Chapter 19

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I walked into my room and Dally was laying on my bed without his shirt on. He had a knife in his hand and was swirling it between his fingers casually. I set my keys down and closed the door.

"Now it's strange seeing you on my bed again," I smiled and walked towards him. He put the knife down on the nightstand and looked at me.

"I figured you'd need to get used to it again," he smiled at me.

I looked at his chest and saw bruising on his ribs. I frowned and sat at the edge of my bed, "whats this?"

"I got in it with the wrong guys," He grabbed my hand when I reached to touch the bruise. "I'm fine."

"I know you are," I sighed and pulled my hand away from his. "You're always fine."

He chuckled and put his hand on my leg, "C'mere."

"Listen," I got off my bed, "I may like you, but I really don't want this going anywhere."

Dally sighed and looked at the ceiling, "why, Mona?"

"I just don't..."

"What have I done to you? I've made up for all the crap I said when we first met so why don't-"

"It's not you, Dally." I sighed, "trust me, it isn't you."

He sat up, "you were quick to get in a relationship with Ponyboy, so why not me?"

"I..." I looked for an excuse. "Ponyboy's different"

Dally scoffed and put his shirt on, "I gotta go."

"No," I walked to him and sat on his lap, "don't leave."

"There are plenty of other girls who'd like to be with me, Mona. Go be with Ponyboy if he's so different."

"Don't be like that," I sighed. "I meant he's someone who my parents would accept. You've never met my brother either... he's picky about who I'm with, hell it took him long enough to like Ponyboy. He only warmed up after me and him broke up."

"So you barely want to kiss me because of what your parents would think of me? I already expect shit from parents, especially because yours are Socs. If I cared so much I'd stop going after you."

I sighed and got off him, "I like my parents knowing who I'm in a relationship with. And they won't like you."

"So for over three months you've avoided your feelings for me just because mommy and daddy won't like me?" Dally walked to the door, "if you're so afraid of them disowning you and not sending you money anymore, why don't you go live with them? You're taking up space here." He left my room closing the door behind him.

I sighed and laid down on my bed. "Of course..." I muttered to myself. I grabbed the phone and dialed my mom's number.

"Hey, pu'kin," she said as she picked up. I guess she knew it was me because of the time I was calling. "Everything okay?"

"No," I played with the cord, "Momma I really like this guy... and I think he likes me a lot too but we just got in a small fight."

"Oh, Mona," she sighed. "What was it about?"

I was hesitant to start explaining so I didn't, "Momma, if I had a boyfriend you'd want to meet him right away, right?"

"Well of course. I need to know if he's right for you."

I sighed, "I want this guy to be my boyfriend, Momma. He's been wanting to ask me out for a while but I keep saying no because I don't think you and Father will approve."

"Well what's he like, Pu'kin?"

"He just got out of jail..." I muttered.

I heard her sigh on the other end before she spoke, "you're wanting to be with a hood?"

"Momma, he's real nice. When I first started school I met this real sweet boy and introduced him to Father and Meyer but we broke up before I could introduce him to you," I paused. "Father really liked that boy and me and that boy are still friends. But this other guy, the one that just got out of jail, him and my ex are friends and when I first got here he didn't like me because he thought I was just like all the other West side kids."

"Mona where is this going?" My mom interrupted. I could tell she was tired with hearing me ramble about the situation. "I don't want you being with a criminal, Mona."

"He's not a criminal, he just... he has rough days."

"Rough days turns into rough months and years in jail. I don't want you around that kind of influence. Where are his parents?" She was now angry.

I sighed, "he ran away from his dad... he used to live in New York but his mom told him to never come back."

"What kind of mother-"

"Momma he was in danger. Before he left his mom gave him a silver St. Christopher just like the one you gave me."

My mom scoffed, "his mother should have gone with him instead of sending him out on his own. Mona I don't want you dating that boy."

"What if you met him? I already told him that you and Father and Meyer have to like him before we start dating-"

"Your father likes everyone as long as they can play football."

"Momma, please..." I said softer. "We get along really well and we talked every week while he was in jail. I think he could love me."

"Boys like that don't love, Mona."

"How would you know?!" I yelled into the phone. "You've dated one man in your life and he turned out to be-"

"Jackie Mona!" My mom shouted, "do not yell at your mother!"

"You won't even give him a chance!"

"Thugs don't deserve a chance with pretty girls like you. I'm done talking about this, Mona Brown."

"Because if he doesn't come with his own Mercedes and a Checkbook, you don't want him for me!"

She abruptly hung up so I slammed the phone into place. I began crying and that's how my night ended.

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