Chapter 8

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Ponyboy's POV

When Mona went home for the night, the room erupted with questions. I was reluctant to answer any that came from Two-bit or Steve because they were more than inappropriate and stuff I didn't want them knowing about Mona. Other than that I answered everything I could.

"How'd you get to that point?" Soda asked.

I looked at him, "we got home from school, Dal was in the living room so she came to our room with me. We were just talking but I went to change my shirt like usual and she took it from me. We started kissing, I took her shirt off and before I got any further than her collarbone she insisted we be alone at her place." I explained.

"And you used-"

"Doubt it," Dally laughed from the corner of the room.

Darry looked at me closely, "if that girl shows up with anything new, I swear Ponyboy."

"She won't," I stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

"You should have taken protection, Pone!" Soda called out as he followed me. I clapped my hand over my ears, not wanting to be lectured. "Ponyboy, we have-" I glared at Sodapop so he stopped speaking. He chuckled and sat down on the bed. "I know she's your first-"

"It wasn't my first time, Sodapop." I admitted to my older brother.

Sodapop looked at me for a long moment, "how did you sneak a girl past us?"

"I didn't. I went to her house. I didn't want to tell you guys because I knew all this would happen."

Sodapop sighed, "you should have known to use protection then, Ponyboy. I don't want her showing up pregnant or sick or something because you guys didn't use protection."

I sat down, "I know what I'm doing. I know what not to do, Sodapop. You started dating Sandy at my age, right?"

"Yes, but Sandy was also my age. Mona is sixteen, Ponyboy. She's two years older than you."

I laid down and closed my eyes. "I know... I don't think she's been told that I'm only fourteen."

Sodapop huffed, "how are you dating this girl? You barely know anything about her. Like, what's her middle name?"

I grinned, "Mona is her middle name. She doesn't go by her first name. Trust me, Soda. We know a lot about each other but my age just never came up in conversation. She knows you're sixteen though so she has to know that I'm younger than her."

"Listen to me, Ponyboy. Your girlfriend has known you for less than a week. You've never been on a date and she's older than you. You've already had sex, you've already met her older brother and there are already rumors that she slept with Dally. I don't like her, Pony."

"Well I do like her. She's awkward, we easily get along and I don't have to try to act a certain way around her. She likes the way I look, she hasn't mentioned that you and Darry are better looking than I am and she isn't like any other girl I've been with. Just accept that."

Sodapop stood up, "if she has all this money, make her buy condoms. If I find out you have sex without them again, Ponyboy, I'm telling her brother." He left the room. I sighed deeply and ended up falling asleep.


"Ponyboy, Mona is here," Darry said from the doorway. "Remember what Sodapop talked to you about last night."

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I changed my clothes and didn't even bother fixing my hair before I went to the living room to greet her. She giggled as she saw me and reached her hands out to adjusted my hair.

"Sleepy?" She smiled as I yawned.

I locked both hands with her and pulled her into a hug. "Very." I muttered and closed my eyes as we hugged. I swear I could have fallen asleep right there.

"Ponyboy," she whispered. "You can go back to bed and I can come back later." She played with my hair.

"No," I yawned and pulled away from the hug. "What are we doing today?"

She sat on the couch so I went to fix myself breakfast. It being Saturday, we have all day to do whatever we want. She didn't say anything so I took it as her thinking. Too bad Darry doesn't have work so there still is a limit to what he allows me to do.

I fixed myself toast and Darry entered into the kitchen, "what are y'all doin' today?"

"Might hang at her place," I shrugged.

Darry eyed me for a moment, "look, Pony, I know this a new relationship and you guys have it all made out for each other, but be wise about some things. You're a smart kid."

I put jam on my toast as he spoke. "You don't know what it's like, Darry."

He put his hand in front of me, "Ponyboy, I was a teenager too. I had girlfriends too. Trust me I know what it's like to always want to be a certain way with her."

"I don't want to hear this, Darry."

"I'm just concerned," he put his hand on my shoulder, "ever since y'all met you spent any possible moment together."

I avoided eye contact. "I'll talk to her about the condoms, Darry. Can I go?"

"Be back by eleven," Darry sighed and let me walk away.

I walked to Mona and sat next to her, "so what are we doing?"

"I told my brother about us last night and he told my dad so they want us to go over there for dinner." She explained to me.

I looked at her for a moment, "I have to meet your dad?"

She laughed a little, "at least it's not my mom. You think my brother is bad? My mom always wants me to have a boyfriend but never wants me to be with someone she doesn't approve of."

We stood up and went to her car. "My brothers found out that we went unprotected and got upset," I told her. "Sodapop also was concerned that you didn't know I'm fourteen."

"I figured, Ponyboy. You can't drive yet and your brother is sixteen. I don't mind our age."

I kissed her lips and chuckled, "great. They still want you to buy condoms though."

"Do I have to?" She pout.

I nodded my head, "they don't want us having kids."

"I don't want us having kids either," she leaned over and kissed me. "We'll pick some up after my dad's house."

"Wait we're going there now?" I felt panicked. I didn't even do my hair for the day.

She started driving, "no, Ponyboy. We're just going to hang out at my place."

"But we can't-"

"Then we won't," she cut me off and smiled at me. "Don't worry so much, babe."

I smiled and turned the radio on as she drove.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now