Chapter 38

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There was a knock at my door. I didn't say anything so the door opened and my mother stood with her head down. She walked slowly across the room to me then sat next to me on my bed, reaching her hand out for mine.

"I know breakups can be hard, Mona..."

"You forced us to break up, Mother," I looked at her, "and you're letting Meyer date Dally's ex? She's using him! Using us!" I turned away.

She sighed, "you said that you and Jack really hit it off."

I glared at her, "I like Dally. He is my boyfriend, Mother. Just because he's different doesn't mean he isn't good for me. I love him."

My mom rubbed my shoulder, "I just want you to live a good life."

I pulled away and stood up, "I'm not going to your stupid party, Mother. And as long as Meyer can date that... that whore-" I spat, "I will continue on with Dallas."

"Jackie!" My mom stood up angrily, "What has gotten into you?!"

"I hate her Mother!" I yelled. "She's ruined enough of mine and Dally's relationship, I'm not going to let her come in and steal Meyer from this family!" I walked past my mom and ran down the hall, making my way down the stairs. Sylvia and Meyer were standing at the bottom of the staircase, I shoved them out of my way and ran for the door.

"Mona," I heard Meyer. I glanced behind me and he was jogging after me. I stopped before I opened the door and wiped the tears from my eyes, "you have to-"

"I don't have to do anything, Meyer. You won't accept me and Dally when he's the perfect man for me, but you go and date that whore," I turned around to leave but Meyer grabbed my wrist and shoved me against the door.

"Don't call her that, Mona," he got angry. "She's my girlfriend."

"She's a whore." I glared. He slapped me so I did the same back. I shoved him away from me, "god, Richard why are you like this?!" I yelled.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" My dad entered the room. "Meyer get away from your sister." He walked towards us. Meyer didn't do anything so my dad pulled his shoulder and turned around, said something to him and Meyer then walked back to Sylvia and they headed down the hall towards the lounge. "Mona..."

"Save it," I shook my head and opened the door, "you guys don't want to see me happy."

"That isn't true," he followed me outside. "We know who Dallas is, Mona. He gets arrested, smokes, drinks, parties. You need a good man, Mona."

"I need a better family," I sobbed out, opening my car door, "I hate it here, Father. You guys find ways to make my life a living hell!" I shouted at him.

"Quit yelling," he opened the passenger door and got in. "You need to think about your future."

"And Meyer doesn't?! Father Sylvia dated Dallas and after him and I got together she wouldn't leave us alone! And you accept their relationship but not mine and Dally's?!" I put my hands on my face and leaned on the steering wheel. "I love him, Father. If you want to take me out of the will, go ahead but I love him."

My dad sighed and shook his head, "Meyer is leaving, Mona. She won't have access to him in military school so they'll be breaking up." He put his hand on my arm, "you can ruin this family, Mona. Marrying a man who doesn't have fortune can damage your own fortune. Some day this house will be yours and Meyer's, Jackie Mona... we don't need a hood living in a house like this."

I scoffed, "we have all this money, father. Don't you think that instead of keeping the less fortunate less fortunate, we should try to better them? We don't need all of this, father. Your house was nice and normal. We didn't have a million servants and we didn't have a hundred rooms. I want to be normal, father."

"Normal," he shook his head, "your ancestors didn't work for what we have- your mother and I didn't work for what we have just for you to sit here and ruin it all, Mona."

"You act like he's going to exploit us for all we have, Father!" I yelled.

"Jackie Mona Brown, quit talking to me like that." He spat and got out of the car. "Seems like you need to be sent away too, Mona." He turned and walked back to the house.

I felt tears well in my eyes. I wanted to scream. I started my car and drove to Buck's. As I made my way up the stairs Buck stopped me, "Dal went out with Soda and them, Mona. He ain't here."

I sighed and nodded. I walked back to my car, drove to Ponyboy's house and when I went inside Dally was in there. The guys were looking between us thinking we're broken up but he just sighed and opened his arms for me. I walked to him, falling into him as I cried.

"Dally, they're sending me away." I sobbed.

"What?" He sat down and pulled me onto his lap, "like correctional school?"

"I'm pretty sure." I shrugged and wiped my eyes. "My dad only mentioned it for a second but I think I pushed this relationship too hard on them."

"You're going away, Mona?" Ponyboy asked.

I looked at him and nodded, wiping my eyes again, "Meyer is going for a year. They'll probably just have the same guys who pick up Meyer pick me up."

"We'll miss you here, Mona," Steve put his hand on my shoulder. "Come see us when you come home, alright?"

I nodded and sunk myself further into Dally. He kissed my head so I looked up at him and kissed his lips. "Might as well not go home until I have to leave," I put my hand on his face. "Stay out of trouble while I'm gone, okay?" He nodded and kissed me again.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now