Chapter 35

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Mona's POV

I walked into the library to see my mom and dad standing together. I sat down and waited for them to speak to me. My mother sat down before my dad did but neither spoke until all of us were sitting.

"Jackie," My father began.

I sighed and looked away from both of them. When they call me by my first name it's never good. I looked at them again, "yes, father."

"Your boyfriend is becoming a big problem." He said to me.

"I know." I nodded.

My mom stuck her hand out, asking for mine. I placed my hand in hers. "We ask you, Mona, before anyone else gets hurt..."

"To break up with him... I know." I sighed.

"That's not all though, Pu'kin. We ask that you come home."

I pulled my hand away, "What?"

"It's more of an order," my dad said to me.

"Mother, Father, come on," I pleaded and stood up, "I like living on my own."

"We will no longer support you out there, Jackie." My dad sighed. "It's become unsafe for you out there. You could have been seriously hurt."

"By your son!" I yelled.

They both sighed and looked at each other, "we're sending Meyer to military school. Effective immediately. He leaves in a week at the earliest."

I felt tears well in my eyes, "you're sending him away?"

"Mona, he put Dallas in the hospital and hurt you." My mom said to me. "Your father is going to call them and he should be picked up in a week."

I began walking towards the door, wiping my tears away. "One more thing, Mona." My dad stopped me. I turned to them, "your mother and I are getting back together." I stared at them for a moment then shook my head and left the library.

I saw Dally walking up the stairs to meet me in my bedroom but I ran down the long hallway to the billiard room where I knew Meyer would be. He was shooting pool on his own but when he saw me he put the pool stick down and welcomed me in a hug.

"I'm sorry they're sending you away," I cried.

"It's okay," he sighed and rubbed my back. "Did they tell you they're getting back together?"

"Yes," I nodded and pulled away, wiping my eyes. "And I have to move home."

"That's for the best," he put his hand on my shoulder. "You must be breaking up with Dallas then?"

I nodded my head and looked away from him. "I guess you win."

"Yeah we do." I heard a female's voice. I turned around and Sylvia was standing in the doorway. "You have a lovely home, Mona." She winked at me then walked to Meyer. They welcomed each other with a kiss and I let out a gasp.

"How come you can date a hood but I can't?" I yelled at Meyer.

"Mona, it's not the same," he sighed and reached for me.

I walked further away from him, "too bad you're being shipped off in a week, Meyer. Gonna have to say goodbye to her." I turned and left the room. I walked to the stairs but turned to go find Steve and a Sodapop instead. I walked around, room to room for a while before Nelson approached me.

"Miss, if you're looking for your friends they're in the show garage."

I nodded and walked down the longest hallway to the show garage door. I opened the door and seen Sodapop and Steve sitting in cars. I laughed. "I should have known that this is where you'd be."

"How does your family have this many cars?!" Steve exclaimed.

I laughed again and walked to them, "each of these are handed down. My great great great grandparents were extremely wealthy. The money has been passed down from generation to generation. My parents work extremely hard for what we have but most of it is blood money." I explained.

"This is the biggest house I've ever been in... a mansion," Sodapop got out of the car, "you should invite us over more often!"

I laughed, "maybe I will. Have you seen our pools?"

"You have a pool?!" They shouted.

I laughed again, "indoor and outdoor."

They both ran towards me. "Show us!"

I smiled and walked out of the garage. I walked into the living room and seen Nelson standing there waiting for order. "Nelson, would you show the boys to the pool? And get them suits too?"

Nelson nodded, "yes, miss. Anything else?"

"Prepare a car. We need to get my belongings from my place and prepare for my move back home." I said. "And thank you, Nelson." He nodded and walked off. Steve and Sodapop followed him.

I went upstairs and into my bedroom. I closed and locked the door, walked towards Dally and kissed him. Dally gladly kissed back, laid on my bed and rolled on top of me. I pulled his shirt over his head and he began kissing my neck.

"Dally I have an idea of how we can stay together, you might not like it." I said as he kissed my neck. He unbuttoned my blouse and tugged my skirt off.

"What is it?" He asked.

I began undoing his belt, "we need to break up."

Dally stopped and sat up, "huh?"

"I mean we need to act broken up so my parents believe that we're not together anymore." I sat up as well. "They want me to go out with this boy, so I'm going to say yes."


"Im moving home, Dally." I told him.

He stood up, "seriously, Mona?"

"Dally, come on," I pulled at his hand, "there's more to this plan."

He shook his head, "you can't move away. You can't date another guy," he grabbed his shirt.

"Dally let me tell you the whole plan!" I sat on my knees on my bed. "We're never going to be accepted if we don't do this."

"Do what, Mona?" He rolled his eyes and sat on my bed.

"I'll tell you," I sat on his lap and kissed his lips, "after..." I leaned him back again and he smirked, kissing me harder.

"Wait," he pulled his lips away, "What about thing 1 and 2?"

I giggled, "they're in the pool. And the rest of my family is downstairs. No one ever comes upstairs." I kissed his lips again and he unhooked my bra, tossing it to the side as he moved on top of me.

He took his jeans off as he kissed me, my hands travelled down his back and he gripped my waist. I closed my eyes as he pulled my panties off and I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now