Chapter 9

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Mona's POV

Me and Ponyboy talked all day about things we didn't know about each other. We made out a couple times in between but that's what to come of a new relationship. We did end up passing Dally on the stairs on our way up here which made me feel awkward, but Ponyboy didn't notice the tension.

Around four, I drove Ponyboy back to his house so I could help him get ready to meet my dad. Aka, fix his hair and get him his nicer clothes on. I made him actually wash the grease out of his hair. He began pouting as he watched his hair dry fluffy.

"Come on, Ponyboy. You look handsome," I sat on the bathroom counter as Ponyboy stared at himself in the mirror.

Darry came in the bathroom and laughed at his brother, "what'd she do to you?"

Ponyboy rolled his eyes and handed me the can of hair grease. "Please fix my hair."

I rolled my eyes and pulled him so he was standing between my legs. His brother chuckled and rolled his eyes as he left us.

"I like your hair," I sighed and put a small amount of grease into my hand. "You look so much older without the grease."

"Yeah? I don't care," he pulled my torso forward and kissed my neck. "Just fix my hair, Mona."

"Yes dear," I teased and began combing my hands through his brown hair. The end look was purposefully messy looking. Wisps of hair fell into his eyes and there was a significantly less grease in his hair than normal. I could tell how much he wanted to take a comb and fix his hair to be slicked back but I wouldn't let him. "Now put your nicer clothes on. We gotta go."

"Okay, okay," he rolled his eyes and swung the bathroom door shut to change. While he changed I adjusted my hair in the mirror. "Ready," he popped the collar of his shirt so I looked at him and laughed.

"No, Pone." I flattened the collar of his white button up and handed him his black leather jacket. I'm not trying to make him look like a Soc like my dad would like. I still want him to look like himself.

I grabbed Ponyboy's hand and we walked out of the bathroom. Everyone except Sodapop, who I guess was with his girlfriend, was sitting in the living room. Two-bit wolf whistled at Ponyboy and I and Darry went to mess with Ponyboy's hair. Pony ducked out of the way though which caused me to laugh.

"I spent a lot of time making his hair look like this," I explained. "We gotta go though."

"Have him back by eleven, Mona!" Darry shouted as we walked out the door. Ponyboy and I both let out a chuckle and we got in my car.


At my dads house Ponyboy gave me a long kiss on the lips before we got out of the car. I smiled and turned the car off. We got out and went to the door. I opened it but kept my other hand locked with Pony's.

"Mona, darling," my dad came from the kitchen, "you look lovely as always."

I gave him a big hug and smiled, "Father, this is my boyfriend."

"What's your name, son?" My dad stuck his hand out in front of Ponyboy.

Ponyboy shook my dad's hand, "It's Ponyboy, sir."

My dad looked at me for a moment but quickly dismissed it and decided to bring it up later. "Good to meet you. Glad to see my Mona is happy."

"Very happy, Father," I grabbed Ponyboy by the hand and walked to the bottom of the staircase. "Meyer!" I called out.

Moments later my brother was coming down the stairs. He hugged me but rolled his eyes at the sight of Ponyboy. "Just the other day you claimed you weren't together, Mona. What happened?"

I followed Meyer to the couch, "we just thought about it, that's all."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure y'all didn't sleep together to make it the deciding factor, huh? I know our little Mona would never," he sat back. Ponyboy was hesitant to sit next to me but I pulled him down anyway.

I looked at Meyer, then my dad who was in the kitchen and couldn't hear us. "Look, Meyer. All that matters is that we're happy."

"You are having sex then," Meyer scoffed. "You don't need a boyfriend, Mona."

"There are plenty of worse guys ive met that I could have chosen, Meyer but I chose the smart one without a record, okay?"

"Whatever," Meyer stood up and walked into the kitchen to help my dad.

Ponyboy looked at me for a moment then squeezed my hand. "I know I'm not who they want me to be, Mona. That's fine."

"My dad likes you, Ponyboy. I can tell," I turned towards him and took his jacket off of him. "Meyer just needs to adjust to me having a guy that isn't him. Before Tulsa I only ever had girl friends so he never saw me with a boy."

Ponyboy put his hand on my leg and kissed my lips. "How old is Meyer?"

"Seventeen. He's a year older than me. It's why we get along so well," I glanced at Meyer who was now sitting at the dining table. "He begged me to stay with my dad so we could be together, but I couldn't choose."

"So he goes to our school?" Ponyboy asked.

I shook my head, "he didn't want to change schools so he drives so far to school every morning. He could go to our school though."

"Mona, come to the table." My dad said from the kitchen.

Me and Ponyboy stood up and walked to the table. Pony and I sat beside each other while my dad and Meyer sat across from us.

"You two remind me of the relationship I had with your mom, Mona." My dad put plates in front of us and sat down.

I looked at my dad, surprised to hear him talk about my mom. "Really?"

"Yeah. Hopefully you guys make it further in life than your mom and I did though."

"They're just kids, dad. My last girlfriend lasted for a month."

I glared at Meyer and held Ponyboy's hand under the table. I could tell he was nervous by the way his hands were sweating. "We're just happy to be together."

"So, son," my dad talked to Ponyboy. "What do your folks think of Mona?"

Ponyboy looked at me, then my dad, then Meyer. I saw the look in his eyes so I unlocked my hand with his and looked at my dad. "Excuse him." I nodded at Ponyboy which gave him the okay to get up and walk away.

My dad cocked his head and looked puzzled and my brother scoffed. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed deeply. I should have mentioned Ponyboy's parents to them.

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