Chapter 13

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A couple weeks later

Me and Ponyboy stayed in touch but I hung out with Two-bit, Steve and actually Sodapop since I wasn't the Soc dating his little brother anymore. As soon as me and Ponyboy broke up, they all seemed to take a better liking in me. Hell me and Ponyboy were only together for a couple days but I guess that was all it took for him to realize he doesn't actually like me.

As for Dally, I wish I talked to him more. He started dating Sylvia again so she's all about keeping him away from me. He still torments and teases me despite everything. He still refuses to ride in my mustang if the rest of us are going out and if he does end up in my bedroom, he just falls asleep on my bed. I wouldn't call us friends.

I was on my way with Ponyboy to my dad's house so he could train. I was just going to drop him off and leave but Meyer wanted to hang out with me so I stayed. My dad had tons of questions about why we broke up, how were still friends, all of it. It got to an uncomfortable point so Ponyboy ignored the questions and kept training while I went inside with Meyer to make dinner.

"So why did you guys break up?" Meyer asked as he pulled a pan out.

I shrugged my shoulders, "he didn't want-"

"Why though?" Meyer put water in the pan.

I sighed and leaned against the counter, "Before me and Pony actually got together I slept with one of his friends... Ponyboy found out and thought it'd be better if we were just friends and so far I think he's right."

Meyer made a face, "what about this other guy?"

"He has a girlfriend... it's fine though, I don't like the guy." I pulled out potatoes and started peeling them. "He's a real jerk. Gets drunk and goes to jail."

"Well, for whatever reason I'm glad you're single again." Meyer laughed and started preparing chicken.


I dropped Ponyboy off at home and said hi to the rest of the boys inside, which was just his brothers and Johnny. I went home and when I opened my bedroom door I saw Dally asleep on my bed. I groaned and put my stuff down then walked to the edge of my bed.

"Hey, Winston!" I shouted.

The teen didn't move. I pulled my blanket off of him and went to the bathroom, filling a cup with cold water so I could pour it on him. I splashed the water in his face and he looked angry. He slowly sat up, wiped his face and looked at me.

"What the hell?"

I laughed and tossed him a towel, "I lock my door for a reason."

"I have a key for a reason. What's with the water?" He wiped his face, took off his jacket that he was somehow still wearing and his wet shirt followed it.

I looked away from him and put a towel down on my now wet bed, "We aren't friends. Your girlfriend would be pissed if she saw you in here anyway."

Dally chuckled, "Sylvia doesn't control me."

"Well, she should. You don't listen to anyone. Hear me when I say this, Dally: leave me alone."

He stood up and ran his fingers through his wet hair. "You don't know me, Mona."

"Get out of my room before I tell Sylvia."

He walked to me, "you should know we broke up."

I laughed and looked at him, "that's why you're here, Dallas? I'm not doing that again. Find another girl to rebound off of."

"I didn't ask you to sleep with me." He turned me around. "I'm just saying, we broke up."

"For now," I shook my head and leaned on the windowsill, "in a week you'll be back together."

"So what? That's my business."

I nodded, "you're right. So keep it your business. Don't come falling asleep in my room when she breaks up with you."

"I broke up with her," Dally muttered. "The broad was seen cheating."

I cracked a smile but didn't let Dally see it, "shame..."

"Yeah," Dally sat back on my bed, "y'know I don't know why I stay with the girl... she only does me wrong."

"You obviously love her." I looked at him, "I couldn't think of any other reason why you'd keep running back to her."

Dally held a necklace in his hand and shrugged his shoulders, "that's all subjective."

"You do love her, right?" I sat next to him and held my hand out, asking to see the necklace.

Dally didn't say anything. He put the necklace in my hands and stood up. He walked across the room and leaned against the wall, not looking at me.

I looked in my hand and it was a long chain with a St Christopher on it. I walked over to Dally and placed it back in his hand. "Why do you wear this?"

"My mom gave it to me before I ran away... it was like she knew before I did it. She told me it'd keep me safe in my travels."

"Well he's the traveler Saint. Known to keep you safe and away from evil and darkness." I smiled at him, "I didn't know you believed in that kind of stuff."

"I don't." He shoved it into his pocket. "I believe in my mom."

I nodded my head and reached into his pocket, pulling the necklace out again. "This is the first time I've seen you with it. Do you usually give it to Sylvia?"

"Yeah, lousy broad always throws it back at me when we break up," he stared at my hand where I was holding it. "I don't care."

I turned around and walked to my bag, pulled out a necklace and walked back over to Dally. "My mom gave me one too. She said it will protect me from any harm and evil. During my travels I'd have this as protection." I smiled and laid in the palm of my hand the almost identical necklace. Only difference was his was silver and mine was gold.

"Does it work? Do you believe in it?"

I placed mine in his hand and looked away from his face, "I do. I believe it's her way of being with me. Making sure I'm okay. I mean she's only on the other side of town but I'm still only sixteen and living without either of my parents."

"Yeah, I don't even know if my mom is still alive. My dad hurt us so bad she could easily be dead by now." Dally closes his hand on my Christopher necklace and walked past me, over to the bed again.

I ran my thumb over his necklace and smiled a little, "do you ever think of going back to New York? Your mom could be waiting for you."

He shook his head, "my mom made me promise that if I ever left, I'd never come back. She's not waiting for me."

I nodded my head, "you're a good guy, Dallas. You just don't-"

"Don't tell me what I am, Mona. I know how I'm spending the rest of my life and I've come to terms with it."

"And what's that?" I sat next to him.

"Dead." He stood up, tossed me my necklace and walked out of the room. He forgot his wet jacket and shirt on my floor, and his mom's St. Christopher in my hand. I sighed and put my necklace back in my purse and put his necklace on. If I have any say in Dally's life, he'd be cleaning up or moving back to New York for his mother. Either way, death is the last thing I want for him.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now