Chapter 16

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Dally's POV

Word got to me that Sylvia, Sandy and Evie found Mona at the Dingo which is never good. It wasn't until Sodapop told me that Sandy told him that Sylvia was the one who left crying. Apparently the girls went on and on about how me and Mona have a good chance together and it made Sylvia real upset.

While I like Sylvia, I see something in Mona. I don't know what to call it, but it's different. The way she talks to me isn't anything I've known before and when we're alone I feel like I could tell her anything and she'd smile and nod. That's usually not the case though because she seems to think I hate her still. She's always telling me to leave her alone and to go away. She should know by now that especially with me living around the corner, she can't get rid of me that easy.

I walked up the stairs and into Mona's room using the key I got from Buck. She wasn't in there so I decided to wait. Being it was night at that point, she'd be home pretty soon. She doesn't usually stay out all night.

When midnight hit and she still wasn't home, I called Ponyboy.

"Hello?" Darry answered the phone.

"Hey, man, is Mona at your place?"

"No. I haven't seen her since the park. I know Sodapop said that the girls talked to her."

"I know," I sighed. "She's not home."

There was chatter at the other end before Darry spoke again, "Pony said she might be with her brother."

"Damn," I sighed. "Thanks." I hung up the phone.


I sat in the bar. It had been a couple days since we'd all last seen Mona. Ponyboy has even gone up to her dad's house to train since then but her brother said she hadn't seen her.

"Dally," Sylvia walked to me, "nice to see you."

I glanced at her, smiled but let it fade. "You scared Mona away, you know that?"

She cocked an eyebrow and sat next to me, "what did she say no when you asked her out?" She joked with a small laugh.

I rolled my eyes, "she left, Syl. We haven't seen her in nearly a week. She's skipped every day of school."

"Why do you care, Dally," Sylvia locked her hand with mine, "maybe with her gone you'll stop drooling over her so much when she gets back. You know you and I belong together."

I scoffed and moved my hand away, "we haven't gone longer than two months together, Sylvia."

"She doesn't even like you," she got angry, "you're chasing after a Soc who still hates your guts!"

"Watch it, Sylvia," I warned.

"No! I'm right. Because if she actually liked you she wouldn't have dated Ponyboy right after she had sex with you. She wouldn't have gave in so easily when she knew I was constantly around. She wouldn't have left you." She started walking away.

I grabbed her hand and turned her around, "I'm going to tell you the same shit that I told Mona. Watch what you say. Mona ain't like any of the girls you know. She has actual personality." I let go of her and began walking away.

"If by personality you mean a bitch with a shiny black car, you're right!"

I grabbed Sylvia by the shoulders and stood close to her, same thing as I did to Mona. "Im getting real tired of you, Sylvia. You're going to walk out of here and find another guy to sleep with but I'll still be waiting for Mona when you decide you want me back."

"She's never going to love you like I do." She spat.

I chuckled and licked my lips, "you don't love me. You never will."

"If your mom couldn't love you, how could I?!" She got defensive.

I wasn't laughing that time. I shoved her away from me, getting angry. "You really going to bring my mother into this?!"

"It's the truth!"

I walked towards her as she tried walking away and pushed her against the wall, "I want to beat the shit out of you right now, Sylvia. Go ahead, say it all again!" I yelled.

She looked scared. Tears came to her eyes but she sniffled them down, "your mother wouldn't have let you leave New York if she loved you!"

Mona's POV

I had been gone nearly a week and finally arriving home. When I stepped into Buck's I heard yelling and I looked over to see Sylvia and Dally arguing. I was going to ignore it but it picked up and Dally started getting extremely angry.

"Go ahead, say it all again!" Dally yelled.

"Your mother wouldn't have let you leave New York if she loved you!" Sylvia bravely shouted.

I dropped my bag and ran to him as he raised his hand to hit her. I mean anyone would have beat the shit out of her for talking like that, but Dally would hate himself afterwards for hitting a girl. I grabbed his hand and moved him away. His eyes softened when he looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I let go of his hand and made him focus on me by putting both my hands on his face.

He unclenched both his hands and rested them on my hips. I could feel his heartbeat come back to a normal pace because it was racing before.

"Where'd you go?" He muttered.

I took my hands from his face and moved out of his slight grip on my sides. I picked up my bag and he followed me. "My mom's."

"You didn't tell any of us?" Dally followed me upstairs and into my bedroom. I set my stuff down and watched Dally go to lay on my bed, "thank you for down there."

"Are you okay?" I walked to him and stood at the edge, "you almost hit her."

"She was talking crap about you. All bullshit," he sat up a little and looked at me, "then she brought my mom into it after I was already fed up and mad."

I kneeled on my bed and he put his arm out, trying to pull me over to him. I resisted and laid next to him instead. Dally sighed and stared at the ceiling.

"You don't need to stand up for me," I mumbled.

Dally moved to his side and faced me, "I wanted to." He turned my face so I looked at him.

I saw his eyes look at my lips for a moment before he looked back at my eyes. When he went to lean in to kiss me I sat up and moved off of the bed quickly. My heart was the one racing that time. I glanced at Dally who was now just laying there looking defeated.

"I don't like you like that, Dally." I lied. He sees right through me though so me saying that didn't effect him.

He put the pillow over his eyes and let out a long sigh, "whenever you're ready, Doll." He hummed.

I smiled at the boy on my bed and started unpacking my clothes.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now