Chapter 17

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"He almost hit her?" I was watching Steve and Sodapop work after school. "He's never gone to hit Sylvia before, that's wild."

"Well we all know how Dally feels about his mother," I sighed and leaned on my car, "it was fine though. I calmed him down."

"Dal told us y'all almost kissed again but you didn't let it happen," Steve looked at me. "Don't you like him?"

"What are you saying, of course she does." Sodapop nudged his friend, "watched him the whole time when we played football."

I rolled my eyes, "that doesn't mean anything."

Sodapop and Steve both looked at each other then at me. They cracked up laughing at the same time. I rolled my eyes again and sat on the hood of my black mustang.

"Well we're glad to have you back anyway." Sodapop went inside to tend to customers that walked in.

"I say let the guy kiss you, Mona. Y'all already slept together, so what's the big deal?" Steve asked.

"I'm not into him," I lied to him.

"Yeah, okay," Steve chuckled and went to fill the tank of a car who just drove up. "If this is you not having eyes for him, then me and Evie are fucked." Steve laughed. "I ain't ever seen Dally choose a girl over Sylvia."

"He hasn't chosen me," I slid off the hood and followed Steve, "we're just friends."

"He tried to kiss you. He falls asleep in your room more often than his own. Man, he gave you the necklace he's only ever let Sylvia wear." Steve nudged me. "He says you have his jacket still too."

My eyes widened and I groaned, "I left his stuff at my mom's house."

"Well go get it before Dal finds out," Steve chuckled. I nodded and got in my car.


I walked into my room and let out a sigh of relief that Dally wasn't inside. I put his necklace on and hung his jacket at the foot of my bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling for a long time.

I needed to start work soon so I got up and started getting changed. I put Dally's black t-shirt on that he had left in my room when I got him wet and a skirt of mine. I tucked the shirt in because it was too long and put my hair in a ponytail. I went downstairs and immediately started my shift. As I served people I kept an eye out for Dally in case he came in. If he seen me wearing his clothes he'd get cocky.

I seen a couple guys walk through the door and head straight for the counter so I got ready to serve them all. It wasn't until I saw Curly, a friend of Dally's that I realized they were here for me.

"What can I get y'all?" I still asked.

One leaned forward and rested his arms on the counter, "you can get me a lot of things. You're rich."

I sighed and walked to the other end of the bar to serve a lady and her boyfriend. The gang followed and leaned at that end.

"Look, I don't know what you guys are here for."

"Dally wanted us to let you know he's been locked up. Got arrested this morning. Told us to give this to ya'," he handed a piece of paper. "I see why Dal fell for a Soc," he then smirked.

"Dally'll clock you, Tim," one of the guys said, "look, she's even wearing his necklace that he gives to Sylvia."

"Me and Dally are just friends," I sighed and put the note in my pocket, "thank you for telling me."

I didn't want to show me being upset. I mean I know how often Dal goes to jail but it's the first time since I've known him that it's happened. I mean, besides the fact that when I moved in here he was already in jail.

"If y'all are just friends, you wouldn't mind me taking you out?" Tim grinned at me. "I know you been with that kid already, and since you apparently ain't with Dally..." he drawled his sentence out.

"I'm not interested."

"Are you sure?" He followed me as I walked to the other end, "I ain't gonna do you no harm."

"If Dally sees you making eyes at her like that, Tim, he's gonna get you." I heard Steve. I turned and he was standing there. "How you doin', Mona?"

"Dally was arrested apparently," I shrugged. "Why's he so stupid?"

Steve chuckled, "I don't know, Darlin'. You say so confidently that you're not into him though so I wouldn't think it'd matter."

"It doesn't," I turned and walked to the other end of the bar again to make more drinks for people at that end.

"It's okay if it does, Mona. Y'know Sylvia usually cries every time Dal gets hauled in." Steve said to me.

"I'm not Sylvia and I'm not his girlfriend." I reached into my pocket, "Tim gave me this note from him though."

"What does it say?" Steve reached for it but I pulled my hand away, "I don't know... I haven't read it."

Steve nearly hopped over the counter as he lunged for it. When he got it out of my hand he stepped back so he could read it without me grabbing it for him. He looked like he was reading for a while, rolling his eyes or smirking at stuff he read. "He's just expressing his undying love for you," Steve handed it back to me. "And asking for bail."

I tucked the note into my pocket again and glared at Steve, "My parents won't give me money to bail a guy. So I don't know why he'd ask."

"I don't see why you don't admit that you like him."

I looked at Steve, "because I don't."

"Bullshit," he laughed. "Look, Ponyboy isn't going to care. He's also confused why you won't get with Dally."

"I don't like him!" I got defensive. "He's hardly my friend."

Steve chuckled, "alright, then."

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now