Chapter 30

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I heard arguing out in the hall so I got up to check it out. When I opened the door it was Meyer, my mom and my dad. I sighed and stepped out, closing the door behind me.

"What is going on?"

Meyer glared, "both mom and dad are taking your boyfriend's side!"

I smiled, "really?"

"Pu'kin," my mom moved hair out of my face, "I've been seeing how you guys look at each other."

I smiled and looked at my dad, "father?"

"I opened that door and saw you two together. Meyer made him out to be some sort of monster," he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, "I'm proud of you for standing up against us. Now if things ever get questionable between you two, you need to get out of there."

"Yes, father," I chuckled.

"Haven't you guys heard of Stockholm Syndrome?!" Meyer protested.

I glared at him, "Dallas isn't abusing me, Meyer. You're the one who jumped him."

"Jumped him?! He targeted me at a rumble so I just gave him what was coming to him!"

I walked back to the door, "you broke his ribs, Meyer. Leave us alone, will ya?" I walked back into the room. The yelling in the hall continued.

"Your family?" Dally sat up a little.

I nodded my head and sat on the bed, "they're more accepting of us right now, Dal. I mean they think you're my boyfriend already but I wasn't gonna correct them now."

He chuckled, "I want out of here, Doll."

"Well I'm not pregnant and we already took all of our tests," I laid next to him. "Should be soon."

"You just need to make sure you're resting, Dallas. It'll take a while to heal."

Dally rolled his eyes at my mom who just walked in the room, "okay, Doc, what do I gotta restrict myself from?"

She sat in her chair, "wrestling, fighting, playing ball, skating. You know what boys do. Don't lift or work out, and I know it's uncomfortable but no sex."

I giggled as Dally rubbed the back of his neck, "tell your daughter that, ma'am."

I gasped and hit Dally's shoulder. My mom just shook her head and stood up, "oh yeah, I took the liberty in calling home for you. Your-"

"You what?" Dally sat up quickly.

"Your mom was glad to hear you're okay, Dallas."

"I didn't give you permission to get in contact with my parents!" Dally got angry.

I stood up as I got worried about the situation. My mom seemed shocked at how Dally was getting. I grabbed Dally's hand but he pulled it away.

My mom took a moment before speaking, "I talked to her for a while... she uh," my mom cleared her throat. "She's on her way down here."

"What?!" Dally got out of bed.

My mom looked at me then back at Dally, "Dallas, you need to lay back down."

"No what I need to do is get the hell out of here!" He began gathering his things.

"Dally..." I walked towards him.

He snapped away from me, "Mona, you don't understand. I left for a reason. I can't see my mom after all these years, it's not safe. I never should have agreed to coming here! I never should have picked a fight with your brother or gone to that rumble! I never-"

"Dally!" I shouted.

He looked at me and took a deep breath, "Mona, I can't be here when she shows up."

I put my hands on his face and made him sit down, "Dally you're gonna be okay..."

"I left because my father hated me, Mona. Ever day he'd crack down on my mom and I. He was in this gang, more like a mob actually and every time he came home drunk he'd threaten to kill me and my mom. I called my mom a couple weeks after I got here and she said once I left things eased up for her. He stopped hitting her and calling her names and they went back to what she thinks is normal."

I wiped his bangs back and kissed his lips slowly. He calmed down in the seconds we were kissing and he looked at me, "My mom only bought your mom a plane ticket. Your father isn't coming."

"Her plane lands in a couple hours, Dallas. I have Nelson ready to pick her up and take her here."

Dally didn't even look at my mom. He stood up and ran his hands through his hair, "you guys should have asked me."

"A mother needs her baby," my mom looked at me but then to Dally, "and a baby needs their mom."

"I'm not a baby," Dally grabbed his clothes and began changing into them, not caring that my mom was in there because of course she's the doctor.

"She wasn't really talking to you when she said that," I sighed. "That was her way of telling me she wants me to come home."

"The house is lonely without you, Jackie baby," she walked toward me. "Your father has Meyer but I don't have my Jackie Mona."

"Stop calling me Jackie," I sat down, "I like where I am, Momma. And I love you but I'm sorry. Anyway, you have Nelson."

"Nelson misses you too," she put her hand on my face, "come home, Pu'kin."

I glanced at Dally and he was putting on his belt, "I can't. I can't leave my friends."

My mom nodded, "Dallas, I will be back later to check on you. Get some rest before you're released." She left the room.

Dally walked to me and I gently wrapped my arms around him, "are you excited?"

"I still don't think it's a good idea, Mona," he sighed. "She'll be glad to see I have a girlfriend, though. Someone as good for me as you are, too."

I smiled and kissed him, "girlfriend?"

He chuckled, "I hope so."

I smiled more and kissed him. We sat on the bed and kissed for a while.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now