Chapter 22

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I dropped Ponyboy off at his house and drove Dally and I home. I knew he was looking forward to being alone with me after our fight and everything the past couple of days. When we got to Buck's we passed Sylvia who was standing at the bar, I winked at her and Dally kissed me as we went up the stairs. I knew she was watching.

I fumbled my key ring to get the door open but Dally shoved my hands out of the way and opened the door using his key. He shut the door behind us and pushed me up against it, kissing my lips hard.

I ran my fingers through Dally's hair and he moved us to the bed. He laid on top of me with his hands perched at my side, his lips went to my neck and I started taking his shirt off. I bit my lip gently and his lips only parted from my skin when his shirt was pulled over his head.

"We have to go see my brother tomorrow, Dal, please don't leave a mark."

Dally chuckled against my skin, "too late, Doll."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "you know it's up to my brother and dad if we start dating. My mom only gave the okay because she doesn't want to lose me," I closed my eyes as he unbuttoned my top.

"I know, Mona." Dally kissed my chest and I went quiet, combing my fingers through his hair.


Me and Dally actually didn't have sex. We probably would have but my phone started ringing so Dally got up to answer it.

"Hello?" Dally's snapped into the phone. I perched myself on my elbows, "who's this?" Dally's eyes widened and he held the phone out, "it's for you, Mona."

I got up and grabbed the phone from his hand, "yes?"

"Who's with you?" It was Meyer...

"God, Meyer," I panicked, "a friend."


I groaned, "his name is Dally."

"Another guy?" Meyer sighed.

"We're just friends..." I lied. I mean technically for now we are, but...

I watched Dally pick up my clothes and toss them to me, "Who else is with you?"

"No one..." I muttered.

"And you're sure you're just friends?"

"He's friends with Ponyboy," I avoided the question, "we were just hanging out with him too but-"

"But now you're alone. Gosh, Mona," he sighed, "you and always needing a guy."

"I dated Ponyboy for like three days and avoided this guy for over three months because I knew you guys wouldn't approve." I leaned against the wall. "I took this guy to meet Momma today."

"Oh great, so now you're cut from the will?" Meyer chuckled.

"No. She was mad at first, and I know she still is disappointed, but she told us to get yours and Father's approval. It's important to her and important to me."

"Put him on the phone," Meyer demanded.

I looked at Dally and sighed, "my brother wants to talk to you."

Dally shook his head but I insisted and put the phone in his hand. "Hello?"

Dally's POV

Mona handed the phone to me, "Hello?"

"Alone with my sister, huh?"

"I am." I leaned against the wall and rolled my eyes. "Is there a problem?"

"There wouldn't be if I didn't know my sister," he scoffed, "friends with Ponyboy?"

"He's around, yeah." I watched Mona put her clothes on.

He thought of something else to say, "have you slept with Mona?"

I scoffed, "goodbye." I put the phone in its place and looked at Mona. "Your brother, man."

"What'd he do?" She smiled and walked to me, wrapping her arms around my torso as she looked up at me.

"Asked if we've slept together," I leaned down and kissed her lips.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "he's going to ask in person too. He asked me and Ponyboy the same question." She took my hand and we walked to the bed.

"It doesn't bother you how nosy he is?" I sat down and she sat on my lap.

"No. I mean I guess it can get to be too much but I know he loves me and it's why he's like that. He tries to keep me safe," she tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled, "I do think you guys will get along though."

"I barely get along with you, Mona. No way I'm becoming friends with a Soc. I mean at least you live on this side of town and hang out with my crowd." I leaned back on the bed and stared at her, "your brother is rich. Ponyboy can get away with talking to a Soc, but I can't."

"Dally just don't worry about the whole money stuff." She adjusted herself on my lap and smiled down at me, "he really doesn't care about the money like my mom does. Honest, he just wants me to die alone."

I chuckled and shook my head, "you're too likable to die alone, Darlin'," I tugged on her hand so she came forward and laid on my torso, I kissed her lips and rolled on top of her.

"What was jail like?" She asked out of the blue. "I never asked."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her, "rough. It's better to stay in your room than go out most of the time and the guards are assholes."

"Why are you ever okay with going back then?" She asked again.

I shrugged, "I don't beg to be arrested, Mona. It just happens."

"If you weren't so reckless," she fingered my hair and kissed my forehead, "I didn't like not seeing you every day."

"It's who I am, babe," I leaned into her lips and kissed them for a long time. Slowly...

Her hands stayed in my hair and our lips worked together. The kiss was slow, intense and nothing like how I've kissed a girl before. My heart was beating fast, but I could feel that hers was too which made me want to smile but I know it'd ruin the kiss. When I kiss a girl it's usually quick, and if not, it's sloppy. When her and I made out, hell every time we've kissed before this time has been fast pace and very... sexual.

This didn't feel that way. It felt real. Our tongues worked together slowly and I never wanted to stop kissing her. It really felt like the movies. Something you'd see in a silly romance film. This was better though. I've always laughed at those films, but this was good. I felt like I needed this.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora