Chapter 11

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"Mona," I was being shaken awake by Ponyboy. "Mona it's almost midnight."

"Fuck," I yawned and sat up. Ponyboy tossed me my keys. "Darry is understanding, right?"

Ponyboy looked at me for a long moment, "he thinks we were here having sex, Mona. And he isn't going to believe that we didn't. Let's go."

I stood up and we went to my car. I drove Ponyboy to his house. "I'm gonna leave you to talk to them alone," I leaned over and kissed Pony after seeing the lights in the house still on. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"There may not be a tomorrow," he chuckled. The door opened and Darry stood there.


"See ya," I kissed his lips again and he got out.

Ponyboy's POV

The other guys were inside too, not just Darry and Sodapop. I tried walking to my bedroom to ignore what was coming for me but Darry quickly began the lecture.

"I gave you a curfew and you're an hour late," Darry said to me. "We know what you were doing and that isn't an excuse, Ponyboy."

"We fell asleep," I muttered.

"Yeah right," Dally laughed from the couch. I leaned against the wall and sighed, "I talked to Mona when she came downstairs and she was getting the condoms you forgot in the car."

"We didn't use them," I got uncomfortable. "We didn't have sex."

"I don't care if you did, Pone. I care that you're an hour late." Darry ignored Dally.

"We didn't though! She came back upstairs and I-"

"We don't care if you fell asleep or had sex, Ponyboy, that's not the point," Sodapop walked towards me. "Darry told you when to be home."

"Okay. I get it," I sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Maybe she isn't that good of an influence on you, Ponyboy. She reminds me of a girl version of Dal," Darry put his hand on my shoulder, "it's cool that you're so comfortable around this girl but you don't act the same when she's around."

I glanced at Dally and he was smirking at Darry's statement. "We're not saying break up with her, but you still need priority." Sodapop said.

"Why can't she be a priority?" I huffed.

"Because you're forgetting about everything else. You've skipped track to hang out with her after school all week. You don't hang out with Johnny anymore. Sodapop and you have been at each others throats since you met her. You've changed."

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "I don't know why you all hate her."

"I love her," Two-bit commented. Steve nodded in agreement.

"You guys love her car," I mumbled.

"No really, Ponyboy. As much as I hate to admit it, that chick of yours is pretty fun." Steve chuckled.

"I don't know," Dally stood up. "She's a Soc, Pony. How do you know she won't go out and cheat on you or something? Hell, I bet anything she'd sleep with me if I didn't hate her so much."

I looked at him and frowned, "why'd you even say that?"

"Just sayin', man. The girl seems like that type." Dally grinned and walked out. I went to follow him but Darry grabbed my shoulder and kept me back.

I shoved myself away from Darry and looked at everyone else in the room, "did she..."

"Don't, Pony. Not tonight," Darry groaned.

"Sylvia wasn't lying," I walked out the door and stood at the edge of the fence to see Dally walking down the sidewalk. "You slept with Mona?!"

Dally's turned and walked backwards, still with the same wrenched smirk on his face. "I ain't lay a hand on that chick, Ponyboy. I'm looking out for you, man." He turned back around and pulled a cigarette out.

"Go to bed, Ponyboy. Sort this out at school tomorrow," Sodapop yawned from the door. "Come on."

"She slept with him..." I walked towards Sodapop. "Why would Dallas even-" I stopped my own sentence and shook my head. I needed sleep.


"Hey," I seen Mona walking towards us at the lunch table. "You weren't in first, Pony." She tried to kiss my cheek but I moved out of the way. She sat down anyway... the guys weren't about to say anything in fear of causing an argument. "You okay, Ponyboy? Look if I got you in trouble I'm sorry."

"You slept with Dally?" I didn't look at her when I spoke but I heard her gasp. "Why'd you do it, Mona? Why'd you have sex with him then get together with me?"

"We didn't-" she stuttered. "Dally hates me."

"I can tell when Dally's proud of something. He hides a lot of things but his pride in boning girls ain't one of them."

"I'm telling you, Ponyboy-"

I sighed and looked at her, "admit that you slept with Dally, Mona. I saw the look in his eyes when we spoke about you. He was more hesitant to tell us how much he hates you." I shook my head, "it's because you let him-"

"I didn't cheat on you Ponyboy!" She gained tears in her eyes. "It was a mistake before you and I got together. You weren't supposed to find out."

I scoffed and pushed my tray of food away from me, "they were right, Mona. Us Greasers just shouldn't be trusting Socs."

"I didn't cheat on you."

"You know I never would have slept with you if I knew about you and Dallas. I don't want to be that guys competition, Mona, go." I looked away from her now that she was crying. The rest of the guys stayed quiet and seconds later Dally came to the table with his lunch. She stood up and walked away crying.

"Finally, you dumped the chick?" Dally chuckled like he had just forgotten that I was pissed at him. I stood up.

"Have her, Dal. Ain't gotta worry a thing about me anymore." I stood up and walked away, leaving my food at the table.

Mona's POV

He was never supposed to know what me and Dally did. None of the guys were and both me and Dally expressed that. He said if I hurt Ponyboy he'd get me, but looks to me that Dally is the one who caused the damage. Knowing I'm the Soc though, the blame is now on me. I don't even want Dal anymore. He's an over confident ass who thinks he can get away with anything. Not with me though. Not after what he did to my relationship with Ponyboy. I mean after me and Ponyboy started dating I didn't even want to think about Dally. He wasn't even on my radar except when I felt his eyes on the back of my head or when he made a snark comment while I was in the room. Ponyboy is the one I want to be with. Dally was the mistake.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now