the brothers before they get more mad about us hanging with you." Steve said.

I sighed and nodded, "Dally sure hates me."

Ponyboy nodded and waved at Johnny as he arrived to the table, "he went on and on about the dangers of keeping you around after you left. Have you run into him at Buck's yet?"

"Not since yesterday morning, no." I crossed my legs and ate a carrot.

"Dal's here," Johnny spoke. I snapped my head towards him, surprised to hear him speak since it became pretty obvious that he isn't fond of it. "Getting his food. If she's here when he gets to the table, all hell will break loose."

"It's okay, I can go eat in my car," I smiled at them and stood up, gathering my stuff on my tray again. I actually didn't mind eating in my car. I can listen to music and just be alone.

Ponyboy stood up too, "I can go with you so you're not alone."

"I'm okay, Ponyboy, really."

"Don't have the hots for her, huh?" Steve teased him.

Ponyboy shook his head and followed me out of the cafeteria doors. We headed to my car and he got in the passenger as I got in the driver's seat.

"I'm sorry about them. I promise this is strictly-"

"It's okay, Ponyboy." I smiled at him and turned the radio on. We ate our food and talked until lunch was over then went inside for the rest of the day's classes.


Dally had gone elsewhere, so I drove Steve to his work with the rest of the boys piled in back. I didn't get out or say hi to Ponyboy's brother, but I saw him from a distance. He couldn't have been any older than me so I was confused as to why he doesn't go to school. Then I remembered what they told me about the train wreck. They're all on their own, so this one must have dropped out. And I doubt the other one is close in age, he has to be at least twenty if the state would let him watch over minors.

Ponyboy got into the front seat before I took off to his house, still with Two-bit and Johnny in the backseat. If Ponyboy's brother is my age, or even seventeen or eighteen, Ponyboy can't be my age. It's ideal that he would be at least sixteen. When the boys started talking about Ponyboy and I in a way that was more than friends, I got butterflies.

At the house, we all got out and went inside. Ponyboy went to his room and changed shirts, which must be a daily thing for him for some reason. Probably to save his nicer shirts for school time and his older shirts for other times.

"So how do you like workin' at Buck's?" Two-bit dug through the fridge.

I shrugged and sat on the couch, "it's fine. The regulars call me Square Choice and it took a little bit to figure out what that meant." Even Johnny laughed when I said that which put a smile on my face. That kid is mysterious looking. Don't ever say a word.

"That means you're an idiot." Two-bit laughed.

"They're also calling you pretty though," Ponyboy added.

Two-bit eyed Ponyboy from across the room and chuckled. I tucked hair behind my ear and nodded. "The job is great. The people are questionable and Buck is kind of a jerk, but it's all fine."

"I can talk to Dally, he can talk to Buck so he'd ease up on you," Two-bit told me.

I looked at him from across the room, "man, Dally hates me. Ain't no way he's gonna help a Soc like me. I'm fine. I don't need his help."

Two-bit shrugged his shoulders, "you don't gotta worry about Dally. He's pretty scary sometimes but he wouldn't hurt a girl. He's at least that decent."

"Why are y'all so scared of him?"

"He has quite a record. Yeah, I've been to jail but not nearly as much as Dal. He came from the streets of New York, doll. Arrested at the early age of ten." Two-bit added. "His dad is a piece of shit."

"So you're scared of him because of his record?"

"You seen him, right?" Johnny spoke.

"He's pretty handsome, that's all I seen," I admitted to the three of them. "Got an attitude on him, and I wouldn't say I'd purposely go out of my way to talk to a guy like him, but he's good looking."

"Yeah, Dal does that to girls," Ponyboy chuckled. "But he has a girlfriend. She's hard on Dal, but he seems to like her a lot which is why he doesn't leave the chick."

I looked at Ponyboy and more butterflies came to my stomach. I nodded my head and dropped the subject of Dally.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now