Chapter 37

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Jack dropped me off at home after our date which neither of us really enjoyed. He told me his parents forced him into it as well so I told him that me and Dally are still together. We've made a deal that whenever one of us need a ruse to get out of the house, we call each other and use one another as an excuse. So when I want to hang out with Dally, I call Jack and he makes plans with his girlfriend too. And vise versa.

I thanked him and went to my car, got in it and drove off. I went to Buck's. Buck said hello, I waved and went straight upstairs to Dally's room.

Dally opened the door and pulled me in, pressed me agaisnt the door and kissed me. "I have to ask again, Mona," he began taking my shirt off me. "Are you sure about the plan?"

"Dally if you don't want to go through with it I can go back on the pills," I sighed.

He shrugged, "I just don't want a baby..."

"I know," I kissed his lips. "Im not ready for one but they'll let us be together if I get pregnant." I combed my fingers through his hair. "Then you can move in with us."

"I don't know..." he laid down. "I really don't want a kid."

"We can think of another plan, babe," I sat on his lap and locked my hands with his. "Im sure getting pregnant isn't the only way."

"But what other option do we have?"

"We can figure it out, Dal." I leaned down and kissed him. "Ill go back on my pills, okay?" He nodded his head. I laid down next to him as we kissed.


I kissed Dally sweetly with a smile on my face, "I should go..."

"Do you have to?" He groaned and shook his head.

I giggled and sat up, "yes, Dally. Ill be back sometime this week I promise, okay?"

"yeah," he nodded and watched me leave.

So the plan was to get pregnant, so that my parents would force Dally to marry me. Dally agreed with it at first but I guess he's been thinking about it. And I agree... we can't get pregnant just to stay together. It just means I have to think more... and we have to keep this a secret longer. I feel absolutely delusional. I mean, I was willing to get pregnant just to stay with Dallas? I love him but not enough to risk my entire life.

When I got home I walked inside. The house seemed empty at first but moments later rushes of people went walking from room to room. I glanced around confused, looking for my parents or Nelson. I saw Meyer come down the stairs so I walked towards him.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Mother is throwing a party," he rolled his eyes. "We have to dress up. She put a new dress on your bed." He began walking past me but he turned around, "and I told Sylvia she could borrow one of yours."

I gasped and turned to him, "no!" I ran down the stairs and grabbed his wrist, "your girlfriend is not wearing my clothes, Richard Meyer!"

He laughed, "Mother already said yes. She's in your closet right now choosing."

I turned and bolted up the stairs, past Nelson who was ready to greet me. I ran past my room, down the hall further and pulled my closet door open, "get the hell out of here." I walked towards her.

Sylvia was holding a dress in her arms, "Okay." She smiled and went to leave with the dress.

I shook my head, "no. That is mine, put it down." I went to grab it from her and she stepped away.

"Excuse me, Mona. I believe your mother told me I could borrow one of your hundreds of dresses!" She emphasized. "Look around Mona, who needs this much clothes?! You have a whole separate room just for your wardrobe, and I can't borrow a dress for your mother's party?"

"No, you can't! You shouldn't be going to the party!"

"Well it's not your choice! I'm dating your brother so get over it." She pushed past me so I grabbed her arm and turned her around, pushing her against the wall. I yanked the dress out of her hand and tossed it across the room, it landed on the leather bench in the middle.

"You will never be apart of this family, Sylvia. You're just using my brother to get revenge on me and Dallas! Well guess what, sweetheart, your boyfriend forced me and Dallas to break up!" I yelled.

"Ladies!" My mother walked through the door, "What is going on?"

I turned to my mom, now with tears in my eyes out of frustration, "how come Meyer is allowed to date Dally's ex?!"

My mom folded her hands and sighed, "Mona, your brother can date whoever he-"

"But I can't, Mother?!" I cried. "I love Dally and I can't be with him?! You said it was about money, Mother! If it was about money then you wouldn't allow Meyer to date this greaser!"

"You better watch your mouth, Mona," Sylvia spat.

I turned to her and slapped her. My mom gasped loudly and rang a bell from outside the door, letting staff know to come help. Sylvia and I rolled around on the floor hitting and scratching each other for a while before we were pulled apart. My dad held me in his arms while Meyer held Sylvia.

"What the hell, Mona?!" Meyer yelled at me. "It's just a dress!"

"I hate her, Meyer!" I cried. "This isn't the first time we've gotten in a fight you know. She's a bitch, Meyer. Good thing you're going to Military school soon because I can't stand having her around!" I shoved myself out of my dad's hands and ran out of the room. I went down the hall to my bedroom, slammed the door and laid on my bed.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن