Chapter 31

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There was a stir in the hall so I got out of bed and made sure not to wake Dally as I was doing so. It's the first time he's slept since we got to the hospital. I went into the hall, slowly clicking the door behind me.

"What's going on, Momma?" I turned to my mother who was standing alongside a couple nurses.

She looked forward, so I followed her gaze and it was on a rough looking, tall, beautiful yet unkept brunette woman. She had on a dark blue dress that neared the bottom of her knees. It was tattered but fit her body well.

"You must be Mrs. Winston," I was nervous to meet her but I didn't show it. "Look, ma'am... Dally wasn't onboard with bringing you here. He's asleep right now-"

"Are you the doctor?" She had a thick New York accent. I've only heard Dally's slight tone of his hometown but hearing her talk was another experience.

I was a little shocked at how she spoke to me but wiped that look off my face and smiled a little, "no ma'am."

"She's my daughter," my mom put her arm around me and stood tall, asserting dominance to the lady before us.

"Now I don't know what you're doing with your daughter at work but I'm here to see my baby, now let me in!"

I decided to stay quiet and let my mom deal with her. I went back into the room and shut the door slowly again. I see where Dally gets his attitude from. I don't know what I was expecting when meeting her but it definitely wasn't that.

"Is she here?" Dally slowly sat up so I walked to him.

I nodded my head, "she really wants to see you."

"What do I say? I haven't seen her in years, Mona."

I sat at the edge of his bed and wiped his brown wisps of hair from his eyes, "I don't know, Dally."

He kissed my lips slowly but didn't crack a smile. I ran my thumb across his cheek and smiled, tilting his face towards mine, "she's your mother, Dally. I know you love her a lot and-"

"Stop," he moved himself away, "you don't understand, Mona."

"No I don't." I agreed. I sighed and the both of us fell quiet.

The door opened and we heard a gasp. I glanced to see it was his mother, then when I looked at Dally I noticed him not even looking at her. He was staring at the wall. He was shutting down, putting up walls.

"My Dally," his mother put her arms out and embraced Dally as she got to his bedside. Dally kept his arms by his side while his mother hugged him tightly.

"Careful-" I began warning her about his ribs but stopped myself. She looked at me with a harsh glare and let go of her son.

"Mom," Dally sighed, "this is my girlfriend Mona."

His mom looked at me again and her whole demeanor changed, "oh she's so pretty!" She came at me with open arms and hugged me tightly. I made eye contact with Dally as she squeezed me and it made him laugh, causing me to smile. "Why didn't you just say so, Peaches!" She exclaimed. "My sweet Dally been treating you okay?"

"Enough, mom," Dally chuckled and shook his head. "We just started dating."

"And since my son is at fault for him ending up in here, Mrs. Winston, I'll be covering the medical bill." My mom was writing on her clipboard. "If you have any questions or concerns feel free to say something before you head out."

"Mom, I don't have it." Dally looked away. "I don't have my necklace."

His mom looked sad for a moment, "what happened to it?"

He glanced at me then my mom, "my ex girlfriend stole it to spite me and Mona... I haven't been able to get it back yet."

"She didn't steal it," I muttered. "I gave it to her because I was embarrassed and-"

"Mona stop. Sylvia has made our relationship stall for so long already, don't blame yourself. She's a bitch who never deserved my time of day." Dally got angry and got out of bed.

"No it was my fault, Dally. I should have put it back in your room instead of giving it to her. I just-"

"Enough," he snapped. "We'll get it back just stop."

"But every time-" I was gonna comment on how every time they see each other they end up making out or having sex but I decided not to with both our mothers in the room. "She probably broke it after I..." I stopped speaking because my mom doesn't know her and I got in a fight.

"Am I free to go?" Dally looked to my mom.

"Mona take care of him, will you?" My mom brushed my hair with her hand, "I'll talk to Meyer about leaving you two alone but then you guys got to get on his good side. You can't lose your brother, Jackie Mona," my mom kissed my forehead and headed towards the door. "Dally you're welcome by my home anytime as long as you get her brother's approval."

"Yeah, like that'll happen," Dally put his arm around my shoulders and we walked towards the door too. His mom followed but Dally was basically ignoring her.

"Dally," his mom followed us, "I came all the way here for you and you won't even look at me."

"I didn't ask you to come here, mom." Dally moved his arm from around my shoulders because he got uncomfortable. So I grabbed his hand and locked mine with his. He looked at me and looked like he wanted to smile but he couldn't. I leaned up and kissed his lips softly.

I was gonna get into my car but I saw Nelson standing outside of his chauffeur car waiting for direction from either me or my mom. I smiled and walked to him. "Hey, Nelson," I smiled and gave him a hug.

"G'day Miss." he did a slight bow at me.

"You're able to go home, Nelson. Thank you for dropping Dally's mom off."

"Yes miss." I smiled, turned and went back to my car.

"When did you get to meet a girl like that, Dally?" I heard his mom ask.

Dally sighed, "she hates talking about our social difference, mom." He got in the front seat and I got in the drivers seat. His mom sat in back.

I looked at Dally for a long moment and he avoided eye contact. He then reached his hand over and put it on my leg. He finally looked at me. His eyes full of regret. I sighed and started the car, then drove home.

"Are you getting yourself a place to stay, Mrs.? Or are you-"

"Staying with Dally, of course." She interrupted. I glanced at Dally and he was staring out the window.

"Have you talked to Dal about that?"

"Mona, don't..." Dally sighed and shook his head.

His mom got defensive, "you think my own son would push me away? Let me roam the streets when I've come to see him specifically?!"

"Mom," Dally groaned.

"I didn't mean it that way, Mrs... I just," I glanced in the mirror at her, "Dally and I spend a lot of time together, we nearly live together-"

"He is my son, he is hurt and needs his mother," She told me.

I looked at Dally again and he shook his head so I nodded and stayed quiet the rest of the ride home.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now