Chapter 10

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"Father," I groaned and watched Ponyboy walk out of the house. "This couldn't have gone worse." I muttered.

"What?" My dad glanced behind him at the door.

I put my fork down and sighed, "about a year ago Ponyboy's parents passed away in a train wreck. He has two brothers, one is sixteen and one is twenty. The sixteen year old dropped out to get a job for bills and the twenty year old had to turn down a collage scholarship to work and get custody of his younger brothers. Ponyboy doesn't take the topic of his parents too well."

"Yeah, his brother is the one that fixed my car. He works at the DX station. Did a damn good job," Meyer admitted.

"I'm sorry, Mona, I didn't know." My dad went to stand up but I stopped him.

"It's okay, father. I'll check on him," I stood up and walked to the door. Ponyboy was sitting on the hood of my car. "You okay?"

He looked at me and slid to the edge. I welcomed him in a hug and sighed. "I'm sorry."

I frowned and pulled myself away so I could see my boyfriend's face. "Ponyboy, you have nothing to be sorry about. My dad doesn't think any less of you, I promise."

A tear rolled down Ponyboy's face. I wiped it away with the pad of my thumb and hugged him again. After a couple minutes when Ponyboy had collected himself, we went back inside.

"You should be very mature for your age, son," my dad greeted Ponyboy again as we sat back down.

"Oh he is, father. Ponyboy is fourteen but is in classes with the 10th and 11th graders." I admitted.

My dad chuckled but quickly wiped the surprised look off his face, "well done. Play any sports?"

"I run track, sir. But my brother has been wanting me to do football like he did when he was in high school. He had a football scholarship but let go of it," he told my dad. Not even I knew that... I knew he ran track, but I didn't know Darry did football and I didn't know it was what the scholarship was for."

"Unbutton, son let me take a look at you." My dad weirdly told Ponyboy. I should have told him he's a coach.

Ponyboy looked at me but both me and Meyer laughed at the situation. "Just do it, Ponyboy. He coaches football, he's just gonna look at your build." I stood up with Ponyboy and assisted him in unbuttoning his shirt.

"Broad shoulders but not much arm or chest muscle," my dad stated. "Do you work out?"

Ponyboy shook his head, "I only run."

My dad nodded and sat down so I began buttoning Ponyboy back up. "What's the verdict, father?"

"He definitely has a runners body. He could have a football body with a couple months of training."

Ponyboy chuckled, "that sure would make my brother happy. We don't get along well."

"What do you say, Ponyboy. I'll work with you, be your personal coach and see if you make the team at your school in September. Can you throw a ball?"

"Not as well as I can kick one. When me and my friends play tackle, they make me the kicker."

My dad smiled, "that's the runner in you, boy."

I squeezed Pony's hand under the table with a smile on my face. I take my statement back. This couldn't have gone better.


"How'd it go, Ponyboy?" Darry said as we walked into the house. Ponyboy insisted we head to his house before hanging out at mine. He was so excited about my dad.

"Awesome. Her dad is a coach, Darry. He's gonna get me in shape for football."

I saw a smile come onto Darry's face. He looked genuinely happy. "That's great, Pone. How'd that happen though?"

"Her dad just asked me to take my shirt off, he said I have a great track body but he said in a couple months, by September, we could have me playing football." Ponyboy went to his room to change out of his nice clothes. "Not what I was expecting out of that visit." Darry smiled at me and sat in a chair. Ponyboy came out in a new change of clothes. "I'll be back by eleven."

Me and Ponyboy left and went to my place. As I shut my door I watched Dally come out of his room. I smiled knowing I didn't care for him anymore and turned to Ponyboy.

"I'm surprised they didn't care about our age," Ponyboy sat on the bed. "Meyer barely said anything that whole visit though."

"Meyer isn't a fan of anyone who isn't him," I walked to Ponyboy and adjusted his hair. "My dad was just happy to know you're not in Junior High despite your age. And that you're athletic."

Ponyboy smiled up at me. "Since your dad is a coach, how well do you play?"

"Not too well, sorry to break it to ya. I'm a girl so I can't play. He tried getting me into cheerleading but I wasn't fond of that."

"You don't know anything?" Ponyboy wrapped his arms around my torso.

"I know how to throw a ball, that's about it."

"Good enough. Next time we play, you can join. Usually the other guys' girlfriends sit in the shade and watch."

"Fun," I sat in his lap, "we forgot the condoms in the car." I mutter right before I kissed him. "I'll be right back." I kissed his lips then left the room. I went downstairs quickly and out to my car.

"Mona," Dally followed me outside. "I was thinking we should hang out."

I closed the car door so he wouldn't see the condoms. "I can't, Dally."

"Come on, doll. The other night was fun, right?"

I looked at him and sighed, "Ponyboy is waiting upstairs for me."

"Of course he is," Dally leaned against my mustang. "Look at you, dating a kid."

"I like him," I opened the door. "Now if you'll excuse me," I grabbed the condoms and walked past Dally. When I got back to my room I tossed the box to Ponyboy and climbed into bed next to him.

Ponyboy dropped the box beside the bed and rolled on top of me, giving me a long kiss on the lips. He pulled away from the kiss and laid his head on my chest, wrapped his arms around my body and closed his eyes.

"I just want to lay here, Mona."

I smiled knowing he was getting sleepy, "that's okay, we don't have to do anything." I played with his hair until we both fell asleep.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now