Chapter 29

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"Richard Meyer!" I screamed at my brother.

He didn't listen. Dally was able to shove him away but he charged him and they went tackling each other to the ground. They rolled around for a while but Meyer ended on top punching Dally.

"Stop!" I yelled again.

Moments later guys from downstairs were pulling Dally and Meyer apart. They carried Dally out of my room and two of them held Meyer against the wall as he struggled to try to continue going after Dally.

"What the hell, Meyer?!"

He wiped the blood off his lips and breathed heavily. "I hate him, Mona."

I closed my door as the two guys left the room, "Dally got in a fight already tonight and you just made him worse!"

"The fight was with me, Mona! It was a Soc-Greaser rumble, Mona. Your man decided to target me and when he couldn't take me anymore sent three guys after me!"

"Probably because you keep trying to break us up!" I yelled back. "I like Dally, Richard. He is my best friend and I want him to be my boyfriend."

"You know what he said to me while we were fighting earlier, Mona? He told me everything you and he has done together just to make me more mad."

"Good!" I stormed out of my room and went downstairs to where they were tending to Dally.

"Baby, I'm good," he muttered and looked down at his ribs again.

I kissed him slowly and dwelled on the moment, then pulled away and sighed. "We need to take you to the hospital."

"I don't need that," he shook his head. "I'm okay."

I walked to the phone, "I'm calling my mom. She works at the hospital and she can take care of the bill."

"Doll, really I'm okay." He insisted.

I shook my head and called my mom anyway.


"Thank you, Momma," I hugged her and she kissed my head.

"How'd your boyfriend get this way?" She watched me help him out of the car.

"Ask your son," Dally groaned as he had to stand up straight.

My mom put her hand over her mouth, "My Richard did this?" Dally glared at my mom and we went inside. "I need a wheelchair!" She called out. Dally shook his head to insist on walking but seconds later a wheelchair was pulled up behind him and my mom pushed him to sit down. "I see your torso is bruised, we'll get you into an X-ray to see what damage your ribs are at. We'll test for a concussion and internal bleeding."

"I'm not that bad," Dally protested.

"They're just tests. I don't believe you're hurt too bad but we have to test you." My mom pulled out a clipboard as other nurses pushed Dally to a room. "I'll have you fill out the paperwork once we get you settled. Do you drink?"

"Yes." Dally said tiredly.

My mom cocked an eyebrow at me but moved on, "are you drunk right now?"


"Okay," she checked boxes, "do you smoke or do drugs?"

"Cigarettes." Dally answered.

She nodded, "I hate to know the answer to this, but are you sexually active?"

Dally chuckled, "yes ma'am."

My mom quickly checked boxes and moved on, "any health concerns?"

Dally looked at my mom and sighed, "I don't know, Mrs. Brown. Ask my parents in New York."

"Go look for his medical file," my mom told another nurse.

"The name's Dallas Tucker Winston!" Dally called out as the nurse walked away.

"Mona, can I talk to you outside while they get him set up in there?" My mom said as we stopped outside of a room.

I nodded and stayed back as they wheeled Dally in and shut the door. "What's up, Momma?"

"Darling," she sighed, "you and him are having sex?"

I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked to the ground, "We're teenagers, Momma."

"Yes, sweets, but if you're having sex I want both of you to be tested," she flipped the page on her clipboard and began writing. "We can get it done today. I'll also test you to see if you're pregnant and I'll order you birth control pills. You just have to go down to the drug store and pick them up tomorrow. Your results will get mailed to me so I'll call you to tell you what they are in about a week."

"Momma," I groaned. "We're safe, Momma."

"I know, pu'kin," she kissed my head, "I just don't want no little hybrid running around."

"Hybrid, Momma?!" I gasped.

She laughed and took a file from a nurse that was handing it to her, "I don't want you pregnant. Go in there and tell your boyfriend about all this while I take a look over his file." She began walking down the hall with a nurse following her.

I went into the room and Dally was pulling the IV that a nurse put in out of his arm, "You guys are doing too much."

"Dally," I sat at the edge of the bed, "my mom wants us to get tested."

"Like STD tested?" He cocked an eyebrow.

I nodded, "and she's ordered I get a pregnancy test too."

"Damn, Mona, we ain't got a kid," he shook his head. "I ain't stupid."

I kissed him and nodded my head, "I know you aren't. She's just worried about me. She's putting me on birth control too."

"She's paranoid," he locked his hand with mine, "I never knew your mom was a doctor."

"She's only part time. She and my dad co-own the roller rink downtown and she owns a boutique on the West Side. It's why we moved here. There were more businesses opportunities. Same reason her and my dad divorced. They were too indulged in their own jobs to love each other."

"Now I know how your family is so loaded," he chuckled. "What's your dad do?"

"He's a football coach back at Meyer's school and of course co-owns the roller rink with Momma. He does most of the work though, she's just good with the business and finance side. He's more of the face of the rink but they split the profits 50/50."

"Why don't you work at your moms store or the rink?"

I sighed, "they want me out on my own if I'm not gonna be living at home. Of course I'm welcome over any time but they don't want to hire me."

Dally chuckled, "you're so privileged. Poor you."

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes and kissed him again.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now