Chapter 21

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Dally put his hand on my leg and didn't take his eyes off of me, "I probably deserve that... but I like you, Babe. I'm not gonna stop."

"Well I am." I glanced away and watched Ponyboy get into my car. "Dally I can't risk my family for you."

He chuckled, "If you don't want me meeting your parents, so be it. I want to be with you though."

I bit the inside of my cheek and frowned, "I did want you meeting them, but not after seeing you with Sylvia. I can't justify introducing you to my brother when you had another girl on you not long before."

"You act like I cheated on you, Mona. We aren't even together."

"It hurts, Dally. Knowing you'll always find your way back to her."

"You wanna know why, Mona? Why I keep going back to Sylvia? She's easy as hell, Mona. She doesn't question when I ask her to come to my room and she doesn't raise hell if I've been with another girl. She knows I much rather be with you than with her but she doesn't care because that's how easy she is. You and I could sit in your room and talk for hours, Mona, but I ain't had a conversation with her for longer than ten minutes." He completely ignored the fact that Ponyboy was with us now. "Mona, I love you. I... I don't know how or why but I do."

"Stop..." I muttered.

"Mona. He's serious," Ponyboy nudged me, "I've never heard him say that."

Dally glanced at him, looked mortified then looked back to me, "Mona, you do things to me... I've told you things about my mom that no one else knows, I..." he sighed and looked away. "You're not easy... and you make me think and make my heart beat fast. You-"

I leaned forward and kissed him. He seemed shocked but kissed me slowly. He got me out of the car and leaned me against it as we kissed. I pulled my face away and rested my forehead on his shoulder. I could hear Dally's heart beat, and yeah it was fast. Dally wrapped his arms around my torso and hugged me tight.

"Fuck it," I muttered. "Let's go to my moms house."

"Really?" He loosened the hug and looked at me.

I smiled, "if you'd get over yourself and get in my car. We'll take Pony so you're not alone."

"Are you still mad at me?" Dally moved away and ran his hands through his hair.

I got into the car, "yes. Now go change, asshole." I started the car. "We'll be waiting for you."

Ponyboy looked at me and chuckled, shook his head and turned the radio on. Dally got into the backseat after about ten minutes and we went on our way to the West Side.


"Your moms house..." Ponyboy stared at the white house with wide eyes. "Your dads house is like half of this."

"My mom works pretty hard," I chuckled and parked in the driveway. "Come on, boys."

"You left this place for where we live now?" Dally got out and leaned against the car. "Hell, I'd give an arm to live in a house like this."

"It comes with high expectations, Dal. Come on," we walked up the steps and I pressed on the doorbell.

My mom opened the door, smiled when she saw me but the smile quickly faded. "Jackie Mona Brown, I told you-"

"Momma... please." I looked back at the two boys, "they want to meet you."

"Which one is the delinquent?" She eyed both boys. Ponyboy snickered but Dally rolled his eyes. "Oh I see." She didn't wait for me to speak. "Come in, Pu'kin. I'll get Nelson to get you guys some drinks." She walked into the house so I led the boys in.

My mom's butler came around the corner in his usual suit and smiled at me, "my little Jackie!"

I felt my cheeks turn red. The boys don't really know my name is actually Jackie. That's one thing I've never told them. I hugged my mom's butler that has known me since I was a little girl and motioned toward Dally and Ponyboy.

"Nelson, this is Dallas and Ponyboy. They-"

"Which ones your boyfriend?" He cut right to the chase.

Dally rubbed the back of his neck but didn't say anything. "We aren't together, but uh, Dallas is sorta."

"Your mom went on a wild rampage of complaints after she got off the phone with you. She was so upset that you're in love with a criminal, but I think you picked good." He ruffled my hair and walked into the kitchen.

"He's not a criminal, Nelson," I sighed.

"I know, just has bad days, right?" Nelson repeated what I had told my mom and winked at me. "Seems to me like a guy like him needs a good girl like you in his life."

"Just get our drinks," I laughed and rolled my eyes. I walked back to Dally and took his hand, walking across the house to where I knew my mom had run off to. In our sunroom my mom sat looking quite unsatisfied.

"So this one must be the ex boyfriend that your father seems so in love with?" My mom asked while looking at Ponyboy. "Innocent looking, good enough choice, Mona."

I sat down so Dally sat next to me, "this is the guy I was telling you about, Momma."

My mom looked him over, "Mona told me about your necklace, where is it?" She examined Dally's neck but he reached over to me and pointed at it hanging around my neck.

"I let Mona wear it. My mom gave it to me for..." Dally drew his sentence out and I knew it was because Ponyboy was sitting there. I made eye contact with Ponyboy as Nelson set three drinks on the table in front of us. Ponyboy got the message and stood up, going inside. "I left New York to get away from my dad and my mom gave it to me. I wear it because it's the only thing I have of hers, but I like seeing it on Mona."

"I gave Mona hers because she isn't around her father and I every day," my mom seemed to be calming down. "You keeping my Mona safe?"

I smiled and locked hands with Dally under the table. Dally let out a soft laugh and nodded, "yeah. Ain't no one gonna think to hurt Mona."

"You ever hurt Mona?"

Dally glanced at our hands and nodded his head, "yes. I did wrong and made her cry before we came here... but I assured her right."

"He really did, Momma," I spoke. "Dally told me he loves me. He ain't ever said that to someone before."

My mom leaned back in her chair and sipped her drink, "You had a fight and still came to see me? What about?"

I spoke before Dally did, "another girl. His ex actually, but," I looked at Dally. "I'm not worried. Trust, Momma. Dally is good to me."

"Does he get along with your brother?"

"We haven't met. I hear he isn't fond of Mona dating though so we're going to introduce me as a friend until we actually start going out." Dally explained.

"Good. Meyer really cares about you, Mona. I need your brother to like him."

I sighed, "Meyer doesn't like anyone."

"If he sees your father like him, he'll eventually warm up to him. Too bad your father-"

"Not now, Momma. You can talk all the crap about Father to your friends but I don't want to hear it." I glanced around and seen Nelson standing at the door waiting for a task. "Nelson, can you send my friend back out here?"

"Yes, ma'am," he turned and moments later Ponyboy was walking through the door again. He sat back down.

"You, boy," my mom looked at Ponyboy, "you get along with her father and brother?"

"Yes, her dad coaches me in football and if Meyer isn't with his own friends he hangs out with me if I'm there."

"Good," she stood up. "Make sure Meyer and this boy get along. If sweet Mona loves him, he must me something because she's never been so passionate about a boy."

My mother walked inside, ending the conversation and also giving us our cue to leave.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now