Chapter 36

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Dally headed down the stairs after I explained the rest of my plan to him. He acted all mad as he walked around trying to find Sodapop and Steve. I saw Nelson direct him then my mom began walking upstairs to come find me. I also told him about Meyer and Sylvia which contributed to him acting mad. He didn't take the news well and he actually is angry about that.

I sat on my couch and stared forward. My mom came into my room and sighed, "oh, Mona..."

"I don't want to talk," I turned away and wiped my eyes as I brought fake tears to them.

She sighed and sat next me me, "going through a break up is hard."

"I'm fine, Mother." I stood up. "I rather you set me up with the boy of your choice then sit here and dwell. And I hope you make Meyer and Dally's ex girlfriend break up. She's just as much a hood as Dally is." I looked at her. "I hope you're happy." I walked out of the room.

Nelson had keys in his hand and was waiting for me at the door. I walked out with him and got in the car to go get my things from Buck's. Right after we pulled out of the driveway I seen Steve, Sodapop and Dally go to Steve's car.


Inside Buck's Nelson helped me carry things down to the car. Once we had everything out, I gave my key to Buck and thanked him. I then told Nelson he could take my stuff home because I still have my car here and I have to drive it home.

I waited for Dally upstairs after Nelson left. When I saw him coming up I smiled, "it's working so far!" I cheered.

"I'm gonna miss you living here," he locked his hand with mine and pulled me inside his room, pressed me against the door and kissed me. "Are you sure about that last part of the plan though?" He sighed.

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around his neck, "If we do it they would want us to stay together." I smiled at him. "I love you, Dally."

He nodded his head and kissed my lips. I opened his door and went downstairs, got in my car and drove home.


I was out hanging with Ponyboy and Two-bit. They heard about me and Dally "breaking up". We decided to tell everyone that we broke up just so it's really believable. It'll be harder on me and Dally to keep our relationship a secret, but there will be no chance in us getting caught if someone exposes us. The only person who will know is Buck because he'll see me over at his place.

"I thought you would have been more upset," Ponyboy said to me.

I shrugged, "I knew it would happen. Dally is probably already moved on."

"No he says he misses you," Two-bit chuckled. "Usually with Sylvia he acted cool about her leaving him."

"I don't want to talk about this," I sipped my coke. "My mom set up a date for me though... and Meyer is being shipped out to a correctional military school soon. Probably for a year."

"When's your date?" Ponyboy asked.

"Saturday. He's taking me to a museum," I rolled my eyes. "He's a football player so I doubt a museum is actually what he wants to take me to but our parents have expectations."

"Your dad told me that he's moving back in with your mom?" Ponyboy chuckled. "That means I'll be over more often."

"Yeah," I smiled. "We have a bigger yard anyways."

"Man, the guys wouldn't shut up about how big your house is," Two-bit shook his head.

I chuckled, "well it is pretty big."

"And you guys have 14 workers?" Pony asked.

I nodded, "we have Nelson who is our main worker. He gets paid the most and his wife and kids live at the house, five cleaning crew members, a nurse, three guards, two chefs, a pool boy and a seamstress/designer. They all can choose to live at the house with us but most choose to have their own homes."

"You know who they should hire? Me." Ponyboy joked.

I laughed, "when you turn 16 I could ask Nelson to ask my parents. We could probably find some work for you."

"Me too!" Two-bit piped up.

I laughed, "I'm not allowed to hire people so don't ask me. You'd have to talk to Nelson. Nelson would then talk to my parents."

"Couldn't I just ask your dad?" Ponyboy asked. "He is my trainer anyways."

"No," I shook my head, "it's unprofessional."

"Your dad doesn't seem like the professional type," Ponyboy laughed.

I nodded, "I know, but when we run a mansion there has to be order. Nelson is like family now and since you'd be working with him everything has to go through him to get to my parents. My mom would be the one approving you. I don't know if she'd take my friends though," I shrugged. "We haven't hired anyone new in years. Everyone we have now has been with us since I was a kid. They just followed us when we moved."

"And they said it's all blood money?" Pony asked.

I nodded my head, "What you saw my dad living in was basically what we could afford without the family inheritance. Still a pretty big house but just average. Since both my parents got blood money from generations and generations on both sides of the family, it's all accumulated into being able to afford what we have. It's why my parents find it so important for me to marry rich. They don't want the money to leave the family. I guess Jack, the guy they set me up with has just as much blood money above his head as I do."

Two-bit stood up, "I hope you like this Jack guy then. Because Dally sure ain't happy about your breakup."

"Yeah well," I stood up as well, and Ponyboy followed, "Sylvia and my brother are dating so that can be contributing to this all... I hope me and Dally could be friends still."

"I don't know, Mona. I mean your breakup wasn't like ours was. Dal actually loves you." We got in my car. "And Sylvia? With Meyer?"

"I know, Ponyboy," I sighed. "But there isn't much to do about this." They nodded and I drove to Ponyboy's house.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now