Chapter 39

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I spent the rest of my time, as much as I could anyway with Dallas. We haven't slept together many times, but let's say just in that week the count was up by a lot. I brought him to the party despite what my parents said. Let him borrow one of Meyer's suits too. I let the whole gang come actually. My parents didn't mind the gang as much as they did Dally. My mom didn't speak to me the entire time. Luckily, no fights broke out which really surprised me. Everything was civil.

The boys didn't like how fancy everything was. Darry and Ponyboy didn't seem to mind it, but about an hour into the party, Steve, Johnny, Two-bit and Sodapop disappeared. Dally stayed with me the whole time or he would have been gone too. Nelson later informed me that they were in the show garage. Of course.

A couple hours into the party, Dally and I went upstairs to my bedroom. He kissed me as we laid down on my bed. "I wish you didn't have to go," he muttered against my lips.

"I know," I nodded and pulled at his bow tie. I unbuttoned his suit jacket then his button up shirt. He kissed my neck as he unzipped the back of my gown.


I straightened Dally's bow tie and kissed him. I slipped my heels back on and we both went to my bathroom, fixing up our hair. I reapplied lipstick then grabbed his hand, walking out of my bedroom with him. We walked downstairs and his grip on my hand tightened when we walked past Sylvia and Meyer.

"Jackie," I heard my name.

I turned to see my mom's friend approaching me, "I heard you're being shipped off, darling." She reached out both her hands so I let go of Dally and accepted her hands. "That's really too bad."

I nodded my head and gave her a small smile, "I'm trying not to think about it, Dawn Marie... me and my boyfriend here are trying are best to stay positive until I leave."

She glanced at Dally and she smiled, "nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand.

Dally glanced at me, I nodded so he stuck his hand out and shook it. "Yeah."

She looked at me, "you two make a sweet couple. Have you met Richard's girlfriend? Oh she's just a peach! Complimented my shoes and earrings," she smiled proudly and showed her earrings, as well as stuck out her foot. "What a doll. You two have chosen good people."

I looked at Dally and he locked his hand with mine again, "thank you, Dawn Marie. I wish my parents thought the same..." I smiled.

"You've gotten so big," she smiled and put her hand on my arm, smiled at Dally then walked away.

Dally let out a scoff so I giggled. "I don't know how you do it, babe."

I smiled and turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, "I just smile and nod."

"I don't like when they call you Jackie," he made a face, "Mona suits you. It's bad enough when they call you Jackie Mona, but just Jackie sounds weird."

I laughed and kissed his lips gently, "I know that's why I go by Mona. Meyer hates being called Richard too."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled as we kissed slowly. When we stopped kissing we walked to the hall where the food was. We both began preparing ourselves plates. We saw Ponyboy in there, definitely on his second or third plate so I laughed and approached him.

"Having fun?"

He looked at me and nodded, "man, have you tried the steak?!"

I laughed and nestled myself into Dally as we stood there, "not yet, Pony. Never had food like this, huh?"

He shook his head and put more food on his plate, "Dally if you don't marry into this family, I will." He shook his head and walked away.

I looked at Dally and laughed then picked up my plate and we went to sit in the lounge.

Dally's POV

Ive never seen so many rich folk in one place. Mona leaves in a few days so we're trying to make the best of what we have. She's sad because her parents won't even look at her, but also mad because they're sending her away. It's hard to keep a girl happy when everything is going south. We definitely have been in bed more, which I definitely am not complaining. Before, it wasn't often that we did. Someone always interrupted or we interrupted ourselves. But now she's going away for a year, and she hasn't left my side since she found out.

I don't know what's going to happen while she's gone. I don't know if she expects me to stay with her even though we won't see each other for a year. We won't even have contact with each other. But then again I don't know if I'd want to see other girls. I really do love Mona. That's still hard for me to say, and sometimes I'm not even sure if I believe it myself but I do. Her parents disowning her because of me is rough, but my mom sort of did the same when she left.

The gang is all shocked on why I don't talk about trying to marry her. They all love the flashy outfits, the servants, nice cars and the 50 room mansion. But I don't. A normal house, a normal life... that's what I want. I'm not too fond of the riches. The folks don't seem to think I'm worth the riches either. That's what the whole thing is about anyway. They don't want their rich little girl marrying an indecent hood. Breaking the millionaire cycle.

I don't know... I still don't know what I'm going to do when she's gone. She told me not to get into trouble but hell, I'll be bored as hell. I'll want to get up and go do something since I won't be chilling in Mona's bedroom with her anymore. The start of our relationship was so easy. She played hard to get while I pretended to hate her... then she brought her family into the mix and it all went south. Well, that and Sylvia.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora