Chapter 18

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Three months later

For the three months after Dally got arrested I continued to refuse and ignore my feelings for him. I mean he called me constantly but I never let the guys know that. It was weird not coming home and seeing Dally on my bed half the time, or going to school and not seeing him at lunch just because he wanted to see me. I honestly don't think he's even enrolled in school.

There was word of his release though. He hadn't called me in a week or so, so I hadn't gotten any updates but I heard people while I was on shift talk about him coming home within days.

I was at the Curtis place. Darry was at work and Ponyboy and Johnny were out at the movies. I was just watching Steve, Soda and Two-bit play poker, whispering in their ears what the other had. They called it cheating but I called it playing smart. I had just walked past Sodapop and Steve's cards, then casually sat on Two-bit's lap, whispering in his ear the cards each of his competitors had.

"You're an angel," Two-bit pushed his poker chips forward, "all in, boys!"

The other two rolled their eyes and admitted defeat, slapped their cards down in forfeit. I cheered with Two-bit as the other two rolled their eyes as they watched Two-bit take the little money they both had bet.

"We shouldn't let her watch us no more," Sodapop complained.

"Hey, its all fair. She helped you win last week," Two-bit handed me a quarter for payment. "Ma'lady" he bowed.

"Why thank you," I smiled with him.

"We should go for a ride in your car," Sodapop began shuffling the cards up so he could put them away.

"How does that sound like a good time?"

I turned around quickly once I heard him. Dally was standing there. I felt every pair of eyes in the room on me. Two-bit then pat my shoulder and grabbed my keys from my hands as he moved me off of his lap.

"We'll take the car for a spin while you and your boyfriend catch up," he grinned and the guys walked to the door.

I rolled my eyes and followed them, "he isn't my boyfriend!"

"If you say so!" Steve teased.

I sighed and turned to Dally now that we were the only ones left in the house. He chuckled and sat down on the couch. "Miss me?"

"Hardly," I lied and stayed by the door. "I knew you was getting out pretty soon. I heard rumors."

Dally smiled, "yeah?"

I nodded and walked further into the living room, stopping at the coffee table. "You look good."

"I have to stay fit when I'm in there. I'd die if I didn't," he crossed his arms. "Are you ready to admit your liking in me?"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't like you."

"Oh right," he nodded, "we ain't even friends." He grinned at me, "I don't know what you're trying to prove, Mona. You and Ponyboy broke up months ago."

"I'm not trying to prove anything. So what if I don't like you?"

Dally scoffed and stood up, "we all know you're lying."

I crossed my arms and shook my head, "I'd have kissed you already if I were lying." I looked at his lips then glanced away. I turned and walked to the table and he followed.

"You wouldn't have let them take your car if you didn't want to be alone with me," Dally stood behind me, "you've never let any of them drive your car before."

"I..." I couldn't think of anything to say. "They deserve my trust, you know?"

Dally chuckled and turned me around, leaned me against the table and kissed me. I kissed him back for a moment but pulled away and looked down. He tilted my chin up and stared at my lips. I watched his for a moment as well but looked away again. Neither of us said anything. This time I leaned in and kissed him, causing a smile to form on his lips as we kissed.

He lifted me onto the table and stood between my legs. His hands rested on my hips and my arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled me closer to him and he pulled his lips away.


"Shut up," I muttered.

He smirked then kissed me again. We made out in the dining room of the Curtis house for what couldn't have been longer than ten minutes. We talked between kisses but we never moved from that spot at the table.

"Woo! Go Dally!" We heard Two-bit. We both looked to the door and the three boys were back.

They all grinned at us so Dally and I let go of each other. I got off the table and Dally ran his hands through his hair, mouthed something to the boys and they all rushed towards us.

"So y'all dating?" Soda put his arm around my shoulder.

I shook my head and walked away from all the guys, "you guys are ridiculous."

They laughed and Dally just stared at me as I sat on the couch, "no we aren't dating. She still hasn't admitted."

"C'mon, y'all just made out for who knows how long. We just seen you and she still hadn't admitted?" Steve walked towards me. "You can't be serious, Mona."

"We just kissed," I shrugged, "nothing in it with a kiss."

"I'll see you at Bucks," Dally walked out with a smug smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes and avoided eye contact with the rest of them. "Don't."

"Mona and Dally sitting in a tree!" Two-bit sang.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The boys teased together.

"You guys are six years old," I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. "The kiss doesn't mean anything."

"No," Sodapop walked to the couch, "Dally's been wanting to do that since y'all first had sex months ago. It may not mean anything to you, but Dal must be over the moon."

"Leave me alone," I rolled my eyes. "Why y'all so obsessed with my love life?"

"Because your love life right now is Dal's love life. And I ain't ever seen him like someone as much as you. It was always a Sylvia before anyone but he likes something about you."

"Whatever," I laid on the couch and stared at the tv.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora