Chapter 14

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It was Saturday so the gang invited me over to Ponyboy's. We were all going to eat lunch there, go to the park to play some tackle and go back to their house so Darry could make us dinner. The boys constantly expressed their want to play poker afterwards. Of course I'm a girl so I'd stay in the sidelines for both activities.

I seen Dally leaving at the same time as I. Once we got downstairs I stopped him. "I could give you a ride to the house, Dal."

"I can walk, Doll," he chuckled. He looked at my neck and seen his necklace and cracked a smile but only for a moment, "I'm meeting y'all at the park anyway."

"Okay," I shrugged. "You left your shirt and jacket in my room by the way." I said while walking away.

"So be it!" He shouted to me as I walked out the door. I smiled and shook my head as I got into my car.

I turned the radio on and Fun Fun Fun by The Beach Boys came on. I smiled and turned the volume up as I drove. I sang along to one of my favorite bands. I know the Greasers aren't so fond of them because they're not edgy enough, but I like them.

I parked next to the house and got out, walked inside and the boys began greeting me.

"Mona Lisa!" Two-bit jumped to his feet and nearly tackled me but I moved out of the way quickly.

"Good mood are we?" I chuckled and nudged Two-bit. "That's cute."

He went to mess up my hair but I dodged his hands and ran across the room. I didn't see Darry coming around the corner though so I bumped into him and fell to the floor. The boys erupted in laughter but Darry offered me a hand up.

"Where's Dally?" Ponyboy put his arm around my shoulders, "woulda thought he'd ride with you."

"No, the ass still refuses." I chuckled. "He said he'd meet us all at the park. He and Sylvia broke up last night so he's probably not feeling the best."

"Dal don't feel," Steve assured. "I ain't never seen him express anything outside of anger."

"Don't underestimate your friend. He came by last night after I dropped and seemed real upset. I went into my room and he was asleep on my bed so I woke him up and we talked until he left."

"You're wearing his St. Christopher," Johnny pointed out. "He only ever gives that to Sylvia."

Ponyboy took his arm away from my shoulders, "are y'all finally dating?"

"No. We don't want anything like that. He's still wildly in love with Sylvia and I still don't like him like you think I do," I messed Ponyboy's hair and smiled at him. "It was something that we found in common. He opened up about his mom."

"Dal did?" Darry looked surprised. "What'd he say?"

I touched his necklace that was around my neck, "that's his business. Anyway it was sweet how he holds onto this. I have one from my mom too."

"Well," Pony put his arm back around my shoulders, "better be my cheerleader today." He changed the subject.

"What? No she's going to be my cheerleader!" Two-bit practically charged at me and this time was successful with jumping on me. I groaned as I laid under the blonde eighteen year old so Darry got him off of me.

I stood up and rolled my eyes at the boys, "I love you all equally. I'll cheer for you all."

"But that's not fair, I'm the only one who's slept with you," Ponyboy teased.

I rolled my eyes but Steve cackled, "Dally can use that same argument."

Ponyboy scoffed and glared at Steve and Sodapop spoke up, "leave her sex life alone." He shook his head and laughed.

"Thank you, Sodapop." I teased the boys and walked to the table. "Maybe it's you I need to be cheering for."

"Cheer all you want, darlin', I'm going to win either way." He put his arm around my shoulder now.

Darry clicked his tongue, "need I remind you I'm playing?"

"Oh really, old man?" His younger brother teased. "You have no match against me!"

Darry put down the plate he was holding and walked towards Sodapop and I, "little buddy, I'd watch your mouth." He joked.

"Boys boys!" I shouted, "I think we all know that Ponyboy has an upper hand. My dad has been teaching him well."

Ponyboy smiled proudly, "watch out, losers! You knew I could run, but now I can play!" He let out a maniacal laugh and both his brothers charged at him. Soon enough, all six of them were dog piled on top of one another. Even Johnny was laughing and playing and usually he stays away from the wrestling at least.


At the park the boys began playing without Dally, but it didn't take too much longer for him to show up and jump in with them. Fifteen minutes into the game most of their shirts came off and were tossed in my direction. I could see the sweat on their bodies from where I was standing.

Thirty minutes into them playing, I watched Sodapop and Steve's girlfriends interrupt the game by running in to kiss their boyfriend's hello. I seen both girls glance over at me then at each other. They walked in my direction together and I hoped for the best.

"Mona, right?" The blonde who was kissing Sodapop asked.

I glanced over both their shoulders and the guys were still playing, but Dally was periodically glancing over at us. I nodded my head and tucked the necklace into my shirt.

"I forgot, you're here for Ponyboy or Dallas?"

I let out a slight huff and looked at the brunette, "neither. They're all my friends."

"Oh, but," Sodapop's girlfriend touched the chain and pulled on it so it came back out of my shirt, "Sylvia would be mad if she saw this, wouldn't she?"

"They broke up," I stepped back so she wasn't touching me anymore. "I don't know why it matters anyway."

They looked at each other and let out small laughs. "Sylvia's coming, you know."

"She never misses watching him play."

I looked over their shoulders again and they had stopped playing and were looking at us. I looked at Dally and he was looking to the side, then moments later Sylvia was by his side, kissing him. I felt anger build up inside me but I acted like I didn't care.

"Just leave me alone, okay? I came here to watch the boys play that's all." I began walking away from the two of them and that's when Sylvia walked to the other girls.

I was having a good day... but downfall starts here.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now