Chapter 40

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11 Months Later

Mona's POV

I spun around the corner with my boyfriend Wallace following me. I was laughing hard but he was telling me to be quiet as the guards chased us. I giggled quietly and he put his hand over my mouth as we pressed ourselves against the wall of the building we were next to. He kept his hand over my mouth until we seen the guards run by, yelling to spread out and find us.

"You're crazy," he pulled me close and kissed my lips, "we've never had girls like you here."

I locked my hands with his and smiled, "my parents sent me here for a reason."

"I thought you said it was because of your boyfriend back home?" He kissed my lips more as we walked deeper into the alleyway.

I wrapped myself around his arm and held his hand, resting my head on his shoulder, "that was the main reason. But my brother was being sent here, so they must have enjoyed the thought of having both us gone for a year."

He rested against the wall and let out a sigh, "that reminds me, we go home in less than 30 days, babe."

I nodded then looked away, "I promised myself I would love Dally forever. I don't know how to tell him I'm done..."

"Mona, get your ass over here," Meyer found us.

I smiled and kissed Wallace, "I'll see you later." I ran down the alley and began walking past Meyer.

"Jackie Mona, I'm serious," Meyer followed me.

"I get it, Meyer. You're tired of me misbehaving. I'm sorry I don't want drill sergeants up my ass all the time." I pulled my skirt down so it was at regulating length and fixed my popped collar. "You May like it here but I wanna go home."

"Mona just stop and listen to me," his voice cracked.

I turned around to look at him. He was crying. I frowned and walked to him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. I looked around and no one was chasing me anymore. The guards were looking at me, but nothing was happening. Everyone around us was staring.

"What's going on?" I looked at Meyer again and my heart began racing.

"We're going home, Mona," he held my hands, "Mother and Father-" he stopped speaking for a moment, "They're dead, Mona. There was a fire at the cabin they were staying at and-"

"Wait what?" I felt tears come to my eyes, "when did you find out?"

"While the guards were chasing you and Wallace around," he took his hand and wiped my cheek, wiping the tears away. "We leave tomorrow."

I let go of him and began walking away. That walk quickly turned into a run as my emotion caught up to me. I heard Wallace calling my name as I ran out of the courtyard and towards the girl's housing. I entered my room and my roommates were sitting on their beds.

"Mona," one got off her bed and approached me, "hey we're here for you."

"Stop," I pulled out my suitcase and began stuffing it, "Leave me alone."

The door opened and Meyer walked in with Wallace, which was odd to see since boys aren't allowed anywhere near the girl housing. Wallace grabbed me away from packing my bags and held me in a hug. Meyer sat on my bed and continued packing my things for me.

"Why me," I sobbed and took my hat off, throwing it to the ground.

The door opened again and my housing director was standing with my sergeant. They didn't say anything, but began taking my bags out of the room. When they were finally leaving, the held the door open for Wallace to leave as well.

"I'll come see you before you leave," he kissed my head and walked out.

"I'm sorry, Mona," Meyer sighed. "I know you're probably going to break up with Wallace..."

"Why would I do that?" I looked at him.

"Because we live in Oklahoma and he's going back to New York, Mona." Meyer stood up, "and you won't see each other for at least another month while he finishes school here."

"I love him though," I turned around, "I don't care about Dallas anymore. I'm over him so shouldn't you be happy?"

"That's until you go back home and actually have contact with him again, Mona. Then you're going to be upset when he finds out that you cheated on him while you were here and he won't be with you anymore."

I turned to him, "you don't think Dallas is home sleeping with every girl who crosses his path, huh?! You don't think Sylvia is off cheating on you with Dallas, do you?!" I yelled. "It's been a year, Meyer. Sylvia is not the girl you think she is and I've been telling you that for a year. I'll be surprised if they aren't together when we go home, especially since they won't be expecting us for another month." I opened the door for him to leave, "I'll see you when we leave for the airport."

"Mona," he sighed, "I was-"

"Go, Richard!" I yelled. He nodded and walked out.


Early the next morning when everyone was getting ready for the school day, Wallace showed up at my door. I was wearing normal clothes now, unlike what he's used to seeing me in. I had makeup on and my hair was done how I used to do it so he smiled at me.

"You look good, Mona," he welcomed me into a hug.

I kissed him gently then locked my hand with his, "we need to talk."

"I know," he sighed.

"Wallace Joan, get to class!" One of the sergeants shouted from across the courtyard. He obviously ignored it and continued walking me to the gate.

"Since I'm going back to Tulsa, and you are staying here then going back to your home in New York, I think we both know that this is the end..." I sighed.

"What if I move to Tulsa?" He stopped when we reached the gate.

I shook my head, "I have way more to worry about, Wallace. My parent's will is now in my name. All of their businesses are for me and Meyer now. I have a house to run." I explained. I turned my head and seen a limo, then Nelson getting out of the car. My eyes lit up and I ran to the gate, they pulled it open and I tackled him in a hug.

"How's life been, Mona?" He smiled at me, tucking his hands behind his back again.

"Well how good can life get right now, huh?" I joked. "Nelson, this is my boyfriend Wallace," We walked back in the gate, "Wallace, this is our butler."

Nelson bowed and nodded at Wallace and he chuckled, "you never told me you had a butler, or ride in a limo!"

I shrugged, "we don't always ride in limos." I turned to Nelson, "Prepare the house for our arrival and make sure news of Mother and Father don't hit the papers until we say so. I don't want anyone knowing we're home." Nelson turned to the guards and they nodded, leading him to the phone.

Meyer approached us so I hugged him tight, "I'm sorry about last night," I muttered.

"You were upset, I understand," he combed his fingers through my hair, "I do have some thoughts, Mona. About the house... about the will."

"So do I," I pulled away from the hug. "When we get home we can discuss it."

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ