Chapter 27

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I sat at the dining table with Ponyboy, Johnny and Sodapop. They seen something going on with Dally and figured they'd ask.

"He hasn't really said anything all the time he's been here," Johnny said to me.

I looked at him then picked at my nail as I shrugged, "we didn't end on great terms... so I guess he's still mad."

"I'm telling you, Mona. Dally never been like this for a girl." Sodapop stood up and walked a couple steps into the kithen.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah. Guys don't realize how often girls hear that coming from the best friends. It's always 'he's never been so in love' and 'he treats you different'. Girls hear it all the time."

Ponyboy chuckled, "Dally is serious though. He's never told anyone he's loved them except you."

"It's because I have money," I stood up because I was getting uncomfortable. "Guys love money."

"Yeah, Mona? I don't care about your riches." Dally walked into the kitchen. I frowned, now feeling bad that he heard me.

"I don't know why you guys make this so hard. It's weird for all of us to watch you guys clearly like each other but not go out." Ponyboy spoke.

Dally glanced at me, "I ain't at fault."

I rolled my eyes and headed for the door. I had only been there about twenty minutes but I don't want the peer pressure of them all wanting me to be with Dally. If my family doesn't like him, I can't like him. And while I've never wanted a man more, I have to do whats best for my future. I want to graduate, go off to college, marry well and have beautiful kids. Dally isn't apart of that dream.

I headed for the door and turned, "y'all wanna come hang out?" I knew Dally and Steve would object. Johnny said no but Two-bit, Sodapop and Ponyboy followed me to my car.

"Where we headed?" Two-bit stole front seat.

I shrugged, "I don't know, I wanted out of there. I feel at fault for a lot... I ruined Dally and Sylvia, I kissed Steve because I was angry at Dally," I started the car, "I feel bad."

"Steve doesn't care," Sodapop told me, "he's more scared of Evie finding out and Dally thinking he liked it."

"Dally doesn't care," I began driving, "he has more to worry about than Steve."

"We know, but Steve wants to be sure Dally knows." Sodapop said.

"What's happened with Sylvia anyway?"

I glanced at Two-bit, "man, she just keeps coming back around. Won't leave Dally alone that's for sure."

"You guys should just quit messing around," Sodapop put his hand on my shoulder. "I know your brother isn't fond of him but if he loves you, you guys should be making it work."

"I don't like him."

All three of them began laughing and Ponyboy spoke, "yeah right, Mona. We see the way you look at him."

"It's lust. I'm attracted to him."

"Whatever you say, Mona." Pony laughed. "We'll be best men at your wedding anyway."

"Shut it," I rolled my eyes and parked at the dingo. "There will be no wedding between Winston and I."

"Okay," Pony grinned and got out of the car.

We walked into the dingo and found a table, "I should just focus on school anyway."

"You're smart, Mona. You don't even need to try to pass." Ponyboy sat next to me and the other two sat across.

"She's just making excuses, Pony. We all know they like each other. Dally just doesn't know how to show his emotions."

"I know how he feels. He and Sylvia are too complicated for me to continue getting in the way."

"Yeah, I agree," Sylvia walked up behind us. "Me and Dally belong together."

I didn't even look at her. Sodapop and Two-bit rolled their eyes and Ponyboy groaned as she sat in the booth next to him.

"What do you want, Sylvia," Sodapop glared.

"I suggest you keep that attitude down before I tell your girl you're hanging out with her," Sylvia threatened.

"Just because she's a threat to your relationship doesn't mean she's a threat to ours." Soda defended.

"Oh, really?" Sylvia grinned, "pretty sure she's a threat either way. I happen to have some heartbreaking information for sweet Evie."

"You wouldn't," I stood up, "that wasn't Steve's fault."

"How'd you even find out?" Ponyboy questioned.

"That doesn't matter. But you and Steve kissed. Who knows what you'll be doing with any of the rest of them. You're just bulldozing your way through these boys, Mona. And since Dally won't despise you for it I can definitely ruin the rest of your life."

"I'm not scared of you, Sylvia." I moved out of the booth. "Leave us all alone."

"I don't think so," she smiled. "You're a home wrecker."

"Dally hates you!" I yelled at her, "its why he beat the shit out of you!"

"He hit me once because I pushed him too far." She crossed her arms.

I scoffed, "would have been more if I didn't stop him."

"Can't believe you're still in love with him after seeing what me and him have." She walked closer to me.

I laughed, "you have nothing. He hates you."

"He loves me."

I watched her step closer to me but I didn't move back. If she's gonna start something, so be it. I have three guys right here and she has no one.

"Dally hit you?" Ponyboy stood up and stepped between us to break the tension.

Sylvia rolled her eyes, "he was mad."

Sodapop and Two-bit started laughing, "that's not mad, that's more than mad. Dally doesn't hurt girls like that."

I smirked, "sorry, she's not a girl. She's a Vermin."

Sylvia looked at me, eyes full of rage, "who do you think you're talking to, bitch?"

"Hm? Oh nothing." I sat back down with a smile. If she's not gonna leave me alone might as well fuck with her.

Sodapop smirked. Its the first time I've purposely been mean in front of the boys. Yeah I give Dallas attitude and I'm sassy, but never mean.

"You gotta watch it, Mona. I can ruin your life."

"Its okay, I've already ruined yours." I looked at her and grinned, "right?"

"No." She grumbled. "You don't know anything about me."

"Ive taken the one thing you have, Sylvia. Dallas is head over for me and you can't do anything about it."

She went to grab my arm but Pony stopped her hand and shoved it away. "Better not, Ms. Salone."

"You've given me no choice but to tell Evie about you and Steve." She began walking away but I stood up and lunged for her.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around, "don't you dare." I watched the boys stand up to be ready to come to my defense. The thing is, yeah I'm a soc and I can't scrap fight like some of these greaser girls can, but my dad is a football coach and my brother tormented me most my life so yeah, I can put up one hell of a fight.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now