Chapter 26

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I stared at Sylvia as she spoke to me, "I'm who you belong with, Dally. You may love her money, but this is me who you're rejecting for it."

"Sylvia," I felt myself getting angry, "go away."

She walked close to me, "look at me, Dally. Who's out here right now? That bitch would have walked away the first time you told her to, but I know you enough to know that you don't want me to go away."

"Because she respects what I ask of her," I put my hand on Sylvia's shoulder, "if you don't give back that necklace by the end of today, I will find you."

"You won't hurt me," she grinned. "You love me."

I laughed, "that's real funny, Sylvia. Get the hell out of my face."

She leaned closer to my face and touched my arm, "babe," she grinned before leaning in to kiss me.

I shoved her away from me and she was sent to the wall of the hallway. "Do you think this is a joke to you, Sylvia!?"

She adjusted herself and scoffed, "I'm trying to show you what's best-"

"Shut the hell up! You don't know what I want, Sylvia."

She made a mistake in walking closer to me again so I pushed her into my room. She only grinned so I slammed the door shut.

"See?" She walked to me, put her arms around me and kissed me.

I hit her as I pushed her away from me and she backed up slowly with her hands on her face. She glanced at herself in the mirror and lightly touched her cheek where it had turned red. Her eyes teared up for a second but she wiped that away and sniffled.

"It's okay, I know I've made you mad," she took her hands from her face, "you love me and you know it."

"I don't fucking love you!" I walked towards her and she backed up until she was against the wall. I didn't want to hit her again because I regretted it the first time, but I found my hand raising as she stared up at me. My eyes had a burning sensation... I was crying.

"Dally!" I turned around and Mona was standing in the doorway.

"Mona," I wiped my eyes and stepped away from Sylvia.

Mona's POV

I woke up to yelling and the voice was Dally, so I knew he was yelling at Sylvia. And last time I caught him yelling at Sylvia he almost hit her because you know... I just don't blame him. I went into his room and he had her backed up against the wall, his hand raised to hit her just like last time.

"Dally!" I yelled in hopes he wouldn't do it.

He brought his hand down and turned around. He was crying. "Mona..."

As Sylvia walked by me with tears in her eyes I noticed the red on her face. He already hit her once. I walked to Dally but he stepped away from me, turned around and wiped his eyes.

"It's okay to cry, Dally," I grabbed his wrist, "this isn't you..."

"I know," he walked past me and sat on his bed.

"She deserves it despite that," I walked to him, "she needs some sense knocked into her."

"I'm tired of fighting with you and Sylvia nagging me," he didn't look at me. "I couldn't get the necklace back."

I sighed and put my hand on his cheek, "I'll get you the necklace back, but I don't want it, Dally. I like you a lot but you're not worth it."

He stood up and went into the bathroom to rinse his face. He wiped himself with a towel then looked at me, "can you leave?"

I nodded my head, sighed as I looked at him then walked out the door. I went down the stairs to see if I could catch Sylvia before she went out. I saw her at the bar so I tapped her shoulder. When she turned she scoffed and sipped her drink.

"What'dy want, priss," she asked me.

I sat in the stool next to her, "Dally's necklace."

She began laughing and put it in front of me, "this ol thing? It's mine now."

I thought for a moment then ran upstairs, came downstairs with a wad of cash and put it in front of her, "it's yours if you give me the necklace."

Dally's ruthless ex girlfriend glanced at me, laughed loudly and put the necklace in my hand, "you blew all this for a $4 necklace? Didn't know Dally'd go for someone so stupid."

I ran upstairs ignoring the fact that the money was my rent money from my parents this month. I went into my room and put the necklace on my dresser, laid down and celebrated by going to sleep.


I entered the Curtis house and they greeted me with smiles. Steve wasn't really looking at me outside of the initial smile but I didn't blame him. I felt really awkward about what I had done too. It wasn't necessary, he has a girlfriend and I don't even like him. I just did it because I was rebounding off of my anger at Dally.

Speaking of, yes Dallas was inside. He didn't look at me at all, not even a hello or smile so I figured he was either mad at me or scared I was gonna say something about what I walked in on. Which I would never do. I know Dally doesn't like to be known to cry, and I know it's probably the first and last time I'll ever see it, but I would never tell all his friends. Same with when he hit Sylvia. I would never tell them because it's not my business and frankly, the bitch deserved it. Better from the man she was obsessing over than from anyone else. Dally needed out and he found that was the only way.

𝘑𝘜𝘚𝘛 𝘈𝘙𝘖𝘜𝘕𝘋 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘖𝘙𝘕𝘌𝘙 ·Dallas Winston· [Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now