Chapter 7

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"Mona!" I heard down the hall. I walked faster as Ponyboy tried to catch up to me. I didn't realize his speed though so he quickly caught me. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around. "I've been looking for you all day. You weren't in first, but I talked to Johnny and he said he seen you already."

"Yeah, I skipped first," I began walking to the parking lot again.

"Are you mad about the other day? Mona I'm sorry, I would have gone to your car with you but I had Soda and Dally all pissed."

"No, Pony, it's fine." I smiled at him. "I met your friend Curly."

"Oh no," he followed next to me. "What'd he do?"

"Just flirt with me a little bit. Then Dally told him to back off because of you." I got into my car and Ponyboy got in the passenger seat.

Pony chuckled, "Dal stood up for us? So he may not hate you after all."

I rolled my eyes, "the jerk still told Curly what an awful Soc I am."

"Just don't listen to Dally," he smiled and turned the radio on. "Now hurry up and drive before you have to let the others hitch a ride too." He chuckled.

I smiled and drove to his place. We walked in and Dally was sitting on the couch watching tv. He glanced at us and glared at me. I smiled a little but sighed. Ponyboy latched his hand to mine and we walked down the hall, into his bedroom.

"After you left, I got Sodapop to come to terms with it. My older brother Darry didn't really mind in the first place, he wants to meet you though."

"I wish my older brother approved of this," I sat on his bed. "He's never liked me dating though so I don't expect him to warm up to us just yet."

A smile came to Ponyboy's face and he began changing his shirt like normal. I grabbed the second shirt out of his hand before he put it on and pulled him towards me. He grinned and kissed my lips.

"So we're dating?" Ponyboy perched above me.

I smiled and swung the t-shirt around his neck and pulled his face closer, indicating a yes. Ponyboy pulled at the knot that my shirt was tied in as we kissed. I allowed the shirt to fall off my shoulders. Ponyboy took my top away and tossed it to the floor, then began kissing my neck and collarbone.

I dropped Ponyboy's shirt and closed my eyes. "I feel weird with Dally being in the house, Pone," I breathed out. "Could you make him leave before-" I squealed a little as he lifted my skirt.

"The other guys are going to be home any minute anyway," he shrugged his shoulders.

I sat up and moved away, "let's go to my place then. I don't want to do this in a full house."

Ponyboy reached over and handed me my shirt. I tied it back on and waited for Ponyboy to get his shirt on. He grabbed my hand and opened the door. Dally looked at us as we left the house. I don't feel so guilty anymore. Since me and Pony weren't together when me and Dally slept together, I have no reason to be ashamed of what me and Dally did. No one can know still.

"If anyone asks, tell them we went for a drive," Ponyboy said to Dally. I snickered and me and Ponyboy went out to my car.


"We should get back to my house, Mona," Ponyboy began putting his clothes back on. "My oldest brother will be home soon. I don't care if the rest of them know were here but Darry is pretty strict on me."

I agreed and put a new change of clothes on. We went to my car but before we got in, I kissed him again.

"You-" I heard a girl's voice.

Me and Ponyboy both turned around. I looked at Ponyboy thinking she was talking to him. "That's Dally's girlfriend." Ponyboy told me. "Hey, Sylvia."

"Not you, Ponyboy. Her." She crossed her arms. "She slept with Dallas."

Ponyboy let go of my hand and looked at me, "what?"

I put on a mask and frowned, "Dally hates me. Why would he want to have sex with me?"

Sylvia laughed, "I broke up with him and he went running to "hot bartender". Dallas doesn't care who you are if he's going to have sex with you. You slept with him."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know where you got that idea, but Dally can't stand looking at me long enough. I'm sorry you broke up but don't push that onto me." Me and Ponyboy got into the car. I drove off but grabbed Pony's hand. "I don't know what her issue was."

"Dally's told us how crazy she can get," he looked at me then out the window. "I can't imagine you with Dal though."

I parked by his house and we went inside. The boys inside, except for Dally and his brothers began cheering as we walked in. Pony let go of my hand and got visibly embarrassed.

"This must be Mona," a guy I've never seen before came from the kitchen. I tucked hair behind my ear knowing it was Darry.


"How was he?" Two-bit shouted at us with laughter.

Darry snapped his head toward Two-bit, a sign telling him to shut his mouth. Darry looked at me a moment longer and nodded his head. "Keep Pony out of trouble, will ya?"

"The only trouble they're getting into together is within the sheets," Steve cackled. Two-bit joined in on the laughter and Johnny tried not to laugh.

"Actually, Dally, we ran into Sylvia. We didn't know you guys broke up." Ponyboy mentioned. I crossed my finger in hopes Dally would play along correctly.

"Ah, yeah, man. The chick got mad I haven't been spending all the time in the world with her. Who cares anyway." He sipped a beer can and stayed looking at the tv.

I spoke this time, "she thinks we slept together. She was pretty adamant that it was me."

Dally nearly choked on his beer. He looked at me and laughed. "Yeah, I slept with you." He shook his head while laughing.

"You may want to set her straight, Dal." Ponyboy walked to the couch and sat down. I followed and sat next to him. This is going to be a long night.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now