Chapter 25

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"You know as well as I do that Dally doesn't take to a relationship until it's confirmed that he has a girlfriend. And since you wouldn't let that happen, he had free range."

I didn't want to keep talking about Dally and I so I stood up and began walking around the garage, "whats all this stuff for?"

He chuckled at how I changed the subject, "various things, Mona."

"But like," I picked something up off a counter, "what could this possibly do?"

He walked to me, "those are Allen wrench pieces. They're for bolts and such." He took the thing out of my hand, "see the ends? They're hexagons so they only fit in a specific head. You wind it around and it unscrews or screws whatever it is in."

I smiled and looked at Steve. I don't know what got into me, but I leaned forward and kissed him. He instinctively kissed me back, he still had the wrenches in his hand but he pressed me against the counter and rested his hands on my waist. We kissed, but once I moved my hands to be rested on his chest he must have come to realization because he pulled away and rubbed his hand over his face. I then realized why he pulled away. Dally was standing in the doorway.

Steve walked away from me and silently started working on the car again, but he ended up getting frustrated so quickly after that, that he threw his tool down and stormed out of the garage. Dally was still staring at me.

After a long moment of silence I cleared my throat and walked to the door, "Don't say anything. I know what I did." I moved past him and seen Sodapop and Steve talking to each other. I made way for my car.

"What the hell happened, Mona?" Ponyboy and Two-bit followed me.

I looked at them both as I opened my door, "I kissed Steve."

"He has a girlfriend though-"

"I know." I got into my car, started it and drove off. I really fucked up.

I don't even like Steve. I just did it because I'm upset with the whole Dally thing. And Evie seems like a sweet girl despite first impressions so I'd never want to be a home wrecker. The kiss wasn't long. It was maybe twenty seconds before Steve moved away. I actually made good friends with these guys... and I really just ruined it. The kiss was wrong and I know that. I don't know what got into me when I did it.

I walked into the bar and seen Sylvia sitting at a table. I reached into my back pocket and put the necklace in front of her, "he's all yours." I muttered before walking upstairs.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, sighed deeply and began to fall asleep. My life was good for a moment, but I should have known good things don't last a lifetime for me. I self sabotage, and if I don't ruin something, my family does. Remarkable.

Dally's POV

I was standing in the doorway of the shop for quite sometime waiting for her to notice me. She hadn't yet because she was talking to Steve. The conversation was about me. I watched her pick up a tool and Steve explain it to her, then out of nowhere she kissed him. I saw the shock in his eyes but he did kiss her back. His eyes closed for a second but when they opened back up he saw me out of the corner of his eyes and broke the kiss. I couldn't move or say anything.

After she left Steve came to me, "Dal, I promise I-"

"Shut it," I mumbled as I walked by him. "I don't care, she's not my girlfriend."

"No, really, Dally. I'm happy with Evie I don't even think of Mona that way," Steve followed as I began walking down the street.

I turned around, "leave me alone, Steve! I don't fucking care that you kissed her!"

He flinched but ran his hands through his hair. I turned around again and walked away. When I reached the bar I was annoyed to see Sylvia sitting downstairs. I sat at the bar since she was at a table, but moments after I sat down she was in my ear.

"What'd you do to the girl?" She whispered in my ear as she pulled her stool closer to me.

I didn't say anything.

"C'mon, Dally. I know you did something," she still hadn't sat in the stool yet. She was standing close to me with her arm rested around my shoulders. "That girl doesn't just give back whats mine out of the blue." she opened her hand and my necklace was in her palm.

I stared at the necklace but when I reached for it Sylvia pulled her hand away and sat down. "It's mine, Dally. You know that."

I didn't even look at her, "I'm not doing this, Syl."

"But you are," she put her hand on my arm, "you know you are."

I didn't acknowledge her. I became angry every second she had the necklace in her grasp. She wore it all the time when we were dating but gave it back every time she cheated on me. Mona wore it for a different reason. To Sylvia it was a right of passage as my girlfriend to wear my most prized possession. To Mona, it's something more and we weren't even together and she wore it all the time.

"C'mon, Dally," Sylvia stood up again, "you're not with your little Soc... now that you're done playing house, come back to what you know."

"Leave me alone, Sylvia." I looked at her, "I don't want to be with you."

She chuckled, "you always want to be with me, Dally."

"I don't want you."

"Dally you've never not wanted me," she ran her hand down my arm. "We're great together."

I got up to walk away but she followed behind me, "Sylvia, for the last time, I do not want you."

"Sure you do," she insisted. "You've always wanted me."

"I found someone worth going back to," I walked up the stairs, "if you're not going to give me my necklace back, give it back to Mona."

"She told me that you're all mine, Dally."

I stopped at the top of the staircase and looked at Sylvia, "Mona doesn't decide who I'm going to love."

"Love?" Sylvia finally looked away from me. "Come on, Dally. You don't love."

"I don't love you. I never have and never will, Sylvia. Give me my necklace or give it to Mona," I opened my door but Sylvia grabbed my wrist.

She waited until I looked at her then put the necklace on, "you'll realize, Dally."

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant