Chapter 24

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"Get out, Dally. Go find Sylvia." I turned around and walked towards Meyer.

"Mona..." he backed away from Meyer once he took in what he had said. "I didn't mean it."

"Get out!" I shouted at him.

"I didn't mean it, Mona!" He walked towards me but I stepped away.

"You said you love me!"

He changed the look in his eyes from angry to regretful, "Mona, I do love you..."

"She said get out," Meyer butt in.

"Stay out of it," Dally snapped and walked towards me again, "Mona, I don't know why I said that."

"Probably because you aren't over her," I walked past him and sat on my bed. "Twice in a day, Dally? Really?"

He sighed, "I am over her."

"Doesn't seem like it," I wiped my eyes and began taking off his necklace, "this isn't right, Dally. Not until you're over Sylvia... but I know after you leave here that's the first girl you're going to go find."

He didn't take the necklace, "Mona," he walked towards me, "why can't you understand that I've never felt this way about a girl... I've never told a girl I love her before, hell, I've never told anyone that I love them."

"Dally," I looked away, "go find her."

"I don't want Sylvia!" He turned my face, "she's my broken record, Mona, but I never want to leave you. Why do you think I'm here even when you're not?"

I looked at his lips then pulled my face away, "you don't get along with my brother anyway, so it doesn't matter." I moved past him and opened the door. I held the necklace in my hand, "I'll be sure to give this to Sylvia when I see her."

"How many times are we going to do this, Mona? How many times are you going to push me away?"

"Go," I gestured to the door. He didn't take the necklace out of my hand but I shut the door when he walked out. I heard his door slam from across the hall and more tears came to my eyes.

Meyer reached out to hug me but I snapped towards him, "you had to do that?!"

He put his hands up, "I'm just watching out for you, Mona."

"I don't need your help, Meyer! Me and Dally were happy!" I put the necklace on my bathroom counter, "we were finally having a good moment where the tension between us wasn't sexual or tense. It was romantic and actually felt like he loved me, Meyer."

"I just made you realize you don't want him!"

"I fucking want him, Meyer!" I yelled. "I've never wanted a guy more than Ive wanted him. He only treats me the way he does. I've seen how he interacts with others, Meyer. He doesn't do the stuff he does around me!"

"He's a no-good asshole," Meyer sat down, "you should be thanking me."

I wiped my tears and shook my head, "you really don't care, do you? Which one of your friends would you rather me date, Meyer because I can't think of any other reason you'd be chasing him away!"

"No one, Mona. I just know what's good for you."

I got angry, "he is good for me!"

"Stop yelling at me, Mona. He doesn't deserve you and we both know that." He looked away, "Dad tells me to protect you. Mom tells me to make sure the guy you're dating is good. Ponyboy was good, this guy isn't. It's time to move on, Mona."

"What a supportive brother," I walked into my bathroom and shut my door, leaned against the counter and let out my tears.

A couple days later

I was out with the boys, well, all except Dally, Johnny and Darry. Johnny is with Dally and Darry is at work. Ponyboy, Two and I were all watching the other two as they worked. Steve was at the garage and Sodapop was tending to cars and customers at the register. He flirted girls away like a pro. Two-bit and Ponyboy were out with Sodapop to keep him company between cars so I went in to check on Steve and the car since he was working alone.

"Hey, Steve," I stood at the door with a smile, despite being still upset about Dally. The boys don't know that me and Dally are even on bad terms or that my brother showed up at my door a couple days prior.

Steve looked up from the hood, "hey, Mona."

"Just came to see what you're doing," I walked further into the garage.

He chuckled, "fixin' this ol' thing," he pat the car and stood up straight, "is that all?"

I shrugged and leaned against the car, "the boys were getting pretty rowdy out there."

"Well, you can hang in here for a bit," he pat a stool, "have a seat, Darlin'."

I smiled and sat on the stool. It was silent as he fixed up the car but when he took his head out and wiped his hands, he looked at me.

"We haven't heard from Dal in a couple days. How's it going?"

I shrugged, "it's going..."

"Well, you ain't wearing his necklace," he touched my collarbone, leaving a black mark there.

I nodded, "we haven't really talked since the day he and Ponyboy met my mother... we had a fight because my brother showed up and... yeah."

"Man," he glanced at me, "tough."

"It's whatever," I took my jacket off since it was hot in the garage, "I wish it never happened because I really like Dal, but I guess we may just know that we aren't really for each other."

"I don't know, Mona. Dally seemed real into you," he started the car after he stopped talking and it tried sputtering to life, failing.

I picked at my nails, "it's hard loving someone as Dally, you know? He's so unpredictable..."

"But he's loyal. He may be a bad person but he treats a girl alright."

I huffed and rolled my eyes, "he's been with Sylvia how many times since I met him?"

Steve chuckled, "you gotta remember their history and that you two never made your thing official."

"Whatever..." I mumbled.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now